A review by mariab27
Kindred by Octavia E. Butler


“Kindred” is devastating in how emotionally accurate it feels. I’m still parsing through my feelings, but here are my thoughts and questions so far:

* Ways that ownership and objectification embed themselves, scarring a person for life
* Small decisions add up
* What is love if you own another?
* Juxtaposition between 1970s and early 1800s creates a sense that not much has changed, it just looks different
* Brings up the uncomfortable question: Is Kevin any better than Rufus?
* What is freedom? “He has to leave me enough control of my own life to make living look better to me than killing and dying.”
* A metaphor about the ways the trauma and patterns of slavery have stayed with us
* Feels meaningful that Dana is transported back in time when she has reached stability in her own life
* Dana leaves one home for another
* Questions the idea of “liking” a main character - while I can agree or disagree with decisions Dana makes, how can I judge her for those decisions?
* Why is it easier for Dana to love Rufus than it is for Kevin? Does Rufus remind Kevin too much of himself?