A review by annarella
Margaret Truman's Murder on the Metro by Margaret Truman, Jon Land


This the first Capital Crimes series I read and the first by Jon Land as well.
I read that the books in this series and by this author are excellent and was happy to be able to read and review this one.
This is a mix of political and action thriller, fast paced and extremely gripping. It kept me on the edge and reading even if there was a moment when I thought I was going to stop as it was a bit too strong for me.
My warning is that if you are a cat lover and a supporter of Amnesty International it could be a bit too much for you to read about a cat used to torture prisoners by making them becoming attached to the pet and then killing in front of the prisoner.
I read this part just after having lost a pet and I thought “I can’t go on”.
I decided to continue and it was the right decision because I enjoyed the story and the characters.
I think that the author did in excellent job in deleting Lia and Brixton. They are both middle aged, they were fighters but they think they need to go back to fighting as they are personally involved in what is happening.
The secondary characters are well written and strong. I loved sister Mary Alice and Rendine but I must tell that also the villains are interesting.
The plot is tightly knitted and fast paced. There’s a lot of actions and the description of Washington political environment is interesting and vivid.
Given what happened recently you are left wondering how much of the plot is fantasy and how much could be real. It’s a disturbing thought that add layers to this story.
I want to read the other novels in Capitol Crimes series, this one is strongly recommended.
Many thanks to Forge Books, Partners in Crime and Netgalley for this ARC, all opinions are mine