
Penryn en Het gevecht om hemel en aarde by Susan Ee

sidekicka7x's review against another edition

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With it being the final book, I don't want to spoil. So..... It was GOOD! And that's all I can say lol

thatgirlchick's review against another edition

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That ending??? Terrible. Should have had a better ending. Now I'm going to cry myself to sleep because I'll never know how they rebuild and if Raffe and Penryn get married and have little angel babies.

hannah_farnsworth_'s review against another edition

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One of the most amazing books to grace humanity!! Checkout out my review below!

Spoiler free version:

Spoilers included version:

thisstoryaintover's review against another edition

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I really wish I had read this right after World After. I felt a huge disconnect from the characters and couldn't get behind the tragedy or their situations as much as I know I would've if I had read it sooner. Honestly, I love this author's fast-paced, action-packed story-telling, and excellent banter, and that's why I will always look back on this series fondly despite some of its flaws.

whattamess's review against another edition

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Amazing and wonderful series! This book being the best of the series! Susan Ee has an amazing gift for story telling.

kaoden39's review against another edition

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Why don't I have control when it comes to Ms. Ee's books? I read this voraciously. I'm just glad I had read the first two books again before this came out. I waited days to start it but I just couldn't help myself I had to start it. Little did I know I would have so little self control that I would read it so quickly. Amazing! Absolutely amazing! This is a series that ended in a way that I don't feel it should go on. That says a lot, most series I feel leave an opening for another book but this did not.

Read this book, read the whole series allow your self to love Penryn and all of the other characters. Enjoy!

ifyouhavebooks's review against another edition

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It wasn’t the biggest and most explosive ending to have ever occurred in book history but it was the happy ending I think everyone needed and wanted. Raffe and Penryn’s relationship will always be one of my favorites that I have read about and that same love goes for her mom, Paige, Raffe’s Watchers, the Tweedle Twins, and surprisingly Beliel. He may have done some bad things but his backstory made me cry for him. I came to want him to be accepted back into Raffe’s crew and learn what it meant to be accepted by others again. However, I feel like him dying and finally being held up by his brethren again was a mercy that gave him peace.

And can we just talk about the talent show scene for a minute?! That chapter just took my breath away. The way Ee wrote and her description and portrayal of humanity was like none I have ever read before. It was breathtakingly beautiful. It has to be one of my favorite scenes that I have ever read in a book before! I mean... just read this quote!

“The bittersweet chords ring over the bay as his voice softly builds momentum. People begin singing along with his mournful crooning. Some of us have tears drying on our faces in the cold wind as we sing “Hallelujah” in broken voices. When it’s over, there’s a moment of quiet. We’re left wondering about life and love and other things that are messed up and broken, yet somehow still a triumph.”

When I read this I had to stop reading and just take time to absorb it. I had to stop and let the words sink in and let the meaning of it wash over me. Some people have been complaining that there were many plot holes and questions left unanswered after they finished, particularly about the Angels. But my thought is that this series was never really about the Angels and their world. It was truly about humanity and the lengths to which we as people can survive when pushed to the limits. I think Ee portrayed this concept amazingly well and deserves to be applauded for that.

Overall this book and this series have become one of my absolute favorites and I think everyone should at least give it a fair shake! It is truly inspiring.

bjclark99's review against another edition

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Sigh...... It's over. With a heavy heart I hug my kindle. It was an amazing series, I love every book. Non stop action, I couldn't stop reading..... And now I'm sad it's over. A definite MUST read!

nicole1127trent's review against another edition

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I liked this series even though I couldn't follow what was happening a couple of times and I think I still had a couple questions. it was a little slow in the first book but I would read the series again :)

rrekhaa's review against another edition

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