
The Memory of Water by J.T. Lawrence

doinacondrea's review

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2.5-ish? I just keep picking weird books lol

kitsune's review

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Another stunning offering from JTL.

I really enjoyed this - it's definitely very different from Lawrence's usual offerings, but as beautifully written as ever.

I loved the protagonist, although he's definitely an unreliable narrator!

sibgouws's review

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I thought this book was FAMAZING!

I had to re-read the ending twice just to make sure I understood what had ACTUALLY happened because for a second I was entirely confused that it could NOT be how it ended!

It was incredibly gripping and for me it was enjoyable from the start to the end.
This isn't the sort of genre I regularly read and I wasn't expecting to enjoy it as much as I did.

The story follows Slade who is the strangest and craziest guy you can think of and this is what kept me hooked because JT describes his thought processes so well. This poor guy's whole life crumbles to pieces and I couldn't help but be entertained by it.

I actually shared daily what I had read with my husband who also wanted to be kept in the loop!

It is the first book by this author that I've had the pleasure of reading and I look forward to reading more of her books if this is the quality!

tania_kliphuis's review

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At first I wasn't sure about old Slade Harris and his suffocating self-destructive attitude. For at least 30% of the book, I really did wonder where this was all going. But I kept reading because, for all of his faults, he was a rather interesting character (I guess that's why someone as lovely as Eve is friends with him?).

Things really got going for me in the middle of the book.
SpoilerThe mystery. The suspense. Did he? Didn't he? If not him, then who?

And then the ending fell a bit apart for me. Look, at least it didn't end with the false ending that Harris initially penned in his cell. And I completely believed that PyschoSally could've done it. But, even so, I have so many questions still:
1. What the hell was the whole Mrs X thing about (not to mention the exploding car in the middle of Duduza)? Was he having a manic episode?
2. Is he that self-involved that he didn't realise that "Denise" was his stalker?
3. Who was Susannah? This was resolved in the false ending, but not the actual ending. Or is it meant to apply there too?
4. What really happened to Francina? Did PyschoSally get rid of her (and I don't mean by sending her to Mauritius)?

All-in-all though, I am really liking J.T. Lawrence and it seems like this is one of her earlier books (which may explain why it's a bit less "polished" plot-wise than Why you were taken)? South African fiction can be so up-itself and it often tries so bloody hard, but I find Lawrence's writing interesting and enjoyable to read and most definitely not up-itself. I managed to get this one for free on Amazon, but I shall be forking over my own money for more of her work.

rincondejoss's review

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Wao I had my doubts with this one at first, but the twists make me this book a new favorite. I have to admit that Slade didn't catch me the first time he sounded like a bad person, maybe he was but maybe just too wild?

and the plot and the conspirations were so huges and amazing, really a thriller fan dream.

if you're into noir novels this is the one you should pick up.

geckoedit's review

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WOW! It's so different from her scifi... Boy does this author have range. It's steamy and gritty, twisty and turny and just when I thought I had it all figured out and even had my theory confirmed, she spun around and blew it all up in a fiery explosion of "Gotcha!"
Sneaky trickster. Excellent book.

luckaye's review

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Quite an unusual book with a twist at the end that twists again! You are never quite sure what is real & what is not.

friedatweehuysen's review

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I don't know what to think of this story, it has left me befuddled. I have nightmares of being stuck in my mind and getting lost. Even before this.

Right. The tale is well told and I can picture the hows as this is our current reality in South Africa.
I feel both sorry for Slade and not, all at once.
I don't know how to in words how I feel - especially as I don't know how I'm feeling...

dozylocal's review

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3.5 stars

Thoroughly enjoyed this mystery story about a writers-blocked author who goes through a writing slump and comes up with a hair-brained scheme to revive his juju. And then things go very not to plan... I think I'd have enjoyed it even more had I read it as a proper book rather than in small bites of time as an eBook. I guessed the ending... But was still surprised at the twist. Can't say more without being a spoiler :-)

I have to admit, a couple of the sex scenes left me a little red-faced over my breakfast in the work canteen...

If you like murder-mystery stuff - especially if you regard a South African setting as a bonus - then definitely give this a read.