
Guilty Innocence by Maggie James

sarahs_bookish_life's review

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Guilty Innocence is quite a hard book to review. Why you may ask? Well that would be the subject matter. This really is not going to be for every one. As soon as I started it, it reminded me instantly of the Jamie Bulger case. It is one that will certainly intrigue the reader without a doubt but the actual murder of little Abby was hard going I have to admit. I will say a big BUT though, as it is without a doubt my favourite book by this author and is one that readers should give a chance as, apart from the murder, it is an emotionally charged read that will have the reader struggling to put down.

There is something that has always fascinated me about killers, sometimes it makes me feel a bit of a freak but I think it is normal that people want to know why someone would take another persons life and what makes them do it. Mark though isn’t a brutal killer and he wants to clear his name. Mark I took to straight away. You can tell instantly he is a genuinely nice guy who has been dealt a really bad hand from life. A day doesn’t go by that he doesn’t think of Abby and the devastation that it has left behind. He desperately wants a normal life but can’t see how he will ever have it. My heart really went out to him as I wondered if he would ever find that peace that he was desperately in search for.

Natalie I have to admit got on my nerves. Don’t get me wrong, finding out your boyfriend is a child killer certainly can not be easy. Yes she has her issues also which I could relate to but because of them she is highly insecure and it sometimes made me wonder what Mark even saw in her.

I really had no idea where the author would go with this story line. I couldn’t possibly for see any happy endings in this type of book and wondered what the whole outcome would be. I have to say she took me totally by surprise and in a very good way. I won’t go into the ending as the less you know about it the better but I will say for me, it was just brilliant, totally loved it.

Guilty Innocence is a heart wrenching roller coaster of a read. From the opening chapter, the author commandeered my attention and with a hard hitting story line I was well and truly captivated throughout. Bravo!

rfwads's review

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This book could have been so much more... instead it was slow and boring. I didn't really feel that it had a true story line/plot. Just kinda rambled on about Joshua / Mark and what happened in his past / present. It was very predictable to the point I wouldn't consider it a thriller. Highly disappointed!