
Diary of a Rocker's Kid by Haley Allison

tmedwards's review

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*You can read this review and others on my website. www(.)taylormhenderson(.)com*

All readers get to a point in a good book where they can't even fathom putting the novel down for a second. I experienced that multiple times while reading D.O.R.K. This novel had me dreaming about the characters whenever I wasn't reading it, it was just that good. It was like a rock and roll version of The Parent Trap! It took me a few chapters to like Madison's character, as I felt her emotions at the beginning of the novel were extreme, but as the novel progressed they became more understandable.

I loved every character in this novel. Even the ones that we were suppossed to hate! They were just all so real. Despard does a fabulous job of creating loveable characters, and evoking emotion in her readers. She really captured the young adult voice well, which is often hard to do. I wish the second novel was out already, as I am dying to read the rest of Mads' story. Mads is hilarious and like a breath of fresh air. I found myself giggling like a freak a little too often while reading! The only thing that bothered me was that the underage characters were so easily able to get alcohol with hardly any repercussions. The only time that this actually made me stop and wonder how they got it was when they were out at a club and they ordered a round of shots. This just seemed unrealistic, and I'd have liked to have had some mention of them having fake ID's or something. Other than that, that was the only thing in this novel that I didn't like.

Another thing that caught my attention was how well the editing in this story was done. I didn't find any errors, and that just added to make me love this book even more. I really loved Despard's writing style. She uses the perfect amount of description, and throws in humor and teen angst as well. This novel has been one of the top three novels I have read so far this year. If this books becomes a movie, I will be the first in line to see it. I swear the book was paying in my head as I read! Sometimes I would put my kindle down to go eat, and return thinking that I had been watching something on Netflix! Praise to Haley Despard for throwing a bit of her soul into this novel. I am so grateful that I got to read and review it. I will definitely be reading more from this author, and spreading the word about this fantastic start to the D.O.R.K series!

jasmyn9's review

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This was a very fun story! The author does a great job telling the story from Madison's point of view, and I love the look even deeper into her thoughts as she writes her blog/diary posts. She's a suprising down to earth, yet crazy character that just has tons of personality.

Her whirlwind beginning of finding out who her family really is, was written very nicely. I love a good melt down scene when the circumstances call for it. And these definitely did - and one was very nicely provided. It helps keep the character real by showing that even she can become overwhelmed.

There are a lot of typical teen problems in the story - boys, looks, fashion, gossip, friends - but because they are typical I believed them. I did figure out the bug mystery before Madison did, but I think that was mostly a lucky guess. I'm very curious to see what is in store next for her.

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nogenreleftbehind's review

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This was a very fun story! The author does a great job telling the story from Madison's point of view, and I love the look even deeper into her thoughts as she writes her blog/diary posts. She's a suprising down to earth, yet crazy character that just has tons of personality.

Her whirlwind beginning of finding out who her family really is, was written very nicely. I love a good melt down scene when the circumstances call for it. And these definitely did - and one was very nicely provided. It helps keep the character real by showing that even she can become overwhelmed.

There are a lot of typical teen problems in the story - boys, looks, fashion, gossip, friends - but because they are typical I believed them. I did figure out the bug mystery before Madison did, but I think that was mostly a lucky guess. I'm very curious to see what is in store next for her.

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katie_83's review

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Reviewed on behalf of 2 girls who love books blog.

Diary of a Rocker's Kid (D.O.R.K) is the first book in a new series by Haley Allison.

For seventeen years Madison Daley's father has been keeping a secret from her. She lives on a Kentucky farm with her Dad and Nana - but one day when her Dad's friend, Cass, comes to visit she lets slip that Madison's father is a famous 90's rock star known as the 'Grim Weeper'. Madison discovers that not only is her father famous but he left the spotlight behind the night that she was left on his doorstep in a basket by a women in a mask. Madison wants to find the identity of her mother and to do that she knows she needs to go to Beverly Hills but can she persuade her Dad to go back to LA with her.
Once living in her Dads mansion in LA there's a few things Madison doesn't bank on - the first is finding out she lives next door to the gorgeous teen actor Gio Abade, who she then starts a summer fling with and the second is finding out exactly who her mother is.

I really liked the writing style of the author - not only did we get the diary entries but also the story as well.
I thought that the book had a 'Parent Trap' feel about it but with a twist. I enjoyed reading it.
I liked Madison's character - everything just seemed to go wrong especially when you desperately wanted them to go right for her. This book would be a good read for Young Adults but maybe older YA's due to the sexual references and colourful language.

I'm looking forward to reading the next book in the series to see what happens to Madison now all the secrets are out, how her and Gio's relationship will develop and how she will deal with the other characters whose identities are revealed throughout the story.

Overall a good read with characters that I think we will see develop more as the story continues.

I give Diary of a Rocker's Kid 4 stars.