
M Train by Patti Smith

ripley2001's review against another edition

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emotional inspiring reflective medium-paced


paperbird's review against another edition

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Meanwhile I needed to go but couldn’t just let go like everyone else, that was why everyone was in the water, but I had to go find some hidden away single purpose place which when I did find it and started using it realized I was only dreaming and needed to wake up so I could really go, best way to wake up? Do a kick just like in Inception, so I found a pool of water and fell backwards into it but only almost drowned, I’m supposed to do that one level up, dumbass, not in the same level, that’ll only make you get soaked for no reason…

More thoughts here:

stacyverb's review

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My expectations were unreasonably high because I loved Just Kids so much, so this was not as great as I wanted it to be. Still, I don't know anyone else who can write about topics as diverse as grief, coffee shops, detective-show binge-watching...and imbue it all with poetry and spiritual significance.

luciacrfl's review against another edition

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emotional inspiring reflective slow-paced


laurendickerhoof's review against another edition

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I would read Patti Smith's grocery list, so I may be biased, but I loved being taken through her memories. What an inspiration she is..

eemmii's review against another edition

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En realitat són 4'5. He gaudit molt de la lectura. És el que promet ser: un collage de trossets de vida. Molt oníric i fragmentari, però alhora un tot amb un sentit ben clar. Si hagués de definir-lo en una paraula seria malenconia (el meu sentiment preferit!); una oda als records i també a la història des del punt de vista més humà possible. Tot i això, però, diu a l'última pàgina "How can a writer place a living thing in the hands of the reader?". Crec que la Patti Smith ho aconsegueix.
Li trec mitja estrella perquè m'ha molestat una mica massa l'excés de name-dropping, tot i que potser és necessari perquè és qui és.
Malgrat això, el recomano moltíssim! Tinc ganes de tornar-hi quan ja no sigui jove, perquè crec que té molt de la nostàlgia del passat d'algú que ja ha viscut molt.
(us recomano llegir les reviews de la gent d'aquest llibre aquí!! diuen coses molt xules que jo no he sapigut explicar amb paraules)

annamac's review against another edition

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emotional reflective slow-paced


charlo67's review against another edition

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Sublime wordsmith. The way is lyrical, full of prose and generosity of spirit... We accompany her innermost journeys, be it pervasive dreamscapes, or thoughts upon the death of Lou Reed or the aftermath of Hurricane Sandy. We witness her pilgrimages and feelings of endearment to revered writers. We become silent allies. I shall miss her voice with my first mug of coffee. I am so glad she has written more...

itsntok's review against another edition

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emotional hopeful inspiring lighthearted reflective sad slow-paced


juliadream11's review against another edition

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emotional inspiring reflective medium-paced


It felt like something you had to take in more slowly - like a chapter or two a day - in order to digest. Patti Smith is a delightful writer and I loved all that she had to say about her life and her dreams, from Cafe Ino to Rockaway Beach to Tangier. The chapters on the detective shows and some literature didn’t interest me as much, though that’s probably because I hadn’t seen/read most of the work she mentioned. Looking forward to Wind Up Bird though!