
Copper Beach by Jayne Ann Krentz

mezarale's review

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Liked the romance though it at times seemed slow. I agree with another reader who said that the dog was a bust bunny and just didn't know it.

dianewing's review

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If you like a paranormal mystery with a dash of romance thrown in, Jayne Ann Krentz takes you on an adventure filled with murder, psi talents, psi-encrypted books, and "hot" crystals. The atmosphere in the book crackles with deceit, romance, and familial and personal struggles. Krentz's writing voice is smooth and masterfully tells the story, urging the reader forward, and wrapping it all up in the end. This is book 1 of the Dark Legacy series and can be a stand-alone. I plan to read book 2.

dgrahlman's review

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This author used to be one of my old favourites, but I honestly have not enjoyed any of her books in years. This book is another example of how her writing has stagnated with the same basic plot that has been reused in countless books now. Personality deprived main characters form an alliance for business reasons, instantly realize they are meant to be together for no apparent reason and fall into an intimate relationship within hours of meeting, then a lot of nonsensical paranormal drivel happens before a slightly climatic ending in a showdown with a mentially unbalanced villain. Give the female protagonist a cute pet, and this book is the same as the last dozen and doubtlessly the next dozen. Count me out, I'm done.

librarianinperiwinkle's review against another edition

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I usually like Jayne Ann Krentz/Amanda Quick's paranormal romance novels. They're enjoyable formulaic escapism. So maybe it was listening to this one on CD that made the difference, made me realize just how repetitive and ridiculous the language, characters, and story were. At first I was excited that finally one of these novels didn't have the instantaneous, sizzling mutual attraction between the two main characters, but no, that did not last or make the hero or heroine at all three-dimensional. This romance sped straight through the usual absurd pattern of lust masquerading as love. I think I got eye strain from rolling my eyes so much and gagging during every single romance-focused sentence.

And for pete's sake, use a thesaurus! Employ some plain old imagination. STOP saying idiotic things like "his eyes heated," "her eyes were hot," "he jacked his senses," "resonating frequencies of their auras," etc. Find a new way to show or explain what is going on. Stop relying on the same tired expressions you've used thousands of times in dozens of other books. In fact, next time, please try eliminating all forms of the words "hot" and "jacked." (There are about a dozen other words I'd like to see vanish from the book, but mercifully I cannot recall them at this moment.)

What's the book about? Oh right--the story. A paranormal books dealer is being blackmailed and pursued for her ability to "unlock the psi-code" of a forty-year-old lab notebook, so she hires someone to find the blackmailer, and he hires her to find the book. A couple of crazy people try to kidnap and kill her, yadda yadda. Some supposedly-hot sex happens (see above comment about eye rolling). If you've read one, you've read 'em all.

For readers' advisors: story doorway, if I have to pick something. Some sex scenes and swearing.

acesarrows's review

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Originally read January 2013.
Re-read March 2015.

breezy610's review

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pretty good. she always best the novels that has a little bit of everything mix into it's pages.

mostlyfated's review

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Great start to a new series. Love the characters of Sam and Abby. I always enjoy the details and context Jayne provide regarding the background and location for all her stories. Not to mention, the dialogue are very well written and witty - the trademarks of JAK.

Can't wait to read the next book with Judson and Gwen's story.

masquerader888's review against another edition

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Copper Beach—Dark Legacy book one by Jayne Ann Krentz

I always enjoy Ms. Krentz’s books, and this was no exception. She writes with style and panache, creating delectable candy books that I love to devour.

Copper Beach was a good opening effort to a new series; however I do feel that much of the creative force in this book was spent on set-up for future installments and not particularly on the story within it. The characterization in a lot of places seemed a bit rushed, and some of the secondary characters felt a little like space-holders, awaiting future books to actually mean anything. The plot also felt the pinch of a new series start-up, spending lots of time cementing elements for future use and wrapping up this story with a hat-trick. I feel that this series has lots of room to grow, and I will enjoy taking the journey with these characters and exploring the world that is being created, but there is still a ways to go before we get to that complete world or fleshed-out series.

This is the first book from Ms. Krentz in quite some time that has not been a part of her Arcane Society series. While I happened to thoroughly enjoy the Arcane series I do understand the need to do different things and that all of Ms. Krentz’s fans might not want to only read in that universe. That said, as far as I can see the biggest difference so far in her Dark Legacy series vs. the Arcane is the history and known secondary characters. We are still immersed in the world of the paranormal, but this time we’re working without a net.

Abby Radwell was an interesting character, and I happen to adore the concept of her being able to “unlock” psychic code in books. Her history was richly woven even if she bore a lot of the brunt of working without a net when it came to dealing with the peculiarly of her paranormal gifts. With that in mind I found it a bit difficult to embrace her easy acceptance of our hero Sam Coppersmith. With Sam we have a different story. The rare earths and ability to psychically interact with crystals I had zero problem with, I also dig his near-genius talents in designing and creating mechanical mechanisms based on that crystal ability. Sam turned out to be the well-rounded character in this book for me, even if much of his past and endeavors remain hidden.

I give this book a high three stars ★★★ with hopes that the series will improve from here.

jbarr5's review

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Copper Beach by Jayne Ann Krentz
The mystery of the lost treasure map is within reach. Lander lets his dying father know that he didn't die and that he couldn't get away with the deceit.
The crystals are dangerous and shouldn't be opened. He has a lead on one who can read the crystals so he can claim what is owed him.
Abby Radwell goes to Sam for protection.
Sam Coppersmith knows crystals and powers that go with them and lives on his own island in the northwest. Abby has traveled there for help in someone trying to get money out of her for keeping her secret of the powers that she can use with the crystals.
He was very taken with her and has agreed to help her with the problem.
She can read auras and energy is her best friend.
Intruders, step brothers and other complications arise in solving who is blackmailing her.
Sam will be her bodyguard til they find out who wants the book. He has a plan that will work, it just means relocating her.
He becomes educated as to her past escapades so he knows what he's up against.
Love this book for the travel, romance, paranormal and new things I learned about magical powers.

inmyhumbleopinion's review

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If you like The Arcane series by JAK you will enjoy this. Ms. Krentz says she will be keeping this trilogy in the present and just under her JAK author name. I’ll admit that it screws up my shelving to have JAK with Jayne Castle and Amanda Quick.
This is another paranormal, mystery and romance. Nobody does this quite like Jayne Ann Krentz. In Copper Beach we meet Sam Coppersmith and Abby Radwell. I really enjoyed the Sam/Abby dynamic. Abby has a gift for recognizing “hot” books or those that radiate paranormal energy. She has the added gift of being able to unlock the encryption that’s been put on some of the aforementioned “hot” books. Sam’s gifts deal more with crystals. Sam and Abby meet when Abby is being blackmailed into using her gifts to find and unencrypt a book that will lead to the Phoenix Mine that contains crystals of unknown power. Sam’s family has been protecting the location of the mine as the crystals in the mine are very powerful and the equipment to test them safely doesn’t exist yet.
I figure the next two books in this trilogy will deal with Sam’s brother and sister.