A review by readinggrrl
Megge of Bury Down by Rebecca Kightlinger


Megge wants nothing to do with her families legacy. After she touched her mothers Book of Seasons she heard someone whisper "murderer" and she has refused to touch it ever since. But it is always there taunting her, talking to her. So she tries instead to focuses on herding and learning to weave and spin wool. Her Aunt has a Book of Time both books handed down through generations and protected by a guardian who can unite both books. But Megge is frightened of them both, she seems to have a natural affinity for healing and helping her mother tend to the sick but Megge continues to refuse to touch or even look on her mothers book. She is worried what it would mean for her to take it up. When an Abbot comes and starts asking questions about her family she knows they are all in danger but doesn't know what to do.

The narrator has a wonderful lilting brogue that gives life to this story of a young Megge and her family. Steeped in superstition and folklore, this is the perfect setting for this tale of a family cursed and a young girl with a huge weight thrust upon her and her not sure if she wants or can handle it.

I thought the book was a bit slow to start but then got sucked into the story and very much enjoyed it. There are a lot of characters and some have lived before thus having 2 different names so you really need to pay attention. I was a little taken aback by how abruptly this first book ended but it did make me look forward to the 2nd in the series.