ljrinaldi's review

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When kids are allowed to read whatever they want, what subject do they pick? For some it is dinosaurs, looking backwards, but for others it is out space, looking forwards.

This is a very thorough book on all we know about space exploration, both in the past and in the near and far future. I found, at times, it went a little overboard with its explanations, but that is what kids love. And it helps that this is very up to date. It isn't only NASA that is out there, the way it was when I was growing up, but Space X and the European Space Agency, and so much more.

In fact, the author acknowledges that one of the main people he spoke to was a SpaceX engineer, which is a way cool to go about getting the latest information.

There are some really great photos in the book as well, such as the northern lights from space.

And fun facts such as that comets smell like rotten eggs and horse pee, that is if you could take off your helmet and smell them, which you can't.

All in all, a very informative book, great for libraries, and schools.

Thanks to Netgalley for making this book available for an honest review.

bookishbrook's review

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I read & evaluated this book for the Vancouver Children's Round Table (VCLR)'s 2019 Information Book Award.

This was an unusual concept that I didn't quite jive with at first, but eventually grew to like. Think of this book as a travel guide... Except that instead of Florida or Paris, the destination is Outer Space. The organization of information and book design was pretty good (once I understood the concept of the book). I wish there was a bit more narrative to ground each chapter though. There were some cute illustrations mixed with photographs which made the book visually fun. The mid-book glossary was a neat touch as well.

jessica42980's review

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All my reviews can be found at: http://jessicasreadingroom.com
If you have a child interested in space, then get them this book! This book has plenty for them to learn about and as an adult you will learn too! There are real pictures of astronauts in space as well as drawings. Between these and the fun facts given(which can be TMI that the kids will find hilarious and make the adults cringe) throughout, this will keep kids interested in the subject of Space!

The Guide talks about space travel now and in the future. It does mention the high cost of space travel. It is crazy to think that what is mentioned here for the future will happen at some point: From staying on the Moon to cruising in space and even on a comet! In the far off future we will even be able to travel to Mars, Jupiter, and Saturn! All of the different kinds of trips are mentioned with how long they will take to get there (and how for the long term trips) and how far away these places are. Guide mentions the training one must go through as well. These trips are not something you just decide to do! Also mentioned in these trip are ‘things to do” which keeps the kids learning as they read.

This children’s book helps you to realize how advanced we are and will become in the future. And one day just maybe space travel will be as common as getting in your car for a drive!

Special thanks to Kids Can Press for an e-arc via NetGalley!