A review by nightc0urt
We Are the Fire by Sam Taylor


I was provided with an ARC from Fierce Reads to review!

I’d be lying if I said the epilogue didn’t make me tear up. That’s when you know it was a good read for me!

We are the Fire by Sam Taylor had such a unique kind of fantasy twist to it, that I just couldn’t seem to put it down. Following Oksana and Pran, just two of many children stolen from their families, they were forced at a young age to be chemically mutated to be part of a fire wielding elite army for the sovereign of their lands. For years, they looked after each other until they discovered an even more sinister plan that would be happening to their kind. Now, they plan for rebellion but what happens when their ideas and morals are on different levels?

This has been one of the most fast paced fantasy reads I’ve read in a long while. The entire book felt like it just kept moving on for me and never once did it drag and the best part? These characters truly felt like flesh and bone. They suffer so many dilemmas, heartaches and most definitely mistakes but all of that is what made them feel REAL.

The ending also left me satisfied, especially after that epilogue (which I’m still tearing up thinking about lol).

Perfect for fans of flushed out characters, who refuse to give up but are definitely flawed. We are the Fire is action packed and full of nasty characters, fierce characters, loving and loyal characters and everything in between.