
Full Throttle by Erin McCarthy

hannas_heas47's review against another edition

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I have never been disappointed with a fast track novel and this one was no different. Shawn and Rhett's story is really great, revealing why Rhett has such a dominant personality. All he needs is her obedience in the bedroom, and he will be obedient every where else. Very nicely done!

elliefufu's review against another edition

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Full Throttle, Fast Track #7, by Erin McCarthy
Grade: D

“You make a man want to kiss you all night and then start again in the morning.”

Shawn Hamby’s whole life has been at her family’s race track with her grandparents and with them both passing on it’s up to her to keep the track running. When a stipulation in her grandfather’s will comes up Shawn has to find a groom fast or lose the track for good. When Rhett Ford walks into Shawn’s life she makes him an offer he can’t refuse and a few days later and a quickie marriage all her problems are solved. The more time Shawn spends with Rhett the more she starts to actually like him and hope that maybe she can turn her fake marriage into a real one.

Rhett Ford knows exactly what he wants in a woman and he knows that woman is Shawn Hamby. Who cares that she’s seven years older than him, not Rhett and he jumps at the chance to marry her and get her into his bed for a year. Shawn blows Rhett away when she submits to his dominant side and he will stop at nothing to keep the one woman who can truly make him happy both in bed and out of it. Convincing Shawn that he’s in this for real will be tough but Rhett is not giving up with a fight.

Let me start by saying that I love this series and was so happy to learn that it was going to continue but Rhett and Shawn might have killed it for me. I had so many problems with everything that takes place and I feel like I spent the majority of the time going “huh?”. The rest of this review will contain spoilers and I’m sorry about that but it’s the only way to talk about the grade I’m giving. As a big fan of the Fast Track series this was a big, big disappointment.

To start we meet Shawn who has to get married according to her grandfather’s will or she can’t inherit the family track that she has been running for years. This was my first big issue. What year is it that women have to get married to inherit something??? Why didn’t she just fight it since it’s a stupid and sexist stipulation and the rest of the family didn’t want the track? This just made me think her grandfather was an ass. Second Shawn offers to pay Rhett $100,000 to marry her for a year but the track is in financial crisis and she’s just keeping it alive. So she has 100 grand to give a guy instead of putting that into her business. This doesn’t make any sense!!!

After all this talk about the track halfway through the book it just disappears. There was all this talk about the track struggling and then it all goes away because Rhett is giving Shawn multiple orgasms. Rhett is a really great guy and besides being uber dominant in the bedroom he makes up for it by being the most amazing husband ever. Shawn on the other hand is an idiot who does nothing but sabotage herself and a chance at happiness. I found her to be horrible and she had me rolling my eyes for three hundred pages.

I have no idea why I kept reading this book and honestly wanted to DNF it more than once. I kept hoping it would get better since I love the series so much but it was a big fail. I’m hoping the next book is better and makes more sense than this one. If anyone else reads it and figures out why some of these things occurred please let me know.

mags_louise's review against another edition

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4.5* I wasn't sure about this book to start with, I have read several books with a marriage of convenience theme, but not one where the female is the instigator of the marriage and that intrigued me. Overall though it was a very enjoyable read. I liked Shawn and Rhett and there interactions, with each other and Rhett's family especially. However I didn't enjoy this book as much as I did the first couple of books in this series, but if you are a fan of the author or series you will enjoy this.

merlin_reads's review

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 Shawn Hambry grew up on the race track. When her grandfather dies and leaves the track to her, she finally has everything she wants – there’s just one stipulation: in order to inherit the race track, she has to be married. Enter Rhett Ford, Shawn’s best friends’ brother-in-law. He may be younger than her, but from the moment they met there’s no denying their chemistry. Drunk and upset, Shawn asks Rhett to marry her and she’ll give him a hundred grand. Because Rhett see’s something in Shawn that he wants to explore, he says yes.

I’ve got to say, going into this book I didn’t expect the marriage. It was a nice little addition to the book and it threw our two MC’s together in a funny way. Shawn was always in control of her life. She was the girl in the man’s world. When she invites Rhett in, she not only starts to lose control, but starts to realize that she likes it. Rhett, on the other hand, was looking for someone to control in the bedroom and believes that he found that in Shawn.

I’ve read Erin McCarthy’s work before, but in the New Adult genre. This was my first adult novel from her and I really enjoyed it. The situations these two found themselves in were hilarious and filled with witty conversations. Shawn challenged Rhett, talked back to him, yet filled his desires in the bedroom. While Rhett was someone who understood Shawn’s career and drive, he was someone who supported her and encouraged her. Despite their many differences, they managed to fit.

But since this is a romance novel, there had to be drama. Enter Shawn’s self-doubt. In succumbing to Rhett’s dominance, she ended up feeling like she was losing herself. And here is where she started to annoy me. Instead of talking to him, she froze up. She pushed his buttons, gave into his dominance and then freaked. She never took the time to think about why she enjoyed herself and about why Rhett was perfect for her. On the other hand, I enjoyed Rhett. From the beginning he was nothing but honest about what he wanted and who he was. Yet at every turn he was questioned by Shawn. His patience with her was endless and he was the younger one!

Overall, this was a good story. It was funny, endearing, and had very hot sex scenes (very hot).

I received an copy of this book from the publisher in exchange for an honest review. 

cocktailsandbooks1's review against another edition

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Rhett Ford and Shawn Hamby burn up the pages in Erin McCarthy’s newest Fast Track installment, Full Throttle. Rhett just happens to be the brother-in-law of Shawn’s best friend, but she can’t seem to get the younger man out of her mind despite how improbable a relationship between the two will be. Logic has nothing to do with their situation, especially after she dances with him at a fetish club, and their hot affair scorch the sheets and threatens to leave them both burned.

Shawn is a take charge, strong woman, who spends her day managing a racetrack for her family. When she is presented with an almost impossible decision to make, she is able to convince Rhett to assist her in the problem. Being thrust together does nothing to quell their budding desire, despite their obvious differences. Rhett is the baby of his family, and nine years younger than Shawn. He knows what he wants and isn’t afraid to go after it- mainly Shawn and these two strong-willed individual will definitely leave you wishing for more.

Reviewed by Lucy for Cocktails and Books

andiabcs's review against another edition

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Definitely my least favorite. The ending made no sense to me and the plot was bothersome at times.

prgchrqltma's review against another edition

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Characters: former driver/track owner, driver/mechanic
World Building: track management
Plot: internal
Sex: D/s elements, medium overall
Read another: Yes

So far, all the author's books have followed the same pattern. Instalove/relationship/trouble/someone moves out/grovel/done.

allingoodtime's review against another edition

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I'm sure I'd be friends with Shawn if I met her, but I didn't really like her as a heroine. It also bothered me that she is Eve's best friend (along with Harley and Chastity) yet I cannot remember ever meeting these people in previous books. You would think they would have been mentioned in the last book, at the very least. Anyway, I didn't feel Shawn was strong enough to carry the heroine roll. Don't get me wrong, she does have a strong personality in some respects. In fact, I may have even given this a 4 star rating until I reached the last few chapters. She was so wishy washy about things that I got annoyed.

As for Rhett, I fully intended to dislike him to some extent. Surprisingly, I adored him. I don't generally read reviews of book further in a series like this one is...I'm already in for the series I'm going to read it regardless. For some reason I had read some reviews on this book and some of them talked about how Rhett was not a dom but a d**k and it seemed Shawn was being forced into the lifestyle which they found creepy. I guess it's all in the personality of the reader because I didn't feel that way at all.

Unfortunately the final book is not at any of the libraries in my coop or my online library and I'm not spending $8 on it for a Kindle book that is 2 years old. Hopefully it will come down in price so I can finish the series, but I'm not holding my breath.

beckymmoe's review against another edition

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The Fast Track novels are back on track! The last two were relatively disappointing, but I loved the newest addition to the series--it felt like it was a return to the fun of the early books of the series, with likeable characters whose motivation made sense. I was pulling for Shawn and Rhett (that poor guy--to be stuck with not only Rhett as a first name but Butler for his middle!) to make their fake marriage real. The ending was immensely satisfying, and their journey there a lot of fun. Hopefully Erin McCarthy can keep the series going in this vein--I'll definitely be signing on to read more if she does!

I received an ARC from the Penguin First to Read program for an honest review; though I actually listened to an audio version I purchased through Audible to write this review. It was worth the credit!

becxreadz's review against another edition

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Love this series but probably one of my least favorite books. I liked that it was an older woman younger man relationship but it seemed to be more sex than story. I like my sexy reads but I need a storyline other than that and there wasn't much of one otherwise.