
Love You Like Suicide by Jo Treggiari

mountie9's review

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The Good Stuff

Heartbreaking, raw and honest
Takes courage to write about such a dark period
Not a word wasted, story is quick and to the point - a slice of life type story which are always intriguing
Gifted writer - has a unique writing style that may not appeal to all, but it is fresh and real
Author is Canadian - Yeah I know but I am Canadian and its important to me
Gives you insight into someone fighting an addiction and wanting something better for themselves
Love the opening paragraph, it hooked me in right away
Some of the proceeds from the sale go to charity - makes a do gooder like me happy

The Not So Good Stuff

Won't lie, not much of a short story lover, as I think I always just want more, so I always get frustrated when it just ends (It's not you Jo - it's me)
Hard to read stories about a world I have no understanding of - it is very dark

Favorite Quote

"How should I write this?

In third person so it becomes just a story?
In second so that you can pretend you were there too?

In first, so that I can drown in a tidal wave of sorrow, sink under the weight of it, remember what it feels like to be utterly lost?

First person it is."

Who Should/Shouldn't Read

Perfect for those looking for something dark and gritty and honest
Not for those looking for a fast paced or light story -- this has heart

3.75 Dewey's

I was sent an ecopy for an honest review from Fierce Ink Press