
Lying Out Loud – A hazugságháló by Kody Keplinger

pepe_pepe's review against another edition

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I really enjoyed reading this just like I did with The Duff. It got a half star more as the characters felt more real, and Sonny was a funny protagonist.

Sonny's best friend is Amy Rush, who is the younger sister of Wesley Rush, a main character in The Duff. This is set a couple of years after, when Sonny and Amy are seniors at Hamilton High and Bianca and Wesley are at college together. Wesley and Bianca appear a couple of times in the book, with Wesley giving some advice to Sonny and it was really cool reading about them again.

Throughout the novel, Sonny does lie a lot (though understandably so, and hence the title), and in the end this gets her into a lot of troubles. The character development and growth of not only Sonny but also Amy, Ryder and even her dad was great to see.

By the end, everything is wrapped up nicely. Sonny has family problems, friendship problems, problems about her future and with Ryder and they are all resolved. Both this book and The Duff were different high school stories, in that it didn't really focus on high school and more on real life morals.

Overall, another quick, fun read from Keplinger and a great addition to the Hamilton High books.

larissa399's review against another edition

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3.5 stars

My opinion
Lying out Loud was the third book I have read by Kody Keplinger. I loved the Duff a lot and the synopsis of this one sounded funny. I read this book in one sitting, mostly because it was pretty short, but it was also a lot of fun.
The book is told from the POV of Sonny, who is super sarcastic and super funny, which made me like her. But she can also be imnensly frustrating. I mean, it already gets clear from the title that lying plays a big role in this book, but, especially in the end, the lies got less and less necessary and I honestly just wanted to shake some sense into Sonny.

Amy, the best friend, got a lot more likeable in the end. I mean, she was always nice, but that was kinda the problem. But, in general, I liked her friendship with Sonny.

Ryder, our love interest, was kinda meh. I mean he was nice enough, but I also wouldn’t have minded much if he hadn’t been there, which is never good with a love interest.

I have to admit that the part I loved most about the book were Wesley and Bianca. They might not have had a big part to play, but they were super adorable and made me wanna reread the Duff.

In conlcusion
A cute, sometimes funny highschool love/friendship story for in between.

maeyuka's review against another edition

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WHY WOULD YOU END THE BOOK LIKE THIS?! Ah, dang it, I want to know how it goes from there wah.

bookishrealm's review against another edition

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Okay so I love Kody Keplinger, but for some reason this book didn't catch my attention like the others. I understood why Sonny's life was so complex and difficult; however, I don't think that was justification for her to lie. And a lot of the situations that occurred could have been fixed if she just would have stated the truth. It wasn't like the moments didn't present themselves; she just chose not to acknowledge them and thought more about her own selfish needs and desires. I was disappointed by how unlikable she was. I loved the writing, but I don't think Sonny learned enough or received enough consequences for her actions. I think it was too easy. With that being said a fully review will be coming soon.

zapkode's review against another edition

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{My Thoughts} – Sonya {Sonny} is an interesting character that gets introduced into this series. The book is mainly about her as opposed to her friend Amy. If you read The Duff you will know that Amy is the sister to the main character in that book. I think it would have been interesting if this book had been based on her as opposed to her friend instead she was only a supporting character. None the less she had important roles throughout the book that helped to shape Sonny into the character she was destined to become.

Sonny is a liar on all accounts. She knows the truth, she chooses not to tell it. She thinks that if people get to know her for who she is that no one will like her. That no one will be there for her and that everyone will pack their bags and runaway from her. However, it is the complete opposite, her lies seem to be what is pushing those she cares about away from her as opposed to the truth. Although, when you think about it, how could the truth when she shares very little of it with even those that are the closest to her.

Amy is a sweet kind shy person. She is everything she was in the first book in the few encounters that she was shared. In this book she learns to grow up, to stand up for herself and to be more true to herself. She comes a long way within the pages of this book and I would have loved to see her develop into more, but like I said the book was about her friend Sonny and not her, which I’m still not sure if I like or not.

The book is well written, like the first it has it’s funny scenes. It has it’s emotional scenes. I even almost cried some, I did tear up in a few places. If you’ve read the book you know the places I’m referring to. All and all I think its a nice sequel to a great book, but the first book will in my opinion always be better, because the original characters are the ones I fell in love with. Now that. that is out of the way, if you enjoyed the first book, I am certain you will also enjoy this second one.

kirstym3692's review against another edition

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asaph95's review against another edition

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Full-review on my blog!

I loved this book and I'm not ashamed to say it. I've really been in the mood for some drama-filled contemporaries lately, and this did not disappoint. If you're looking for a book that can make you feel a rollercoaster of emotions, then this is it.. (or maybe there's just something up with my hormones!).

queenoferebor's review against another edition

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I do not like liars. I do not like people manipulating other people. And, for most of the book, I did not like Sonny. I could relate to her at some level, but not the way I could relate to Bianca, the main character of Keplinger's The Duff.

Sonny doesn't have a reason to lie. She doesnt need to lie. She does so because she is good at it, because she enjoys it, and because she is unable to face the consequences of her own actions, so she escapes them by lying over and over again. She lies to everybody and it's only when shit really hits the fan and she's called out on it that she tries to fight her compulsion. As a reader, I am to believe that Sonny is trying to reform herself, that she has redeemed herself, that she's suffered enough. But to be honest, I ended the book still not liking her. I was actually more interested in Amy than in her.

I'm giving this three stars because Kody Keplinger has the weird ability of making me read superfast; her books are always entertaining, quick to read, and enjoyable.

And also, the return of Wesley Rush.

letsbebookfriends's review against another edition

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I truly adore Kody Keplinger's writing style and snarky characters. That's why this is the 3rd book of her's I've read.

I enjoyed this book, but it didn't impress me the way The DUFF did. I found Sonny (the main character) to be frustrating at times, and I felt that the story really needed an epilogue to satisfy the reader.

akookieforyou's review against another edition

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After reading The D.U.F.F. and learning that there was a semi-sequel, I knew I had to pick it up. If only this book could've been as good as it's predecessor. Don't get me wrong, I didn't hate this or anything, it just left something to be desired. I think the premise was really intriguing, and the characters weren't too bad, but the last third made me want to smack my head into a wall. The MC kept doing completely stupid things, and lying when she should've come clean before it was too late. That being said though, that ending was SO ANNOYING!!! Let me elaborate a little
Spoiler she definitely deserved having the ML be upset with her and everything, but I'm a firm believer in second chances and happy endings. Instead of a big forgiveness party, with a cute scene and kisses, we get a "yeah, I guess I forgive you or whatever" ending. And it made me beyond angry.