
Darkness Everlasting by Alexandra Ivy

redhairedashreads's review

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Styx and Darcy were great characters with great romance. I liked that with every book we are seeing more creatures from this world. The werewolves are certainly interesting and I can't wait to see how negotiations between them and the vampires go.

mildy_lozza's review

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Enjoyed it very much and falls in nicely with the first 2 books of the series.

gbgattis's review

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I loved this story. Darcy is a bit hard to take at times but Styx is an uber vampire who falls for her and is adorable at wooing her. The story is about Darcy not knowing she is a werewolf hybrid who doesn't shift to wolf when the moon is full. Styx kidnaps her because the werewolf alpha, Salvatore, sends Weres after her in a bar where Darcy works and Styx wants to know why. Salvatore wants Darcy because it would give him absolute power over his pack. Darcy, however, has other plans. Then her mother arrives which spices things up with her 'I will sleep with any attractive male' attitude. Viper may be a secondary character but is great as a friend to Styx. The characters are well written and the mood doesn't slow down

chloecaprice's review

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I LOVED this heroine - Darcy is a compassionate yet feisty vegetarian with short hair - yay! I wanted to love Styx - I did love him in [b:Embrace The Darkness|1599297|Embrace The Darkness (Guardians of Eternity, #2)|Alexandra Ivy||1592489], but in this, his own book, he was unimpressive. The terrifying ruler of the vamps (who in the last book kept vampires civilized for hundreds of years with his cunning, ferocity, and guard of Ravens) keeps losing his head and storming off without his Ravens, walks into multiple obvious traps, and can't make a decision with out Viper bossing him into it. This took me four days to finish because I kept throwing the book down and yelling to the world "This is NOT Styx!" And then I'd close my eyes and imagine what the REAL Styx would do (in my head, he's the vampire version of Curran from [a:Ilona Andrews|21748|Ilona Andrews|]'s Kate Daniels series). The best thing about this book, besides Darcy of course, is the introduction of Salvatore, who I really hope gets his own HEA, and his pack of weres.

taterbugxo's review

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Vampires and Werewolves on my. I was so on the side of vampires in this book. But Salvatore grew on me through the book. As I learned why he was doing the things he did. To safe the werewolf race from extinction. I hope things turn out well for the wolfs in later books.

I loved Styx and Darcy, was rooting for him throughout the book.

stellaprice's review

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LOVE LOVE LOVE this book! Styx was fantastic, Darcy was a joy and LOVE ME SOME LEVET!!!! I adore this series, and adored that we got to see Viper, Abby, Dante and the rest of he crew. I love revisiting characters.

I'm waiting with baited breath for the next in this series!