
The Hook Up by Tawna Fenske

ldooten's review against another edition

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The was a good read. The writing flowed well, and I liked Ty and Ellie together. Ty was a good guy, and he was very hard on himself. I knew what Ty was going to do before his dad ever showed up. Ellie was a good h, and I liked that she stood up for her son. There wasn't a whole lot of drama in this book, but it was sweet. Henry was super cute, even with his habit of talking about things that are normally not talked about in public :) If you're looking for a light, quick read, this is for you.
I voluntarliy reviewed an advanced readers copy of this book.

rosie_p_burke's review against another edition

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Ellie is a single mom working in "sales." No, she's not a stripper. Or in that kind of sales. Well not really. She sells passion products online. Ty is a partner in First Impressions, specializing in video. Seems like a match made in heaven. But will their pasts come to haunt their present and cut off any shot at a future?

Ellie is raising her six year old son with the help of her brother and his wife. With her son just recently deemed "cancer free," she's wanting to start taking control back of her life. Her deadbeat ex is making that harder with his plea to pay even less child support and spend even less time with their son. Her brother wants to fix everything for her and always "be there" but that's part of the problem. The one who's supposed to be there isn't and the one who is there won't let her be!

Ty is footloose and fancy-free. At least now he is. Growing up, he was raised by his grandmother when his dad was in jail until she passed away. Then he bounced around from foster home to foster home, none ever sticking. So he avoids all hints of commitment and anything really resembling being tied to something. Because that "something" will always leave you. Either that or he's just not worth it. In either case, he knows he's not good enough for someone as awesome as Ellie/ That doesn't stop his brain from conjuring all kinds of inappropriate images and scenes! Some of those include those passion products she sells, too.

Can two people with so much baggage, so much history.. can they put that all aside and make a go of it? Can they do a simple "Hook Up" without complications? Or is it true that there will always be complications when sex is involved?

With the blurb aside, I have to say that while I truly liked this story, I didn't LOVE it the way I do most of Tawna's books. First off, I read this immediately following The Hang Up, so the issue of the time error really made it hard for me to reconcile the two. The end of Hang Up should basically be the beginning of Hook Up, time wise--based on what's written. ***SPOILER ALERT*** But Miriam finishes a Tough Mudder competition and gets engaged to Jason at the end of Hook Up. And at the beginning of Hook Up, they're married and Miriam's massively pregnant. I just kept going back to those facts and it made it harder to fall into the story.

But that was basically the only thing I didn't love about this story. The characters are great. True to form, Tawna introduces us to a quirky but lovable couple trying to figure out if they can make it work. What starts off as just heat needing to be let out--kind of like a pot with the vent lid switched to open--has the chance to become something more. Something better. But will Ellie forget about comparing every guy to her ex and actually let someone in? Will Ty let his past dictate his future? Or will they get past the Hook Up and make it real? These are legitimate questions every single parent deals with when trying to put their toe back into the dating world. Few want to leap right back into those shark infested waters. It's scary to introduce a new person into your child's life. But then, on the flip side, your child is the most important person in your life and anyone you bring into the mix HAS to be good to your kid too. So when do you stop bringing a friend and actually bring your "other"?

As far as Ty goes, I know a lot of people who have been in or around the foster care system. They all say how hard it is to trust someone after that experience. After the shuffling around and being yanked from one home to be tossed into another. The inconsistency and false promises. It takes a toll on the kids. So his fears of letting Henry down are valid and noble really.

I give this story 4 out of 5 stars because that's really what it is. Maybe not the best Tawna Fenske book I've read. Maybe not the best-best book I've read. BUT it is a fun summer read that will make you feel for the characters and give you a reprieve from the mundane occurrences in your every day life for the 1-3 hours it would take you to finish it. The words flow as quickly and easily--just like The Fix Up and The Hang Up. Days and weeks pass on the pages, but again---it never has the feeling of being a FORCED story.

If you are going to read the other three books in this series, go ahead. They are fun and light and enjoyable. But you don't NEED to or HAVE to in order to be able to enjoy the story. That's another fun tidbit: This is a totally stand alone story. It's like it's the only child and Fix Up and Hang Up are its cousins. There's some relation there and it's good to know about it. But the success of one isn't going to hinge on your being familiar with the other.

blodeuedd's review against another edition

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Omg their first meeting. I was laughing so hard,I am glad I was at home cos if I had been out and listening lol. Just listen and see, hilarious.

Ellie sells adults toys. Ty works in video marketing. She needs his help to build her business. They fancy each other at once. But she is a single mum, and he has some severe abandonment issues.

They were so cute together, and so meant to be. He did had his demons to overcome to make him realise that he was perfect as he was. And we all know that a hook up how much they want it to stay like that will lead to some major feelings. And they will live happily ever after.

This was book 3 so people had already found love in previous books, and those couples were around, but I did not feel like I had missed out. It worked great like this since it is meant to stand on its own.

Cute, and best first meeting ever.

Oh Amy was narrating! Been ages since I listened to her, I always enjoy her narrations. She is geat with voices and she does such a good job with romance

msmattoon's review against another edition

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Good. I really like Fenske's books.

lzw's review against another edition

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OMG this was everything! Super sweet, silly, sexy……all the feels! Tawna has a knack for combining sweet & saucy, and oh the dialogue! The hilarious, often sexually laden, banter between Ellie and Ty is ah-mazing! Love that the characters go from strangers, to friends, to much more;) Such great character development, and love how she injects quirkiness throughout her books too! Ellie is such a strong confident lead, while Ty is more of an insecure guy who believes he’s fated to repeat mistakes just like his father. Watching Ty grow throughout the book was such a great treat! He HAS to man up for Ellie and her adorable little boy. Also, this story had great flow from start to finish! Highly recommend this book, and following this very talented author:)
This is the third book in the First Impressions series, but can be read as a standalone. I was given a free ARC of this book from Netgalley in exchange for an honest review.

nb247's review against another edition

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catwithbooks's review against another edition

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The Hook up konnte mich von der ersten bis letzten Seite mit seinen Charme und Humor begeistern. Vor allem hat es mich durch seine authentische Geschichte überzeugt, die ohne großes Drama ausgekommen ist.
Tyler Hendrix soll Ellie Sanders eigentlich nur ein paar Tipps für ihr Unternehmen geben und ihr was helfen, doch vom ersten Augenblick an ist zwischen den beiden ein gewisses Knistern. Ellie verdreht Ty vom ersten Moment an den Kopf, doch Ty ist durch seine schlechte Kindheit geprägt und ist sich sicher das ein Leben als Single für ihn vorherbestimmt ist. Zumal Ellie alleinerziehender Mutter eines sechsjährigen Jungen ist.
Doch wann läuft im Leben mal etwas so wie man es sich vorstellt.

Beide Charaktere haben mir sehr gut gefallen. Besonders schlagfertig sind sie beide und das macht für mich die Geschichte so toll. Grad ihre erste Begegnung ist einfach nur göttlich und sämtliche Lachmuskeln wurden aktiviert. Besonders hat mir gefallen das alles sehr Bodenständig war und es keine überspitzte Dramen gab oder von Situationen mit unnötigen Missverständnis geprägt war. Das Setting war für mich wie aus dem Leben gegriffen und hat noch mehr Pluspunkte gesammelt.
Die Autorin hat einen sehr tollen Schreib-und Sprachstil, ich konnte die Geschichte kaum aus der Hand legen da ich einfach wissen musste wie es weiter geht, vor allem wer macht den ersten Schritt und gesteht seine Gefühle ein.
Es war definitiv nicht mein letztes Buch der Autorin.

lagadema's review against another edition

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This book hooked me from that very first conversation about bawling balls that cracked me up and had to read it right to the end!
Even this is the third instalment of the series it is first book ever from Tawna Fenske and I have no idea how did that happen! She jumped right on my list of writers that I have to read.
It is one very likable book with great characters and story that will make you laugh out loud right from the start... it was definitely case with me.
I totally enjoyed from the first chapter until the end and just because I don't like to spoil someone's reading experience I will just made my day and I can't wait to find the authors other books to read them right away!

tween2teenbookreviews's review against another edition

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This was a fun, sweet book. The characters clearly liked each other from page one. I also liked how he cared for her son. I also loved the support she had from her friends and family. I haven't read the previous books in the series, but I'm considering it given how good this one was.