
Beauty, by Caroline Lee

oracleofaal's review

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It was a fun romp through a new telling of an old fairy tale. I enjoyed the characters mostly. But the "Beast's" story was a little too forced in my opinion and a very important detail for a musician was never addressed. Other than that, it was cute and a great fluffy Sunday read in front of the fireplace. I liked a some of the little details of the book shop, and the tea set, and the other fairy tale characters that are part of the town. Even the magic "help" at the end. It isn't one I'll ever read again and I'm not going to run out and pick up all the others in the series but if I run across them on Kindle Unlimited I might give them a go.

My biggest issue was how the musician couldn't tell that the woman was his wife by her voice. I understand losing sight, and I get that his voice changed but hers didn't or at least it was never said that it had. And as a musician with little worth compared to this world renowned violinist, I am good at picking out voices. And if you miss this woman more than anything you would react immediately upon hearing her voice again.

frominktopaper's review

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Original review posted on my blog From Ink to Paper

Actual rating is a 3.5 out of 5.

I received this book in my book box and thought that it sounded like an interesting take on the Beauty and the Beast fairytale. I thought that it was a fun take on the story and enjoyed it. I think there were some parts of it that annoyed me and made me not like it as much. I felt that Belle would never have been so into her looks even if she had married a husband who thought that way. Now I know this is a retelling, but I felt that Arabella was not as strong of a woman as Belle was in the original. I also got really annoyed with her saying “oh poot” all the time.

I liked the idea though that this place is where fairytale characters come, and seem to find their happy ending. Arabella’s first husband was believed to have been killed in the war and she came to live in Everland with her second husband and her son from her previous marriage. Vincenzo was hurt in a war and left his first wife because he didn’t want her to see the monster he has become and after traveling the world as a musician has settled in Everland to be all by himself. However, Arabella and Vincenzo start up a deal with her reading to him and he teaching her son music lessons. They both start to fall for one another but feel that it isn’t right. I just kept going oh come on give in you can be in love with someone new! Then bam you find out the secret that they have actually already been in love when they were younger.

I thought the surprise of who they actually were to each other was a good twist on the story. I like that they end up saying that they might not be the people who they used to be but they love each other all the same as the people that they have become. I really thought it was funny when Arabella runs after him to the train station and is in her nightdress and hair all a mess since she was so careful about how she looked. It was interesting in the story to see the other fairytale characters that live there and think about how they interact with each other. I thought overall it was a pretty good retelling, but not my favorite.

jmacattack's review

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A very sweet book and a quick read. It was a little predictable, but it was well-written and a lot of fun. I love fairy tale retellings. I want to try more of her stories.

jandmterry's review

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This was a really heartwarming story. Caroline Lee created a wonderful beauty and the beast story. This is a story of second chances and rediscovering yourself. It will make you fell a whole lot of emotions. I'm so glad she wrote this story and created Everland, Wyoming.

I received a ARC from the author to read and give a honest review.

haleenah's review

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Truly bad, I won't list all of my problems with this book because I don't have the time but:
▪badly written
▪the mc thinks she's old because she's 30???
▪everyone in this book is.......very stupid
▪I forced myself to finish this because I thought this has to get better for all of these good reviews, but no. It got worse.
▪a terrible book start to finish
▪very glad that I didn't pay for this

missyterry73's review

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This was a really heartwarming story. Caroline Lee created a wonderful beauty and the beast story. This is a story of second chances and rediscovering yourself. It will make you fell a whole lot of emotions. I'm so glad she wrote this story and created Everland, Wyoming.

I received a ARC from the author to read and give a honest review.

rebekahloper's review

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A unique twist in Beauty and the Beast that I enjoyed very much. The series as a whole seems to be for muxed age ranges, though. Ella's book read like YA, but Beauty read more like a traditional adult historical romance. Just fyi.

kristin's review

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I really enjoyed this, it was a little slow in the beginning but ended well. I loved the plot twist just as every body else did. Definitely recommend.

Price: freebie


elenajohansen's review

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Bland. Predictable. Repetitive.

I could only take listening to Arabella whine about how worthless she was because she wasn't beautiful anymore so many times. Also her idea that she was "old" when she was barely past thirty--yep, you're a crone, get in the grave already.

I know her attitudes are meant to be warped by her second husband and his impossible standards, I get it. But it's tiresome to watch her vague attempts to unlearn those attitudes, and I'm not sure she actually succeeds all that well. It's weird that the one thing I actually truly liked about this was the way the second-chance romance ending played out: you're not the same person you were when I loved you then, but neither am I, and we fell in love again as who we are now. Honestly, I think that's beautiful, and something the second-chance-romance sub-genre could take to heart. But as lovely as that sentiment is, I don't feel like it's attached to a story line that deserves it. There's not much conflict aside from Arabella's and Vincenzo's prejudices about beauty and its relative worth; the external conflict amounts to some easily ignored nonsense about small-town propriety. It's shallow, unsubtle, and ultimately a poor reimagination of Beauty and the Beast.

emareld2000's review

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Did not see that coming. Like at all.