A review by ryner
The Re-Origin of Species: A Second Chance for Extinct Animals by Torill Kornfeldt


Since the release of Jurassic Park both scientists and the public have dreamed wildly about the possibility of somehow bringing back extinct fauna to roam the earth again. Kornfeldt, a science journalist in Sweden, summarizes in this book a number of current research projects which, by one method or another, all have this lofty goal. Whether the ultimate aim is a woolly mammoth or the only recently-extinct passenger pigeon, the methods vary -- from extraction of ancient DNA to breeding in (or out) particular characteristics of existing creatures and working backward. Like the author, I am concerned about ethical implications and somewhat dubious about the extent to which these feats can be realized, but also hugely excited about the possibilities.

I received this ARC via LibraryThing's Early Reviewers program.