
Lost Royal by Lily Wildhart

mommabygrace's review

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Lost Royal continues Octavia’s story from where we left off in Tormented Royal. The boys move from tormenting her (ha, see what I did there) to keeping her close in the effort to keep her safe. Her stalker gets more and more bold as the story progresses. But bold does not equate messy. I have my suspicions but we’ll find out next book… I hope?

I enjoy V and Indi’s dynamic. Every girl needs a best friend and they’re good for each other. I hope we get a story for Indi one day.

V’s relationship with each of the guys slowly blossoms into something a lot more beneficial than bullying and attempts to make her leave town. There are still some trust issues for a good portion of the book, but you can see that changing which I’m happy about.

The cliffhanger is intense but sets you up perfectly for the next book.

feliciasreview's review against another edition

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Omg this book picks up were one left off. Octavia and her men omg. I couldn't put this book down. The stalker activity has been amped up. This book ended on a omg cliffhanger and can't wait for book three.

willowisp79's review against another edition

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Oh wow.

This was just a plethora of mixed feelings over different characters and different situations. Emotional rollercoaster doesn't begin to cover it!!

The author has covered so much in this second book. We get so much info as the boys try another route to keep V safe. We learn more about them and their painful childhoods and relationships to their parents.  Explains quite a bit. We also learn more about the Knights as the boys slowly leak info to V. She begins to realise there's probably no way out.

Best friend Indi is a much needed safe place for her and a welcome break from all the testosterone of the boys! Altho she is also now dating a trio of the rivals of the Knights - The Kings. No issues as yet and I'm hoping it doesn't cause any problems for what is a great girl friendship. Indi has her back constantly - when the boys are a bit over the top, and when Blair and the bitch squad decide to bully V.

Considering how recently Octavia lost her V-card and her limited experience since, she's a girl who knows what she wants and isn't afraid to ask for it or take it. She does question the fact she has feelings for all the boys and that she's done some sort of physical act with them but not enough to stop, and not enough to give them up!

Smithy is another solid influence in Vs life and I think we'd all love a guy like this in our life!! And bless him he's started dating...but who is she? Should we be worried??

And along with the Knights constantly  hovering around V, she has the stalker still. And whoever it is, is getting more creepy in his approach and invading her space easily and scarily.  Despite having Private Investigators on it and Smithys FBI friend, along with all the skills the boys have, he's like a ghost.....

The end is a doozy!!!! What a cliffhanger! This was a long book and took me much longer to read than the first but its jam packed full of action, information, a hundred different feelings, mini stories.....and a strong cliffhanger that I need to know the answer to now!!!!!

Come on book 3!!!!!

bookishlyqueenb's review against another edition

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Everything starts to happen is this book. It starts off where book one ends. This author really dived in and brought all the drama and spice

laineypops1990's review against another edition

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Enjoyed the second book. Took me a little longer to get into than the first and felt like it dragged a bit as not much happened but those last 10 or so chapters where amazing and I can’t wait to find out what happens in book 3

beccasabala's review

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I love that this jumped directly in where book one left off.

This book has mutli POV which added so much to the story. I loved getting feelings and thoughts from the guys. Their relationship has evolved but not solidified. She's making them work for it after what they put her through.
The spice is

msquires_reads1004's review

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The guys are realizing the best way to protect Octavia is to stick close to her. But she doesn’t make it easy on them.. when they finally give in though

bee_thebibliophile's review

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I was so happy that Lost Royal continued to give us all the goodness we started with in [b:Tormented Royal|58611656|Tormented Royal (The Knights of Echoes Cove, #1)|Lily Wildhart||92070517] and more! Octavia and the guys are finally starting to work together and let down their guards and I couldn’t be happier to see it happen. This book is full of mystery, deception, suspense and so much steaminess.

Octavia continues to be an incredibly strong character with a lot of personality. Even as her relationships with the guys progress, she doesn’t lose herself, which I love. She’s wading into some shark infested waters and, while the guys are around to help out, I definitely think there’s going to be a lot of destruction to come. But she’s accepting the guys and finally starting to believe and listen to everything they have to say about the Knights, while getting into some sexy situations with all of them along the way!

I loved the guys in this book - they’re finally starting to open up and let Octavia back into their lives by showing her the pain and darkness they’ve experienced since she’s been gone. Each of them has their own twisted backstory that we’re only starting to be introduced to, but I love reading about what’s made them this way and how they’re continually fighting their bad experiences to be better for Octavia. I’m so intrigued by Easton’s story with Harrison and can’t wait to find out more. There’s so much that Lincoln, Finley and Maverick have been through together and I’m dying to learn more about what they’ve done, survived and will do with the Knights.

One of my major complaints about book 2 is that Octavia and Indi’s relationship takes a major backseat to all of the drama with their boys. While their friendship was a major part of the first book, it felt like a bit of an afterthought in this one, coming up when it was convenient but also missing for large chunks of time. I want more Octavia and Indi greatness in the next book!

Reader beware - just like in book 1, book 2 ends with a major cliffhanger...maybe even worse than the first one. Can’t wait to get my hands on book 3 when it comes out - I need more from Octavia and the guys!

jeanineharrell's review

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Wow! This was the perfect follow up to the first in the series. I absolutely loved the way the main guys in the book are peeled back so we can get a peak at their layers. I loved that the book was written from varying perspectives so we could see what each person was thinking as each mystery unfolded.
We got even more of a glimpse into Octavia and how she’s struggled in the past. She goes back and forth with wanting to be strong but also wondering when the struggles will ever end for her. It broke my heart to see her so broken down. But the way the guys have her back and have obviously never stopped loving her definitely helped soothe some of the pain!
Now I can’t wait for the next book to get some answers!

booksspice_everythingnice's review

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“Some monsters live in the shadows. Some live in the depths of your soul. But mine… I keep mine close to the surface, just in case I need them” - Finley, Lost Royal (Knights of Echoes Cove Book 2)

Book 2 in the Echoes Cove series really knocked it out of the park. We really learn about Finley’s past and life growing up in this book. He really becomes closer to Octavia as the book goes on, opening up to her like no time had ever passed.

I really enjoyed learning more about the Knights in this book. We also get a peek into what life has been like for the guys while Octavia had been away and their home lives. This book has plot and spice, (Maverick