
Rites of Spring by J.V. Speyer

jlen's review

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My first thought after finishing this book was, "I hope there is a second!" It was a solid paranormal romance that I wanted more of. I loved the characters and the story, and it was decently written.

moj8668's review

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Cameron has inherited a house from a grandfather he hasn't seen since he was seven. His childhood left him with trust issues as well as physical and emotional scars so he's quite content to live a quiet life as a freelance artist, interacting occasionally with the family that rents the other half of the duplex he owns.

Then two strangers show up at his door. "Paranormal investigators" they call themselves but Cameron is convinced it's all a con. But even he has to admit that some things have happened that don't exactly seem . . . natural.

I love a good supernatural thriller and this one hit the sweet spot! From the initial skepticism displayed by Cameron to the not-entirely-unexpected romance between Cameron and Jason, the pacing of the story was engaging and well-timed. I am excited to see that this is the first of a series because I cannot WAIT to read more from this author!!

I received a free copy of this book from Hidden Gems in exchange for an honest review.

cmira2027's review

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3.5 Good spooky haunted house/paranormal investigators/supernatural đź‘» tale. Jason and Cameron needed a good slap upside their heads a few times, but on the whole I enjoyed it. The ending leaves an opening for more from these guys, so hopefully we will see more of them soon.

princessleopard's review

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Preface: I received a free copy of this novel in exchange for an honest review
Explicit content: Graphic sex scenes, child abuse, death, violence

I would describe this as a guilty pleasure sort of book. Obviously, it has a plot (that isn't half bad), but the central draw is the romance. Unfortunately, our romantic lead is, frankly, a complete jerk. He's violent, rude, obnoxious, and overtly hostile from literally the first minute he and our main character meet, and he never really gets any better. As soon as he receives any push back at all from our protagonist, he's instantly snarling and shouting. At one point, he literally tells our protagonist (who is a victim of some serious child abuse, including watching his sister getting murdered) that his mother /murdered the wrong child./ And this never comes up again! He never apologizes for saying this!! It's just swept under the rug with the typical "I hate having feelings and getting close to people so I lash out" thing.

The sad thing is, otherwise, he is kinda a compelling romantic lead, if you're into snappy tough guys. There are moments in the story where he shows vulnerability and tries to be gentler and such, but he always ends up throwing it away and being a jerk again, until the very end. A lot of the fights he gets into are just silly and for milking the drama, but they end up making him really difficult to like and root for as a love interest.

I've seen some other reviews blaming our protagonist for also having an explosive temper, which I really don't get. Jason starts pretty much all of the fights, and, again, he's aware that Caleb has had an extremely abusive and traumatic childhood. Not to mention a lot of their tiffs are because Jason isn't respecting Caleb's house or his space and won't leave when he's told. I was on Caleb's side for pretty much every argument. Caleb himself is a pretty good character - he has some complexity to him that I think comes off as wishywashyness to some. He does seem to vacillate a lot on whether or not he believes in the occult, but again, given his background, I think it's understandable.

The main plot is interesting, but not too intricate. There's a lot of general spookiness, which I enjoyed. The side character renting his house were also nice (more positive representation, which I enjoyed). There was kinda some iffy stuff every time the police came around, where they brushed off Caleb's complaints as lovers' spats because he's gay; the author pretty much beat us over the head about it, which I'm not sure was a good thing, both for the bluntness of it and because she doesn't share this same perspective herself (though it's possible she's had friends deal with the situation in the past, I have no idea).

Overall, I really wish I could rate this story higher, because it is a mostly enjoyable read - however, the abusive undertones and general jerkishness of the main romantic lead really dragged the story down for me, to the point where I'm not sure I can really recommend it, even for those into the genre. Reader discretion is advised, I guess.

see_sadie_read's review

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Honestly, I wasn't all that impressed. It was a serious case of an interesting plot let down by lackluster writing. I mean, there was just not tension in the writing and absolutely no realistic emotions. Ghosts are reaction. Psychic are reaction. Werewolves are reaction. Someone from you past is trying to kill reaction. The reaction. reaction. Oh, but a stranger knock on your door...go bat-shit crazy aggressive on them.

Then there was the romance. Cameron and Jason's back and forwards aggression, affection, aggression affection made no sense, was not believable and felt horribly contrived. Then it ended on a pretty week Happy For Now. I'm not sure if it even qualifies, to be honest.

Speyer did an adequate job with attachment disorder and PTSD. The book had a racially diverse cast and presented immigrants in a positive light. It also addressed some important themes like racism and discrimination against queer people. Unfortunately it did it with the subtlety of a sledgehammer, but it did it all the same.

pagesandprozac's review

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this was a pretty solid paranormal mystery/thriller with no small dash of romance. the pacing was good, with action and twists preventing the story from lagging. one little gripe i had was that sometimes the romance seemed to be overly angsty and the conflict was being created for the sake of it, but overall it worked quite well.

orrla's review

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A Hearts on Fire review.

I was pretty conflicted about this book. On the one hand the paranormal aspects were very well handled and extremely interesting. And while the beginning was a little choppy once the story picked up I couldn’t put the book down. On the other hand, I hated Jason. He was one of the ghost hunters and the love interest, and I think Cameron deserved better. He started out an ass, he continued to be rude and cruel throughout the book, and by the end we were told to forgive him because he had reasons to be so awful. Yeah, no, that won’t fly. Like I said he started out bad so saying “he’s just worried because he LOVES you, and when he worries he acts out” doesn’t work. He was awful before he even knew you, Cameron! But Jason made Cameron happy, and the paranormal aspects of the story were a much larger part of the book, so I did leave the book feeling satisfied.

The paranormal aspects of this book were extremely interesting, and while they were also very dark, the rules were consistent. And I was very fond of Cameron. He was a good man who had lived through some truly awful things, who deserved a happy life. Getting there took time, and I wish it hadn’t involved Jason, but he did find happiness and in the end that’s what mattered. Also, while this is listed as the first book in a series, Cameron’s story does wrap up nicely. I’m not sure what the next book will be about, perhaps another mission of the ghost hunters? Whatever it is, I’ll be sure to check it out.

Unfortunately, Jason wasn’t the only problem I had with this book. This book was a little choppy at points, particularly at the beginning. For example, Cameron firmly claimed that he didn’t believe in ghosts and that he wanted these rude strangers who claimed to be ghost hunters to leave and never come back. And I agreed with him 100%! Strange things started happening, but they had plausible explanations so he let them go. Reasonable! But then he talks to Reid (the other ghost hunter) and suddenly he’s swayed toward believing and it turns out he kept iron on him because of a childhood superstition. And suddenly I don’t understand what he’s thinking. Is he an unreliable narrator, who actually does believe in the paranormal? Is it really just a remnant of his childhood, or was he just downplaying his belief in ghosts? If we’d known about the iron earlier it might have made the transition smoother, and made his sudden belief more understandable. Moments like this came up occasionally, and it was bothersome, but when things were going smoothly the plot was entrancing.

I do recommend this book, especially to horror and paranormal fans. While this book did have some major problems that would usually result in a lower rating, the good parts of the book were so enjoyable that the overall feeling I was left with was positive.