A review by novelheartbeat
Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone by J.K. Rowling



ABOUT TIME, RIGHT?! *coughs* Yeah, it took me long enough, I know. Honestly though, I'd seen all of the movies, so I knew the gist of it (yes, I know, books always have more detail than the movies), so I had no desire to read them. I've been meaning to forever, I just...couldn't bring myself to. Until finally, I drew it from my TBR jar!

I'm going to be honest, I had actually tried reading this a couple years ago - I read like 5 pages and never picked it back up. I think it may have been a mood thing. But this time, I didn't have any problems!

I was worried that it was going to read more like Middle Grade and be juvenile. It really wasn't that bad! The book was almost exactly like the movie - there were a few very small differences, like the detail in Harry's home life, and ok yeah I would have liked to have seen more of the centaurs like the book; but other than that it was basically the same. I was impressed, actually, how close the movie stuck to the book. (Which I suppose isn't that hard, it's only a little over 300 pages...)

I really enjoyed reading this. I always loved the first two movies - it's from the 3rd on that I started losing interest. I'm actually really excited to read the books and get more detail of that world. That was my favorite part about it - the world! It's seriously amazing, and it's one that you can get lost in. There's something so magical about Hogwarts and the wizarding world. Something that really struck me about it is how it gets under your skin. Once I started the series, I couldn't stop thinking about it. I watched the movie after finishing the book, then read the second book almost right away and watched that movie, and had to order the third immediately after that because I didn't have it! (And am currently waiting for the 3rd movie to come in from the library.)

So now I can stop getting harassed by bookworms everywhere who were appalled that I'd never read Harry Potter ;D I'm quite excited to continue the series!

This review was originally posted on Novel Heartbeat. To see a breakdown of my assessment, please visit the full review here.