
Alien Overnight by Robin L. Rotham

solaana's review

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Alien menage light BDSM romance, y'all. There is literally something for everyone.

sunnydee's review

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Da ich sehr gern SciFi-Romance lesen und das Buch bei Medimops ein Schnapper war, habe ich es mir damals gekauft.
Es geht hier um Dr. Monica Teague, eine eigentlich menschliche Frau, die auf einen Raumschiff Frauen betreuen soll, die von den Garathani (Alienrasse) als Ersatz für ihre verstorbenen Frauen transportiert werden. Schnell stellt sich heraus, dass Monica nicht komplett menschlich ist und als sie dann den Pheromonen der Garathani ausgesetzt ist, sich von einer eher unscheinbaren Frau in einer wahre Sexbombe verwandelt. Klischee Nummer eins erfüllt. Schnell erheben der Kommandeur (Kellen) und sein Leutnant (Shrauss) Anspruch auf Monica. Diese ist noch etwas benommen von ihrer körperlichen Wandlung und hat kein Mitspracherecht bei der Sache. Sie wird ab dann fast die ganze Zeit in Kellens Kajüte/Schlafzimmer eingesperrt und er und Shrauss dominieren sie in ziemlich machohafter Manier. Nächstes Klischee erfüllt und für mich schon etwas zu dominant machohaft. Es war einfach ein zu enormer Schritt von emanzipierter gebildeter Frau, zu aufs Schlafzimmer reduziertem Weibchen.
Es wurde versucht noch etwas Story und Weltaufbau drumherum zu schreiben, aber wirklich überzeugen konnte es mich nicht. Ein bisschen Familiendrama, aber wirklich nur Millimal, ein paar Erklärungen zum Verschwinden der weiblichen Garathani und wie das Verhältnis zwischen Mann und Frau bei denen waren und ein recht kurzer Gefahrmoment für die Prota waren alles was es so drumherum gab.
Die Liebesbeziehung war auch nicht so ganz mans. Mal abgesehen davon, dass die Männer sich über weite Teile einfach nahmen was sie wollten und Monica eindeutig als minderwertig herüberkam, so war nicht einmal die Dreierbeziehung wirklich harmonisch ausgeglichen. Selbst als Monica sich mit ihr abgefunden hat, so war doch immer ein Partner nicht glücklich mit seiner Position. Die Lösung am Ende fand ich einfach total merkwürdig und passte mir gar nicht.
Die Sexszenen waren wirklich gut geschrieben, ich konnte sie nur nicht immer genießen, weil mir Monica einfach viel zu wenig zu sagen hatte in der Sache.
Dann gab es noch eine Szene mit Monica und Kellen vor Monicas Vater, die ja mal so richtig merkwürdig und unangenehm war. Ich dachte echt ich hab mich verlesen. Aus Spoilergründen schreibe ich hier mal nicht was, aber ich denke jeder der es gelesen hat, weiß was ich meine.
Alles in allem muss ich sagen, war es nicht wirklich verschwendete Lesezeit, weil es mich doch unterhalten hat und ich schon deutlich schlechteres gelesen habe.

Story 3,0/5
Emotionen 3,0/5
Charaktere 3,0/5
Spannung 3,0/5
Schreibstil 3,6/5
Erotik 4,0/5
Lesegefühl 3,0/5
Gesamt 3,0/5

foreverbeautifulbooks's review

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This book is so riding a fine line between really really naughty erotica, and sometime so sweet you just can't help but fall in love with all the characters.

So, as you can tell, I'm totally in a sci-fi binge at the moment. I can't seem to get enough. Aliens with 'extra' appendages--come to mama!

I have to say, the world building wasn't quite as up to par as I would like it to be. I get the impression we are on Earth, they are in Montana, yet, they don't call earth women, earth women, and we don't call it 'earth'.

You have this awesome big hunky aliens that when they get the hump on, an extra 'spur' comes out. Now women of their race, instead of a clitoris, they have an extra little 'nook'. For that to go and it has the same effect as a clitoris.

Well, enter the fact most of the Garathan's female are gone, and they have come to earth to 'recruit' the women most able to carry their young and get knocked up. It is sort of a far fetched storyline, but I bought it, I think because I wanted to buy it lol.

Now, we have Monica. She is suffering from a condition where she never hit puberty. She's totally underdeveloped and doesn't even get aroused. She's overseeing a 'presentation' on Garathan mating habits when she suddenly gets 'hi'. Turns out she's really a hybrid Garathan and is finally going into puberty.

Then it all gets kind of crazy because as you can imagine, like most alien hunks, Garathan's are the chest bounding kind. OH! And they dig BDSM--well more S&m lol This sort of cranked my appeal of this up. Quickly, before she even knows whats happening to her Kellen claims her and Shauss. They have to claim in groups of three.

Thus begins a crazy wild journey that actually raised my hackles quite often. I had issues because Kellen is unbending where Shauss is a bit more understanding. These dudes can render you totally helpless in seconds. No need for ties, one command and thunk. Down for the count, and all at their mercy. Also, they can make you unable to speak the same way.

Hackles raised lol

I didn't dislike this story. Mostly because once Monica grew into her full alien hotness, she was quite bratty, and I love books that tame the brat. I HATE bratty subs that are bratty when they know its just BS for them to be doing it.

I feel like this is more erotica than romance because Kellen doesn't like to listen and that made me upset a lot of the time. Although, Monica, from what I can tell is a OBGYN. Nothing is really clearly written in this world and that was the hard part of this story.

fsmeurinne's review

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Pretty interesting and original ideas, the plot is a bit slow, but interesting, while the steam is overloaded. If you like different things, sci-fi, PNR, stories this one is for you. This is the first in the series, so I suggest you start in order, it might not be for everyone just be warned about the different ways of mating.

sans's review

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Ok. I actually liked this. Quite a bit. Very camp, very tongue in cheek. While the dialogue wanted to make me headdesk on occasion (yes, I'm talking about that "alien invasion" part), I just couldn't take the book seriously enough to make me hate it. I'd prefer to give it 3.5 stars, but since that isn't an option, I'm going to bump it up to 4, simply for keeping me entertained.

So. What happens when an alien race of really tall, really hot guys lose almost their entire female population to biological warfare? Why, they hit up the planet they've been studying for almost 100 years! Especially since they already know (through "experimentation", ahem) that they can copulate with the women here (they apparently have a "spur" or secondary penis that fits perfectly into an Earth gal's rear door). Oh, and since the men can NOT get off unless they're inside a woman, the entire planet has had a serious case of blue balls for the past decade. Harsh. And their society viewed the men as second class citizens and the women could easily refuse the men any relief. So no oral sex for the dudes and some of them have had blue balls even longer than the years following the mass murder of their women. Double harsh.

So these seriously hard up guys hightail it to Terra and introduce themselves to the world at large. But guess what? There's already a hybrid alien/human offspring on board, she just didn't know it. So when she starts reacting to all the pheromones the alien dudes put off, she finally "matures" and the Commander of the fleet claims her for his mate and makes his second in command her secondary mate. Uh...kay. After she goes through a highly accelerated maturation (like, within a week her entire body and face change), the claiming can commence!

There was of course some drama about the primary and secondary mates having trouble sharing, our hybrid heroine trying to come to terms with her new situation, a seditious sub-faction of the alien race that didn't want to have to compete with Earth men apparently. And lots of sex. And spanking, domination games, etc. They were pretty hot at times too, but mostly...campy. That's really all I can say about it. The grammar was good, no spelling mistakes that jumped out at me, no multiple personality disorders, no foreshadowing plot points that kept trying to jump out of the book and strangle me.

If you're in the mood for some fun alien action with a foul mouthed, insecure but strong heroine and a lovely HEA, definitely give this a try.

queenrikki's review

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I don't think the actual writing is bad but I don't feel that anything in this book was developed as much as it should have been.

mitabird's review

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This was a pretty good sci-fi erotic romance. The beginning was a little confusing and the anatomy was a bit strange, but once I got about 1/4 way through, I really enjoyed it. There were moments that I laughed out loud and that is rare for me in a book. I hope Rotham plans to write a sequel.