
Seared on My Soul by Cole Gibsen

erinann78's review against another edition

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Reviewed for Nerdy Dirty & Flirty
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emilyhei's review against another edition

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Living life at a fast pace, Emily Garret never expected to end up being rescued by Reece Montgomery. Reece is the complete opposite of Emily, neither want to like one another but they can't seem to stay away from one another. Both have issues from their past that they are struggling to overcome that can hurt any future they may have with one another.

Seared on My Soul had some deep issues that both Reece and Emily are dealing with. I wasn't sure about Emily in the beginning of the story because she is a wild child but she grows on you and you get where she is coming from. Reece is more reserved, I thought he was a fascinating character. Great read, very different from what I have been reading lately.

keyapaha16's review against another edition

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** I received this Ebook for free from NetGalley in exchange for an honest review. This did not influence my review in anyway. **

Reece and Emily's relationship starts off with a bang and doesn't slow down one iota throughout the entire story. From the beginning, I felt like Emily was someone who flew through life by the seat of her pants but was still unsure about the bigger things in life, only wanting to drink and chase away her sorrows sleeping with questionable men. Reece is one of those ex-military being chased by his war demons and PTSD and doesn't know how to fix it.

Thanks to a bad decision and a fiery car crash, Reece and Emily's lives are forever changed when Reece steps in to save Emily's life. They never thought it would be the start of their relationship. I loved every minute of their rocky and hot relationship. Reece needed someone who could help him through his flashbacks and Emily needed someone who would be able to show her that she had the ability to be more than a simple barista. Reece was troubled, but he genuinely cared for Emily and was always looking out for her.

Reece was a great character and I enjoyed that he was a teacher. I also enjoyed reading about his times in the military and about Chad. Military PTSD isn't something to be taken lightly and I feel that it was well represented in this book. As was Emily's need for alcohol and it's ability to numb the senses. This book was great!

I gave this book 5 stars!

lauraanne9's review against another edition

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***ARC Provided by the Publisher and NetGalley***

Full Review to Follow

kimmylovestoread's review against another edition

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I received an advanced copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.

Emily Garret is a 20 something who isn't really sure what she wants to do with her life. She spends her days serving coffee and her nights having one night stands. Reece Montgomery is a war veteran who spends his days teaching high school and his nights battling his demons. Their lives intersect after Emily has a terrible lapse in judgement, but this one may be her worst yet. She wakes up battered and bruised, having no idea that that the man she serves coffee to every day is the reason she is alive.

In a twist of fate, the two of them end up going on a fake date, which turns into a real date, which then turns into a one night stand. And they both realize that they have met their match.
I run my hands over his chest. I don’t need alcohol to make Reece look good. The muscles of his chest are hard under my fingers, his shoulders taught, his jaw strained. I have the sudden urge to scratch my nails down his back to find out how deep I have to go to get to something soft.

He grabs my waist tightly and tugs me against him so sharply, I gasp.

“I’m sorry.” He immediately lets go and tries to gently push me off of him. “This was a mistake.”

“I’m not sorry.” I weave my fingers behind his neck and look at him. His lake blue eyes are wide with fear. He thinks he hurt me, I realize. “Ohhhh. I get it now.”

He frowns, obviously not the reaction he expected.

“That’s what’s got you so messed up.”


“The shit that happened to you in the desert—you forgot how to be gentle, and you’re scared you’re going to hurt me.”

He jerks back, as if considering this for the first time. “Maybe…”

“You won’t,” I cut him off.

He doesn’t look convinced.

“I might not be a badass soldier like you, Reece, but I think you’ll find I’m not easily broken.” This time I don’t fight my urges and dig my nails into his back.

A rumbling growl emits from deep inside his chest. He grasps my hips and leans forward, trailing his lips up my collar bone, to the dip in my shoulder and then up my neck. When he gets to the tender skin beneath my jaw, the warm velvet of his lips is replaced by the sharp heat of teeth.

I gasp as the flash of pain quickly turns to waves of desire.

He leans back, worry evident on his face. “Did I hurt you?”

I smile. “Oh, honey, you’re going to have to try harder than that.”

He groans, a primal sound that tightens things low inside me. He slides a finger into my hair and curls his fingers into a fist before tilting my head back sharply, inclining my neck. “Don’t tempt me.”

Every nerve in my body sizzles with need. I whimper, which, in turn, makes him smile. Holy hell, I think I finally found a guy who can keep up with me.
Whew. Hot doesn't even begin to describe these two. On the surface the phrase "opposites attract" totally applies to them, but once they get to know each other, they realize they have more in common than they originally thought. Emily is able to calm Reece when things get too much and he provides her with the inspiration she needs to help realize what she really wants to do with her life.

Both of them have issues that are holding them back in both their professional and personal lives. Emily sees herself as a drunk and a screw up who is destined to serve coffee her whole life and Reece can't get past what happened when he was over in Afghanistan. They are both in denial and little by little their relationship starts to suffer because of it. When things eventually do blow up in their faces, they have to face the truth about what they really want. It's not pretty, but it is a necessary evil.

This was my first book by Cole and I really enjoyed it. The story is sweet, sexy and at times downright heartbreaking. Emily and Reece go through a lot, but the payoff is amazing and you will not be disappointed.