
The Seventh Spell, by Danielle E. Shipley

lissyiszy's review

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Ok, wow. Ok, this book has to be my favorite so far with all the fairy tale references it was hard not to be pleased. This is the third book of the Wilderhark Tales. We're back with Sula, Villem, Rosalba, and Edgwyn! PLUS we get to meet some NEW CHARACTERS! The story is told from multiple point of views (POV) so don't expect just these main four. I found the other POVs refreshing, it's nice to see the different personalities. :)

The story is still written with the same wonderful lyrical voice as the previous two novellas. I was pleased to see the quality of the storytelling have remained fairly constant throughout the series. I do have a few qualms with this story but it didn't bother me enough affect my enjoyment of the story.

First, I felt that the story was a bit rushed and the writing a little more rough but I did read an ARC. In addition, considering it's a novella it's to be expected. Secondly, my nitpickiness made me feel that everything happened too easily for the characters. I would have liked to see them struggle a little more and overcome the obstacles before them but with such a limited word count/page limit it's understandable why the author wrote what she did and she did it well. I'm pretty sure I wouldn't have wanted the story to end midway through their adventure anyways. Third, I felt that the stakes weren't high enough in this story. I mean it was, but the pressure to accomplish the task wasn't as daunting as the previous two stories. That may have to do with the fact of covering so many things but it's a minor issue. One I don't mind too much given we are tossed so many different characters and their stories.

The story was extremely clever! I loved the idea of a "Seventh Spell" so I knew this was going to be epic in some form or another and it didn't disappoint. The characters went on another wild adventure racing against the clock or else everything they've known and loved will disappear forever!

I loved the new characters! It was fun to meet all the new ones and it was quite easy to pick out who was who as I read on. All the new characters and their story threads were clear so I never got confused. That, my friends is good story telling! My only wish was that the story was more unpredictable like in Miss Shipley's first story. For me the unexpected twists always makes the stories more enjoyable.

The ending was clean and satisfying. It didn't really leave any cliffhangers or hints of what may happen in the next book. I did have a few questions once I finished the story but I'll leave it to the next book for answers. Most of the important loose ends have been tied up so you won't be let down with this ending. If you loved Shipley's first two stories I'm sure you'll love this one too!

Miss Shipley, you are a wonderful fast writer! Now please write faster so I can read the next ones! XD (Just kidding. Write at your pace but keep it up the good work. Your stories are fantastic! I can't get enough!) What are you people still reading this for? Go get your copy!

For more of my review go to: