
A Way Back Home by Alison Sherlock

hobbleit's review

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lighthearted fast-paced


kimberlycarrington's review

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2'5 estrellitas.
Es un libro que veo ya mismo convertido en una peli de Hallmark para goce y disfrute de las tardes navideñas. Familia noble sin un duro, joven playboy que se ve obligado a volver a casa y chica que se queda casi sin nada en la vida y, fíjate tú qué cosas, acaba compartiendo la propiedad de una cabaña con el famoso playboy. Claro está que el playboy no es para nada un joputa y sí un hombre maravilloso al que volver a casa y conocer a la sencilla chica hacen perder esa fachada de pichafloja y le convierten en el maromazo que realmente es. Como es chick lit os tendréis que imaginar que en la cama es un terremoto.
Vamos, que esto me lo ponen en la sobremesa de la Navidad y me lo zampo como está mandado. Es muy simplón pero si te apetece algo así, pues ahí está. Por cierto, es el tercero de una serie de pueblito maravilloso, así que ya ves cuáles son las anteriores parejas.

zoe2088's review

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I found this to be an enjoyable story, if not a little predictable. But, as I’ve said before. I love stories like that from time to time. The writing style was very easy to get on with, and we’re right in the action from the first page. While it is the third in a series, I read it as a stand-alone and it worked fine for me. We got enough introductions through the first few chapters to know previous characters.

The characters work really well against each other, I like Skye, even with her faults. One of them being she couldn’t out herself first. Will was the typical grumpy man, who thinks of nothing but himself. Then, of course, as soon as they get to know each other, they change their ways. Which was great!! Their romance was bit of a slow burn and I wish it hadn’t been for the books sake. It felt really slow, boring and a little delayed if anything. The rest of this book was quite quick paced and the romance let it down slightly.

I wish there was more about the lodge restoration in the book. I would have found that more interesting than Skye restoring the paintings to be honest. There was a lot of.. hollow parts in the story though for me. There was a lot of unnecessary parts in the book, but I’m guessing that wouldn’t be the case if I had read the other two books. I felt that at one stage, the wedding became the focus of the story instead of Will and Skye.

I did enjoy this story though. There was humour, romantic moments, and great characters. I liked the predictability of it all. This was a great holiday read, and definitely one you could get read in a day cosied up with a big blanket.