
Found by Stacey Wallace Benefiel

shan198025's review

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Whoa! Poor Wyatt! That kid has had a hard life. You'd think being around all those people with powers someone would help make things alittle better.

booksabrewin's review

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I received an e-copy of this book from the publishers at NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

This is yet another book that I read that seems to be a spin-off of another series. I found out the book I recently read Bad Kitty was also a spin-off of another trilogy. Found seems to be a spin-off of the Zellie Wells trilogy. As much as that causes the perfectionist in my to scream in agony, I still decided to read the book and see what I thought of it in the end. I hoped that the fact that it was set in an already established futuristic world wouldn't cause any problems for me.

Penny is a street urchin of a girl. She has been running from unknown forces since she was a young girl. After witnessing her parents' deaths and being placed into abusive foster homes, she had no choice but to try to make it on the streets. What she didn't count on was having an odd ability that causes her to "dream" tragic occurrences and then "sleepwalk" into rewinding them so the events never happened. This strange talent has the unfortunate drawback of causing her to pass out at random places leaving her vulnerable to animals and bad people in a weakened state.

It is only after Penny comes face-to-face with the leaders of New Society that she is transported into a world of teenagers with talents very similar to her own. In this world she meets her new Lookout (essentially powerless sidekick), Wyatt, who she is instantly attracted to. Wyatt is determined to be the best Lookout Penny could ask for. He is determined to prove himself to his family of powerful individuals. Both Penny and Wyatt have motivation to prove themselves and a hunger for acceptance.

I could not nail down how I felt about this book. One minute something would happen and I would be completely enamored with the world I was being introduced to and the next I would be rolling my eyes and checking the percentage on my Kindle Fire to see how much more I had to suffer through.

One thing I liked was the uniqueness of the world. Sure, we have read or see movies about time travelers and people who could move through time, but this was a big different since it was essentially a complete society of these types of people and not just random mutants.

One thing I did not dig about Found was the use of some of the slang. Maybe it's something that was established in the foundation series (this is why reading a spin-off is sometimes detrimental to the reader), but I just found it annoying. I could understand if they used "bueno" or "chido" in character speech, but it was also being used when the characters were NOT talking. That irked me a bit. Especially since both of those words are Spanish and the main characters are, as far as I know, Caucasian. Odd.

Basically... this book was all over the place for me.

I will say this...

Found is a book that lovers of such movies as X-Men and Jumper will find to be literary gold.

cprice0922's review

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As a huge Zellie fan, I knew I would love Penny! I was hooked from the beginning, and can't wait for#2 to find out what happens next. My only mild criticism would be everyone used the word bueno a little too much.

kateh3077's review

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I gave this book five stars out of five because the authors writing, world and character was so great that I felt like I was part of the story and was also able to see things through the eyes of the main character, Penny.

This story is about a teenage girl called Penny who can rewind time but doesn't know what she's able to do as can't remember anything that she does after she's dine it.

We see her dealing with this as well as her teenage anxt on her own to begin with but the a group called the Society find her and take her to their facility where they train and care for other teenagers with special abilities.

When she arrives at the Society facility and settles in she eventually starts to feel like she's part of a family. Although this eventually comes to an end and she finds her self on the move again after one of her male friends and best friends boyfriend tells her that he is developing feelings for her. This develops further when he kisses her and is seen by her boyfriend and so as the saying goes the shit hits the fan.

I loved this book so much that I can't wait for the next one to see how the story develops and I will also re read it again as well as recommend it to and buy it for others. I also plan to buy the physical book for my book shelf as well because I love the cover so much.

aflv_reads's review

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Given by the publisher for an honest review

5 stars are not enough to describe how much I loved this book!!!

It's perfect!
>>As the story progresses,more questions are raised..The plot thickens..It lets our imagination run for some time and then,some questions are answered but definitely not in the way we expected..

>>Penny's friends are so different from each other..But they somehow fit..They're so fun to read about..I loved them all...

>>And the't see that coming!..It's an "OMG WTF" moment..

I could babble a lot more about the book,the author's creativity,the characters and the list goes on and on..But I won't do that..

If you like fantasy and romance with supernatural elements,this IS your book..Hands down..

I really like fantasy,but it's hard for me to find series that I love..Until now I love The Mythos Academy series and the Covenant Series,even though I must have read tens of fantasy books/series..

Well,Penny Black you are my new fantasy addiction and I can't wait to read a lot more about you and your adventures!

I haven't read the Zellie Wells Trilogy,but it didn't matter to me..I understood everything that was going on..

ctorretta's review

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I wasn't really into this book. I think the Bueno and Chido really threw me off. I kept reading because I really wanted to find out what happened between Penny and Wyatt. I thoroughly enjoyed watching their relationship. But Penny is one messed up girl so I just kept hoping that this would be a good friendship and hopefully grow into something more.

I think it was also the bit of sci fi elements that had me thrown. Between that and the language, I found myself skimming, however the ending made it all worth it. I am now quite curious about where this is going to go!

The plot is interesting though. I think if I was more into sci fi I would have thoroughly enjoyed this.

tanja's review

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This book is the first part of the Penny Black trilogy, which takes place in the same world like the author’s previous work, Zellie Wells trilogy. I never read Zellie Wells trilogy, but now I feel like I should have, because I probably would have understood this book better. Oh well, it’s too late now.

The story starts with the New Society finding Penny Black. She joins them and gets assigned a Lookout, Wyatt. Penny has had a very difficult life, but I really never felt like that has screwed her up too much. Penny has visions and she can rewind time. The New Society is supposed to help her, and others like her, learn to control their powers. I thought Wyatt was irritating because of “I’m a virgin, my life sucks” attitude. Come on, it’s not the worst thing ever. I couldn't make myself care about any characters in the book, so I couldn't properly enjoy it, either.

The book takes place in the future. There are mentions of iPhone 23 and ‘really old shows’ like Buffy and Firefly. The way people talk is a bit different. That makes sense, because language changes and people in the future won’t talk exactly the way we do now. But the constant use of ‘bueno’ was really annoying. I find it hard to believe that nobody ever uses the word ‘good’.

Everything happens quite fast. I think I would have enjoyed it more if it the pacing was slower. The blurb says that this novel is NA. So I guess the only difference between YA and NA is that the characters in NA get laid more.

The ending was a big surprise and it actually makes me kind of want to know what happens later… but I’m still not curious enough to actually read the second book.

didyousaybooks's review

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Can't say I really liked this story.

Maybe it's because I haven't read the Zellie books but I felt the world building weak and confusing. I didn't get to care for the characters or the story.

It's a short book/novella, around 120 pages. Not enough to really develop any characters. But again, it may again be because they were already introduced in previous books.

I wouldn't recommend this story if you know nothing about it. I guess it may please the one who already know the author's work but personnaly, I'll pass.

This book was given to me for an honest review by Netgalley

ltg584's review

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I really, really enjoyed this! Yes, it can stand alone, but I am very much drawn to read the Zellie Wells trilogy now. I need more! I loved the unique, fun writing style. It isn't like anything else that I've read before, which wins some major points for Benefiel! It won't be for everyone, but it was definitely for me.

PS I hate waiting for sequels! Just as everything was being all neatly tied up, she had to go and tack on that one. more. scene. O_O Dammit!

A copy of this book was provided by Netgalley in exchange for an honest review.

Stay tuned for a full review at


lindaunconventionalbookworms's review

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*I received a free ARC of Found from Netgalley in exchange of an honest review*

Full review to come soon.

This and other reviews are originally posted on my blog (un)Conventional Bookviews