
NoFood by Sarah Tolmie

wordfey's review

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I went out and got this slender book after reading a positive review at Strange Horizons. It's a gorgeous set of stories in a world where the hippest surgery is the Total Gastric Bypass. You'd think such a surgery would have addressed world hunger, resource consumption, waste management. But it doesn't. Of course it doesn't. The world is run by corporate interests, and it burns while the TGB elite play their gastronomic fiddles.

I was not surprised that NoFood was conceived by a medievalist, considering its fast/feast theme; it also feels very relevant to us with our fetishization of cooking shows, gleaming kitchens, exclusive ingredients. It all comes off as damning without feeling heavy-handed. Tolmie is especially good at juxtaposition in language, and it makes for an elegant starkness worthy of the title.

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