
Mr. Big by Delancey Stewart

bookwormbetty's review

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This ended up being one of those books where the blurb of this book sounded promising and it started off strong. But then it started to drag. I was looking forward to a more aggressive alpha type of dude who gets hooked on a sassy smart mouth girl. I didn't get that. Oliver was a mess the entirety of the book, and it was really unattractive to be honest. There was no light to balance all the heavy that went on with him or Holland. Holland was likable at the beginning but her inability to make a plan and stick with it drove me bonkers.
There was a lot of talk about work that I really could care less about. I wanted more relationship talk. It seemed to be more of the focus than the relationship was.
I think overall the basis was good, I think the more heavy focus on the job and less on the characters was a buzz kill for me. However the author knows what she is talking about, she have very well developed characters and story line. I just don't think it was for me, or I wasn't in the right frame of mind to read this. Either way, form your own opinion. This story was told in alternating views.

Logow stuff

bookedandbusybookblog's review against another edition

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This ended up being one of those books where I wanted it to be so much more than what it was. I just could not get into it and it was just not interesting enough to hold my attention.

The blurb was promising and the story overall started great. Then it all went downhill. I did like Oliver at the beginning but felt he needed to suck it up and become the alpha, which he did not. Holland was just....meh.

megansendlessreads's review against another edition

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Mr. Big is a familiar CEO or rich guy story plot that has a little bit of a twist. You see, Oliver isn't in the best place yet there is something about our lovely protagonist, Holland who turns him on his head. I have to say that this wasn't my favorite CEO romance because I felt like there should have been more going on. I kept on waiting for this huge thing to happen and I never felt like there was this moment where the book took a turn. I still liked the characters and the plot, I just wanted a little more of something in order to become fully invested.

fsmeurinne's review against another edition

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I enjoyed the book, it was a good weekend read. Oliver story got me to kept on reading it, when he falls in love with Holland was a bit of a drama and I just had to know what happens next. It was the first book for me by Delancey and will look forward for another.

amandaventure's review against another edition

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**ARC provided by Loveswept via NetGalley for an honest review**

I picked up Mr. Big mainly for the cover model. He’s got what I call “business abs.” By that I mean the phenomena of the male lead of a workplace based contemporary romance always having a ripped set of abs regardless of the fact that he spends countless hours at a desk and is rarely if ever seen working out. It’s a bit of contemporary romance magic that never falters. So when I saw this cover, I thought I was in for a book of awesome smutty delights. However, this was not the case. Well, there was smut (obviously) but Mr. Big wasn’t what I would call “delightful.” I’ll explain…


The reason it took me so long to finally finish Mr. Big was that I had to force myself to keep reading. I was really hoping to find something engaging in here but I just couldn’t connect to the story or the characters. I really wanted to give a shit but I just couldn’t. The story wasn’t particularly unique and the characters didn’t feel like real people. I know Delancey Stewart tried really hard to develop the characters but I just didn’t connect to them whatsoever. In fact, I don’t even particularly like them. I can’t put my finger on exactly what’s wrong with the characters. They just had this air of artificiality about them.

Furthermore, both Oliver and Holland are the dumbest characters. All Holland does is complain and obsess about what other people think of her. Oliver is and asshole and a coward. They’re both kind of lousy characters and so, in that respect, they’re probably perfect for each other. I don’t want to be super spoiler-y but in their second (yes SECOND) inevitable breakup Oliver is a massive piece of shit. I could not fathom how Holland would just take him back immediately. At the very least he should have to work incredibly hard to regain her trust.
Spoiler This turns into a Whoopsie Baby! situation. I have been on birth control for 12 years and I have never gotten pregnant. I don’t know how all these women in romance novels get pregnant while on the pill. I know it “happens” on occasion but it’s so incredibly rare.
I get it… they love each other and at the end of the day they desperately want to be together. However, it doesn’t change the fact that Oliver is a piece of shit and doesn’t deserve immediate forgiveness. It made me completely not respect Holland for taking him back so easily. I think the story could have used some retooling. I feel like if Oliver could have come to his senses earlier and then had to work for forgiveness I would have wanted to root for them more. As it is, I didn’t feel like there were satisfactory consequences for his actions.

In the end, Mr. Big was fairly mediocre. It had its moments, but overall pretty forgettable. This just wasn’t the book for me. I could see that Delancey Stewart tried very hard and the writing itself wasn’t bad. I just didn’t care about these characters and their story. I wanted to but I just couldn’t. However, that cover model is really something spectacular! At least the book still has that going for it.
Professional Reader

kaytlynallbooked's review

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I was thankful to receive an ARC copy through Inkslinger PR

So Mr. Big is a office romance of sorts. This book had a lot of ups and downs in the storyline. A lot of together not together things going on. Which of course had my opinion on the book up and down as well. Oliver is the CEO of the company Holland works for, although he fell off the grid after his parents dies. Holland works for the company in the sales department, but has bigger dreams and is currently working on a project to get her career jump started. So the beginning of this book I really enjoyed. The two MCs meet and Holland has no idea who Oliver is when he offers her his help.

So Stewart’s writing was good, however, there were many times after about 30% where I simply just wasn’t feeling the storyline. Oliver had me kind of rolling my eyes at times in annoyance. And while I enjoyed Holland’s character, there were also times where her character grated my nerves as well. Overall I really just don’t think I was in love with the concept and plot of this one. Not to mention I really didn’t like the addition of what you would I guess call the “plot twist” I don’t think it was needed. I think Mr. Big needed some more character development and I would have enjoyed it a little bit more.

I can see where some people would really enjoy this book, but for me it was mediocre. I think it had unrealized potential.

Overall Rating: 3/5 stars

bookmermaidx's review

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{I received an ARC from the publisher via Netgalley in exchange for an honest review}

Honestly i just could stand this book. It was beyond slow, and not in a good way, and I never got an idea of who the characters were.

allingoodtime's review

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I know, I know…the title and cover of this book are both huge clichés. To be honesty, Delancey Stewart is a new-to-me author and I actually wouldn’t have given this one a second look if it weren’t for the cover and title catching my attention and causing me to roll my eyes. Then I read the description and thought, “what the heck, I’ll give it a try.”

This story is a bit split for me. I was pulled in quickly at the beginning and really loved the first half of the book. Of course, I knew there would be some conflict once all of the secrets between Oliver aka Hale and Holland came out. I actually liked how that was handled and that wasn’t really my issue with the second half of the story.

Holland’s doubts and insecurities got to be a bit much. I totally understand her feelings and her thoughts are justified. I just didn’t need to read about those thoughts and feelings and insecurities so much. It really just got to be a bit repetitive. Enough that I’m knocking down my rating.

On the other hand, I could feel the pull between Oliver and Hale. The chemistry was written beautifully. Oliver’s angst and transformation were also wonderfully written. Ms. Stewart obviously has talent.

There were some points toward the end that I felt the story was going off the rails. The author somehow got it to stay on the rails, but it was taking corners on two wheels a few times. I think I understand what the author was trying to do, but it just wasn’t smoothly executed.

I’ll definitely be checking out more from this author. Although I didn’t love the whole book, I loved enough of it to be interested to read some more.

3.5 stars

**I received an ARC of this book courtesy of Net Galley and the publisher in exchange for an honest review**

beamasalunga's review

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I received an ARC from Loveswept in exchange for an honest review.

Oliver Cody used to be the CEO of Cody Technology until he left and went on soul searching to escape his responsibilities. Weeks later, he received a phone call about his parents' death and he must return to takeover their family company. Still grieving and evasive to responsibilities, he met Holland O'Dell at a coffee shop and she works in his company and struggling with her report. Drawn by her determination and wits, he introduced himself as Hale and decided to help her. Hanging out several times, they become closer with each other and the attraction sparkles between them.

The story is good but by 27% I start to lose my interest. Maybe because of my unfamiliarity with Sports Corp and it's challenging to read their work related stuff and I think it should be toned down so it won't be boring. The romance is mild and insta-love. I don't mind insta-love once in a while. The characters were okay though. I just find Oliver a weak, shallow and spineless hero.

arielleira123's review

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This book was given to me as an ARC.
I couldn't stand how much of an asshole Oliver was throughout the entire book, and that is why I'm giving this novel such a low rating. I would personally never want to be in a relationship like this, so I definitely don't want to read about this happening to Holland even though she wasn't a like-able character either.