
Rest For The Wicked by Cate Dean

dragon_lion64's review against another edition

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Rest for the Wicked
Claire Wiche Chronicles #1
Paranormal 13 … 4th book
Continuing through the Paranormal 13 book which includes 13 full-length paranormal stories by different authors; I have read and reviewed the first story, Darkangel from The Witches of Cleopatra Hill series by Christine Pope and am trying to read each story in the Paranormal 13 book. I liked the first book so much that I bought and read the next two books in the series immediately afterwards, before I continued on to the next stories in Paranormal 13. I read a little of the next two stories in the book but they were aimed at a younger audience than what I prefer to read since they are about high school kids so I decided to skip to the fourth book in the book.
The fourth book, Rest for the Wicked by Cate Dean is the first book in the Claire Wiche Chronicle series. I was pleased to see that is was aimed for an older audience or at least wasn’t about high school students.
The book starts out with a psychotic woman with some sort of magical powers terrorizing a brother and sister. She kills the sister and puts some kind of spell on the brother, Eric, which makes him obsessed with wanting to kill Claire Wiche who the psycho woman, Natasha, has programmed into his mind, making him believe she was responsible for his sister’s death even though he actually saw Natasha kill her.
Claire Wiche owns and operates a Wicca shop in a small coastal town in California. She is a witch but obviously has some secret that she is hiding, making me wonder if she is something other than a witch but the author doesn’t come right out and say it. She has a friend, Annie, who has magical powers also but she has not learned to use them yet.
Eric shows up across the street from Claire’s shop but there is some sort of festival happening in the town which makes it hard for him to just go in and kill Claire. He ends up going to a pub nearby and runs into Annie who tries to help him because she thinks he is drunk. She sticks him in a cab and sends him to his motel.
Another man shows up at the shop. Claire recognizes him as a Jinn and tells him to leave her alone because she doesn’t trust Jinns. Because I am an avid paranormal romance reader, I know what a Jinn is. I have seen it spelled various ways but if someone wasn’t aware what a Jinn is, they would kind of be lost because the author doesn’t go into much detail. Come to think of it, the whole story isn’t very detailed. I think the author just assumes everyone knows what all the different types of demons and mythological creatures are and leaves it at that. My knowledge of Jinns is limited but in other stories they are usually powerful demons or creatures who are beautiful and use trickery, kind of like genies do. This Jinn, Marcos, did seem to attract women but he seemed honest and willing to help Claire.
I didn’t really connect with any of the characters except maybe Marcos because the author doesn’t go into much detail about any of them. Most of the book is conversation between the characters and the author doesn’t go very deep into their emotions so I just didn’t get a connection to anyone.
The book was just okay for me. It ended on a cliff-hanger like the first story in the book did…hmmm…I wonder if that is a pattern but I don’t really know since I didn’t read the second and third stories in the book. Unlike the first book where I wanted to know what happened so I read the next book in the series, I won’t be reading the next book in this series.

librovert's review against another edition

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This is the fourth book in [b:The Paranormal 13|23387007|The Paranormal 13|C.J. Archer||42945188]. The collection calls it a prequel, but it's listed as #1 on Goodreads and doesn't seem any shorter than the rest of the installments in the series, so... weird.

It definitely read like a prequel, there are a lot more questions asked than answered.

It was more of a ghost mystery than the paranormal romance books that have filled the collection so far, so that was a refreshing change.

It seemed like it had potential, but it was too short to get a really good feel for it. It's a series I'd put on my rainy day/challenge ideas shelf, but not something I'm jumping at to read.

p0laris's review against another edition

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I felt like the story was just beginning when I looked at the bottom of my Kindle and realized I was more than halfway through the book. While this is partially my fault for not catching that this was a short one before I began reading, I can't help but feel that much more could have happened. There's a great story in here that could have come out if the characters were given more time. Instead, the story felt way too rushed, and resulted in things like insta-love (or in this case: love as a result of sex) and misunderstood character actions.

I was also surprised to find
Spoilertowards the end that I was not, in fact, reading a book about witches, but was reading a book about angels...turned demons. If you read my blog, you know how I feel about reading angel books.* It's rare that I find an angel book I like, and sadly this was not one of those times.

* I hate them--not angels, just books that misrepresent angels according to my own beliefs. Oddly enough, I'm okay reading books about demons, since I can take that with a grain of salt. But usually not when angels are brought into the picture. I know--It's a fine line I walk. ;)

It does have some exciting action that keeps you wanting to know how it will all turn out. And there are a few characters who are given interesting twists. Cate Dean based a lot of the story on facts and real objects, which I think is cool. I think this is a book that others may enjoy. It just isn't the book for me.

This book was originally reviewed on my blog. See it at The Reading Fever.

booksenvogue's review against another edition

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Ordinary is Not the word to describe this book! I absolutely enjoyed this tale about witches and other things that go bump in the night. The author did an excellent job of creating an air tight innocent alibi for the main character, Claire, only to take you on a journey of uncovering the dirty little secrets sweep under the rug. This book was a shocker. Here I was thinking it was going to be glitter and fairy dust; yet it turned out to be more of a soap opera, complete with drama, sexual activity, murder, magic, minions, and other juicy diabolicalness. In the end we’re left on a cliff hanger that is sure to frustrate many.
Rating: 3.5 hearts

slc333's review

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It wasn’t bad, I just failed to connect with any of the characters, especially our main character Claire. Again she wasn’t unlikable or anything she just didn’t feel real. Annie (the BFF) was the most vibrant and likable character.

clairelm's review against another edition

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This was an interesting story.

caroline_carnivorous's review against another edition

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A very short story, I found it a little different, but okay.
Don't have much to say about it than that, hahah.

alexandrahughes's review against another edition

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I read some really bad reviews on this book after I got it free on my Nook. But it really wasn't as bad as I had expected. The story was interesting enough. There was action and romance and all that good stuff. I can't really complain about anything (I'm letting the few spelling/grammar errors slide). I found the story fairly entertaining.

hetlevenvaneenboekenworm's review against another edition

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My review will be posted soon!

missstarlamae's review

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I really enjoyed this short book. I think this will be a fun series, and a little different than the paranormal books I've been reading lately. I cannot wait to start the second book.