
The Celestial Assignment by Theresa Braun

ladilira's review

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I jumped into this short story not knowing anything about it, since I never read the summary. I loved it! It focuses on self-reflection and learning from mistakes. I appreciated that the character evolved and I felt the ending was tight and appropriate. The content went a bit fast at times, but it is a short story, so it is what it is.

I have been a bit burnt out on angel stories, but this rendition kept my interest and was one of the more enjoyable angelic twisty tales that I have read in a long time.

Looking for a lunch time read? Or just a quick nighttime snack? Check out this paranormal short-story by Braun, who is growing on me more and more every time I read something new by her.

ania_star's review

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After he dies, he became a guardian angel. He got to see a human grow, from a baby being born to old age when he is suddenly torn from her life.

He has to take his job and learn about himself, so he can redeem. But it, not an easy thing to do, at all.

I liked the story, but I wished it was just a little bit longer, so I could now more about the world and himself in former life.

received from author

phantomofthelibrary's review

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Almost right away, this read had me chuckling. Yes, I know it’s a short story, but I’m talking by the 3rd paragraph I chuckled. I knew right away that I was going to enjoy this tale.

I enjoyed being in Will’s head throughout this read. A massive playboy in life, Will is tasked with taking care of a truly innocent soul in Celeste. It was great fun seeing how Will’s opinion changed throughout the story and watching as he learned more about himself through his assignment.

If you’re looking for a fun and quick read, try giving The Celestial Assignment a try. Who knows, maybe you’ll learn something about yourself in the process.

candacerobinsonauthor's review

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Loved this short story!! And Will, my my... He was awesome! I loved being in his head and reading his witty and funny attitude! Braun’s writing is always so well done with the best freaking dialogue you could ask for! It was a fun plot and cool concept! Can’t wait to read more short stories from the author!

cupofbooksreviews's review

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I received this book in exchange for an honest review. I have given The Celestial Assignment by Theresa Braun five out of five stars ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
Some authors are really good when it comes to writing short stories. They're able to engage the reader in a short amount of time (or pages) to leave them wanting more or to feel fulfilled with the story that they've read. This is exactly what happened with The Celestial Assignment.
I really enjoyed this story and devoured it in one sitting. I found myself absolutely captivated by Braun's writing and loved reading about the journey of a guardian angel.
We follow Will who has recently become a guardian angel and has been given an assignment to watch over a new baby girl called Celeste. Will must watch and protect Celeste throughout her life. There are some parts in this novella where you see Will becoming very over protective in certain parts and begins to re-evaluate and realise that certain actions, which he may have been guilty of doing from when he was alive, have consequences.
Will is a very interesting character who I really enjoyed reading about and found it intriguing to learn about what goes on inside his head. His witty and funny attitude had me smiling through the pages and I just wanted to read more from Will's POV.
This was a great fast-paced, humorous story which I thoroughly enjoyed and believe everyone should read too. I look forward to reading more short stories by this author in the future.

booksteacupnreviews's review

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You can read all my review on Blog - Books Teacup and Reviews

The Celestial Assignment was a supernatural fantasy short, only 28 pages story. It was about understanding what true love is, respecting the love you find in life, not treating it selfishly but mainly it was about redemption.

Writing great, enjoyable and was filled with humor. Story was written from Will’s perspective. His voice was witty and refreshing. Book started with Will was given assignment to watch over Celeste as a guardian angel. If he read and followed manual, learned what true love is from this assignment, he would be promoted to be an angel. At first he didn’t care about any of it, not manual nor Celeste and even less love. I was curious to know how watching over Celeste throughout her life can change his perspective towards love and women.

Will was selfish worthless person, not someone I would like to watch over me. He cared nothing in life he lived or any of his incarnated life and not even after his death as a guardian angel. He didn’t even had a clue why he was given the assignment not until Celeste tasted betrayal and when he met fellow guardian angel. Dawn of realization was fantastic part in the book. I loved how he gradually developed throughout the book, the way he understood to respect love and women and what he lost by being selfish and running away from commitments. At the end yes, I rooted for him. He was not perfect but definitely interesting and entertaining angel.

I even enjoyed reading Celeste’s life through his eyes. It made me wonder if there’s my own guardian angel or if I could get the message he/she said that helped me in life. (I hope there is! I can hold that guardian angel accountable for things going wrong.)

Loved the message of redemption. End was great. I wouldn’t want to do anything wrong in this life and then was assigned to any such crazy assignments.

Overall, it was quick, interesting and intriguing short story.

*** Note: I received this book from the author, in exchange for an honest review. Many thanks to Theresa Braun. ***

ityreadsbooks's review

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3.5 stars. They really need to allow for half stars.

I received this for a blog tour.

I thought that this was an excellent premise for a story, it was the main reason that I wanted to read it. Short stories aren’t usually the kind of thing that I read. It isn’t that they are bad but usually I find that I want more and there isn’t more so it’s a tad disappointing. That’s certainly a factor here. I enjoyed the story, the main character was interesting enough that I wanted to know more about him, however it’s just not enough meat to it.

It’s a well written, engaging story to be sure. It has a lot of potential to be a fleshed out book or even a part of anthology series of stories. I wanted more and was left a little sad that there just wasn’t more.

The world that she created is an interesting one, there is a lot of layers that we just didn’t get to learn about in this story. The way angels work, the assignments and the overall idea of the story is so good. Truly and I would love to see more stories from this world, even from different peoples perspectives just to get more of it all.

The downside, for me, is that everything has to be paced so quickly that I had a hard time hoping for the main character to learn his lesson or to figure out his purpose and then suddenly he had, which was great, then it was over. I wanted to like this more, I really did. But, if you like short stories, this is a good read. It isn’t a bad story at all, and I look forward to reading more from Theresa because she’s quite the talented author!