A review by heyjude1965
Digital Minimalism: Choosing a Focused Life in a Noisy World by Cal Newport


I sped through this book. I must say, I do wish it was required reading for everyone under 30 (but I'm a bit over, and I gained a lot out of it). The author, Cal Newport, is not against technology, heck he's a CS professor at Georgetown. He is against mindlessly using technology, or rather letting technology (and advertisers) use you. He's against letting technology suck your time away, letting it be like a drug that you use so you don't have to think and feel. Dr. Newport recommends going on a 30 day fast from technology (don't worry, you'll survive) so you can clear your head. After the 30 days, decide which apps/devices/etc. you'll allow back into your life, not to become your life, but to aid the life you are already living. During the fast, he advises seeking activities that bring meaning to your life, things that you enjoy to take the place of the mindless scrolling you were probably doing on your phone! Become an interesting person! Join bookclubs, hike, redecorate, take pictures with a real camera, learn an instrument, engage in face to face conversations, write letters, study something, etc. etc. etc. This is a VERY important part to successfully getting technology under control. You need to have stuff in place BEFORE you go on your fast, otherwise, it's too easy to FAIL due to boredom. After the fast, have a guideline about when/where/how you'll use technology. Don't let it take over your life again, use it for a purpose, not to frit away your time, your life. He recommends NOT having social media on your phone (even though he's relatively young, he never got into the social media craze), it's too easy to pull it out the moment you feel bored. Lots of good ideas for the use of our time in this little book. I give it 5 Stars and encourage all of us who feel we are losing something to these little devices to get a copy and get on it! :)