
Picks & Pucks by Teegan Loy

nicola949's review

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The combination of Ice Hockey and Figure Skating was always going to ensure I liked this book - pure escape into a world of which I know absolutely nothing but have a fierce attraction!

Justin is an up-and-coming figure skating champion but his choice of sport has driven a wedge between his family. His father is a hockey coach and Justin also had the skills to play professionally so his father was disappointed by his choice. The death of his mother, his key supporter, has also haunted him for the last three years. He has LOTS of demons!

A relationship with an closeted ice hockey player - who was happy for the sex but put Justin down in front of the rest of the team - has also soured his opinion of men who play ice hockey.

I actually started reading this book without reading the blurb so the way the story unfolded was a bit of a surprise. A large portion of the beginning of the book is focused on Justin's relationship with Danny (the closeted player) and it is along while before CJ enters the picture and captures Justin's interest. I didn't see it coming and was expecting the relationship with Danny to evolve. Anyway, I liked that the author didn't make Danny the bad guy, he sort of redeemed himself and I ended up liking him.

I enjoyed the characters and the story. There was enough drama but maybe too many demons. I found Justin's demons a little odd and a bit annoying although it was quite a unique take, particularly when they start exploding - that probably makes no sense but will once you read the book!

3.5 stars

For m/m romance reviews and more check out Because Two Men Are Better Than One!

scrollsofdragons's review

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Scenes are a little rushed through without going deep enough and the amount of demons is ridiculous but I still really enjoyed it. The best thing about this book was the relationships Justin had, he had some really great people both friends, family and ex's on his side.

claire_melanie's review

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This was an unsatisfying read. Firstly I literally hate a whole “he bullies me cause he’s a closet case who loves me” plot and then to have the MC reward this homophobia by sleeping with said bully is just so unnecessary and gross. Stop please. This is not romantic. Fortunately the bully was not endgame but instead we get another queer hockey player who magically appears in the MC’s house and they start banging straight away and never have a proper conversation about their relationship or either of their trauma (until forced to by circumstances but in really incomplete ways), but they’re also in true love. Just so much dysfunction and unhealthiness all round but the reader is asked to believe this is sweet.

janetted's review

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3.5 stars - full review to come!

suze_1624's review

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i do always like a hockey v ice skating story and at first I thought this was going to be only ok but as it went on the story just hooked into me and I really felt for the main characters. I can see where some readers would not be all that into it. However, I did enjoy it, the two themes twisting around each other nicely.

Justin is not an easy character to like but you can feel how his demons have really done a number on him (and like a lot of people the manifestation of them did annoy after a while). Some counselling for the family after his Mum's death would have saved a load of trouble - but no story! She was the glue that held all the rest of them together as they went to achieve their goals. However, I did like that he could out-hockey the hockey guys without even trying and his training regime was brutal, showing all athletes are strong despite what bigots think.

Danny I felt for as he was being forced to someone else to 'fit' into societies norms, so whilst he was not a nice character, he seemed real and I'm glad that ultimately he was there for Justin and wanted to be himself.

I didnt really feel I got to know CJ, a lot of his background was still a mystery even after we learned about it. However, he was a person true to himself although his reluctance to talk to Justin was annoying (but again, no story if he had!)

Eli was the fun element, I enjoyed him and his journey to greatnes!

nisharoo22's review

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The demons threw me off a bit. 3.5 Stars!