
Feel Me by Cecy Robson

elylibrarysec's review

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Melissa “Mel” Fenski doesn’t let her disability define who she is as a person. Declan O’Brien thinks he’s being short-changed and not being used to the best of his abilities. Sometimes we get surprises where we least expect it.

If you’ve not read this series before, Declan’s brother Curran may have you at least wanting to read the book that started it all titled Once Kissed. And if he doesn’t do it for you his wife Tess just might. But don’t worry if you don’t have time right now, this book could be considered a stand-alone but I found that this series has me addicted. I was impressed how this author is willing to take on characters that aren’t ones that fit into the “perfect” mold. Characters that don’t see personal challenges as something to hold them back from living their lives. Ms. Robson is also willing to write a self assured male character who gets a reality check when he meets a woman who gives him a run for his money.

This is a book that I would read again. I found myself wanting to get to know the O’Brien family and the significant others that come to change their lives. Our author does a great job of showing how complicated our lives can be as we try to find our way through building a relationship. But she doesn’t get too serious and even gets her readers to laugh every once in awhile. We need to lighten up sometimes and not take things too seriously. Feel Me is a story where you can just sit back and enjoy what the author has created. It’s a great way to forget your day but be warned that you may not want to put the book down once you pick it up. The book also made me sad having recently lost a parent. But Ms. Robson makes up for it by putting a smile on my face when I read the ending.

I was not compensated nor was I required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own.

lauraanne9's review

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***ARC Provided by the Author and Tasty Book Tours***

3.5 Stars

The idea of a hearing impaired heroine was interesting. I also really liked that this was a factor in their relationship, in who Melissa is, but not a deal breaker. This appealed to me, as it was nice to see a heroine who was less than the "ideal" but still the heroine of the story, and perfect for Declan, the hero. I really liked that.

Oddly, though, I thought there were times when the hearing loss that she deals with was too much of a non-issue. Places where I thought it should have been addressed and it wasn't. It was a minor thing, but it was there.

I enjoyed the chemistry between Declan and Melissa. I liked that I believed in him, and in his attraction to her, that he really wanted to be involved with her, that he cared about her, and the interest had nothing to do with her being deaf and everything to do with her being a woman.

I thought the pacing was mostly good, although I thought the story took a long time to get going and that there were a couple of extra characters that were not necessary and slowed down the progression of the romance. Once I got farther into the story, I was able to enjoy it and I liked it.

I do recommend this overall.

marie_thereadingotter's review

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This book is pretty average. It's neither good or bad. It has a pretty generic plot, cliche characters(On the male side of things at least).
I kind of only read this book because I needed a book to pad my reading challenge.

Melissa was an interesting character, except for about the last third, then she turned into a generic female lead character in this genre. I haven't read any books from this series in a while so I don't remember their first meeting at all, or if I read all the other books in this series, but it kind of doesn't matter to me, it's a companion series they don't all need to be read to read this one. But I enjoyed it enough, I read it in less than a day.

I didn't really care for the massive jump at the end. I don't know how many months/years it was, I was kind of just skimming at that point anyway. But a sizable amount of time had passed, enough for them to get married and have a baby, so a year minimum. And I don't know about you, but that seems like a really short amount of time for that to happen. Especially considering they hadn't even been together for a year by the end of the book.

I don't know, I think I just need to stop reading this genre. I have a harder time suspending my disbelief for the stuff that happens in this book than I do for Dragons existing in Fantasy novels.