
The Lusty Adventures of Theseus by Arthur Griffin

crtsjffrsn's review

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When Theseus comes of age, he sets out for Athens to claim his birthright. His father is the king, which makes him a prince. Along the way, he happens upon Pirithous and experiences passion for the first time. He also learns that his father may not be a great king like he hoped. And he confirms these suspicions when he reaches the city. The king sends other people's children to Crete as a sacrifice to the Minotaur. While his motivation is to keep Athens safe, Theseus won't stand for it. And that's why he decides to stand in as one of the sacrifices. And if everything goes as planned, there will be no more Athenian sacrifices sent to Crete. But as Theseus has learned, nothing is ever quite what it seems on the surface. There's more to every store than what meets the eye...
This is an interesting take on the myth of Theseus and the Minotaur if I've ever read one. It's beyond steamy (indeed), but it doesn't feel particularly gratuitous. I also appreciated the unexpected way the plot played out. There are some twists and turns that provide some colorful explanations for the status quo in both Athens and Crete. And they lead to an even more interesting ending.

This is the first book I've read by Arthur Griffin. I would not be at all opposed to reading some more.

michaeljpdx's review

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You can read my full review of “The Lusty Adventures of Theseus” at my web site.

the_novel_approach's review

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What’s not to love about this novella? Featuring Theseus from Greek mythology, Arthur Griffin has crafted a sex-filled romp through Athens and Crete.

Theseus is on his way to Athens to announce his presence to his father, the king, and on the way meets Pirithous and others. Not only do they become companions, but lovers as well. Theseus experiences sex and love for the first time, all the while growing as a man fit to become a legend.

What I enjoyed about this book was the inclusion of so many well-known Greek heroes and heroines. Griffin doesn’t just follow the myths and add more erotic components. No, instead he twists them slightly to make them fresh, and yet still pays homage to the old. The Minotaur becomes, for the first time in my knowledge, a sympathetic character. And yet, despite this twist, Griffin acknowledges that myths and legends change over time, by having a character state that the truth is often twisted. It really made me stop to think about the origins for these myths.

That said, the romance between Pirithous and Theseus is great. Though it may start out as a challenge and then fun between new friends, they grow to love each other. Yet they are not limited to just the other. Instead, the two young men engage with numerous other partners, and there is no angst or jealousy present. It’s quite refreshing, to be honest. They are not limited to a monogamous pairing that society today favors; instead, they are free to explore, even while loving each other. This might bother some readers, but the open relationship Pirithous and Theseus have was enjoyable to read.

The story ends with a potential opening for another story when Jason shows up, looking for help on a quest, and I truly hope there is more to come (no pun intended) because Arthur Griffin has a knack for writing Greek mythology for adults!

Reviewed by Jennifer for The Novel Approach Reviews

fantasyliving's review

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A Copy was provided in exchange for an honest review

Lovers of Greek Mythology with a twist, look no further than this smutty, smut-fest of an adventure story.

I am no history buff. I don’t know how accurate anything is when it comes to historical novels, and mostly I don’t care, but I do know that this was a lot of fun, and was centred around Theseus and Pirithous and their ‘friendship’.

Theseus has turned eighteen and has been told by his mother that he is the son of King Aegeus of Athens and must go to the city to introduce himself.

On his way he meets Pirithous, who has stolen a herd of cattle from Athens, in rebellion of the King's rule. Pirithous introduces Theseus to the wonderful world of wrestling, and just happens to have the oil required for such a challenge. This challenge, if Theseus wins, will have Pirithous joining Theseus on his journey to Athens, and returning the cattle to the King.

This story started off burn the pages hot, and just kept going with the sensual smut throughout the entire journey. I am a HUGE fan of naked oil wrestling. MEGA HUGE fan! To start this story out with a solid wrestling scene, was perfect. (Btw I encourage everyone to google oil wrestling)

Modern day Kirkpinar oil wrestling in Turkey *waggles eyebrows*

I regress… back to this story.

There is a consistent plot line, so don’t mistake this for PWP. It has a very entertaining storyline, and some great characters are introduced along Theseus’ journey.

All the characters have distinct personalities, (except for the soldiers, they are mostly the same) and the central relationship between Theseus and Pirithous is well fleshed out. Everything is described well so that I got the image of who was whom, and what was what.

Back to the sex. There is a lot of it. Twosomes, Threesomes, Four-or-more-somes. And all of it was delicious. For a short story, this was packed full but for the most part, well balanced. All the favourites are in here too. Wood nymphs, Centaurs, the Minotaur, Ares, Poseidon, and a Satyr. And plenty of half-naked soldiers. It seemed that everyone was backing into someone’s cock by ‘mistake’. But what do I care, it was hot.

If you’re looking for wank fodder, look no further than this. Well written, and highly entertaining, I regret not a thing about reading this, and it is going on my permanent pile of fappalicious inspirations.

poultrymunitions's review

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i was compelled to take this one little by little bcuz it was wall-to-wall bangin and i hope to remain in possession of a working cock when i'm 45.

[silently struggles against the urge to critique the "story" in a work of pleasantly barmy erotica]

[is largely successful]