
White Belt by Faye McCray

lojarive's review

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I received this book for an honest review

White Belt, a short story about a girl on her way to a Jay Z concert with her boyfriend. They decide to make a rest stop and lo and behold... Zombie Apocalypse starts! To be a 100% honest I wasn't sure if I was going to enjoy this book based on the premise. I mean... Zombies? Again? Haven't people started to get bored? Cause I think I have. However, I was pleasantly surprised. In just a few pages I went from totally wanting to slap Dani, to rooting for her. Accomplishing character development in a few pages is not easy but I believe it was accomplished. At least enough to have you wanting more. Ms McCray has been able to describe every detail in a way in which you can feel the anxiety, distress, will to live (sometimes), without forgetting the narrator is a young woman. I am looking forward to reading Yellow Belt. Oh and by the way, I don't think I will making a rest stop on my next trip.