laverna's review against another edition

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booknerd_life's review against another edition

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informative fast-paced


A solid 3 star read! This is a good introductory read into how deeply embedded into patriarchy our world is, but the way its organized is rather overwhelming. 

When the book focuses on one woman and tells their story and history, it’s really educational and awe-inspiring! But most times it just rapid fire names a bunch of women and the men who suppressed them without ever diving deep into the history.

There was also a random history spotlight on a man that felt very out of place. Like I expected him to end up supporting women’s rights or something since they focused so much on him, but I don’t think he did? I don’t know, it was an odd choice.

Overall it was an enjoyable read, but it could have been even more inclusive and even more modern. 

**I also want to state this is a translated work and was originally published in Norwegian, so a translator bias and loss of original meaning may take place.

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gussurireads's review against another edition

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funny informative lighthearted fast-paced


It reads like baby's first feminist book. Which, you know, it's fine if you're looking for a quick, sort of funny, easy on the eyes book to introduce someone to some ideas of feminism and some of the women involved in the movement throughout the years. Although at times, these women are little more than names dropped in a long list of names, at which point you're expected to look them up elsewhere. 

Some women get the spotlight while others don't, which I guess was somewhat ok back when the book was published originally in 2021, but should've been revised and edited for the English translation in 2023 (yes, I'm talking about JK Rowling and Hillary Clinton, for example).

And like other reviews mentioned already, this book fails to live up to its' title and premise: it does not teach you at all about dismantling the patriarchy, serving more as a platform to denounce sexist individuals throughout the ages more than explaining the ways which the patriarchy affects all kinds of people, and what we can do to help change this status quo. 

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