A review by ncolflesh
100 Days of Sunlight by Abbie Emmons


I received an Advanced Readers Copy of "100 Days of Sunlight" in exchange for publishing an honest review.

100 Days of Sunlight is about young poet Tessa Dickinson who has temporarily lost her eyesight. After her grandparents put out an ad in the paper looking to hire a typist for Tessa to continue her blog, annoyingly optimistic Weston Ludovico shows up at her door. Despite telling him to never come back, he shows up again. And again. And again.

The plot of this novel was satisfying, to say the least. It's a hate to love teen romance that's clean and innocent yet reflects reality.

The relationship that develops between Tessa and Weston is pure and simply another thread one of the many threads that run through the book. It's so much more than a romance - because the central focus of the book is to talk about how when Life kicks you down, you are the one who gets to choose whether you stay there and get beat up by it, or you stand up and fight back.

Abbie really enforces that each one of us is faced with a choice - the easy path of least resistance or the hard path of conquering what's got you down. Then she shows her readers the outcomes of these choices.

With each chapter, the book switches between the perspectives of Tessa and Weston. It's fun to know what these characters think about each other while watching them struggle individually with their own limited perspectives. How dense they are added to the spice of the story.

Being a writer, Tessa has a beautiful way with words. A fire burns within her, fueling her passion and stubbornness. We meet her at her lowest state, just a few weeks after the accident. Her personal journey is to cope with this loss of a sense (senses play a huge role in this book). Will she continue to let her new disability control what she does and how she lives?

And then there's Weston. He's a complete 180 from Tess. He radiates positivity. He's like sunshine personified. Pretty much everything he says is with a smile and I hear he has really nice freckles (man I'm a sucker for freckles). Somehow (well, due to backstory), he knows exactly what Tessa needs to get back up on her feet. Unsurprisingly, she doesn't warm up to him when he tries to help.

There are other side characters as well, like Tessa's adorable grandparents and Weston's crazy adorable family. Though some play bigger parts than others, all of them come off the page and it feels like you're getting a glimpse at real people. I also absolutely love that Tessa's online friends are included in this story (and I'm going to take a guess here and say they happen to represent some of the important people in Abbie's life).

Writing style
This was an easy read - both due to the nature of the book and the writing style. Abbie's writing is something you can gobble up. It's very descriptive in that you feel like you are watching the scenes play out (or better yet, living them out as the characters themselves).

She also greatly utilizes the senses, especially when describing how things played out in Tessa's perspective. The flow wasn't unnatural or vehemently "and then I heard" type writing that stressed how much Tessa couldn't see. It flowed and instead capitalized on what she could sense instead. That greatly impressed me.

While this book contains elements that make it similar to other fluffy, easy read (both of these are compliments) contemporaries, Abbie puts enough of a spin on it that the story feels like something entirely new. Her characters, the writing style, and the plot all work together to make 100 Days of Sunlight what it is.

Yellow, sunshiney warmth accompanied by the wafting scent of buttery waffles.

The best aesthetic if you ask me. ;) There's something about this novel that breathes light...

This book takes place in (roughly) a hundred day time period. However, the set up isn't too slow and there's just enough action, backstory, and oomph to push it along nicely.

There wasn't any point where I was like "man, when is something going to happen?" so I would say everything moved along quite nicely.

I DIE every time I look at the cover! I mean just look at it! Everything about it screams awesomeness and aligns with the aesthetic of the book quite perfectly. :)

I rate this book 5 million stars and recommend it to anyone and everyone - especially those who enjoy that warm fuzzy feeling after you read a satisfying ending.