
Better World by Autumn Kalquist

makraemer's review

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Just OK

readerxxx's review

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Enjoyable but short read

hoatzin's review

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Short and free on Amazon. Surprisingly good for a free-on-Amazon book. Writing pretty well done. Might actually check out sequel. Not to mention, main char was surprise lesbian. Nice <3

emilykk's review

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I'll be doing a short review, because this was a short book and because I feel a bit lazy today ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

The Bad
Most people start with the good, but I figure I should leave off on a positive note for juuust this once.

Like most YA sci-fi, this novella is jam-packed with clichés, so much so that I started a list right off the bat in order to vent my frustrations somewhere.
*Man appears and gives protag something to live for
*Broken-down ship in space
*All names are made up or weirdly-spelled versions of current names (Dritan, Bea, Kevan, Gilly, Cassia, etc)
*Strict, caste-like hierarchies on said ship
*The guards are dumb, unnecessarily rude, and get smashed on space hooch whenever possible (most of the time)
*Unnecessary, truncated words for average things (caretaker for kindergarten, recyc for recycle, etc)
*Leering authority figure leers at protag
*BFFs have been friends since kindergarten (not calling it caretaker) and leering authority figure bullied protag back then, causing BFF to step in and stop said bullying, thus creating a lasting friendship between BFF and protag
*Colors of outfits designate prestige/occupation
*Group of outcasts present
*Some silly substitution for a deity, used for swearing
*Word used for shit that isn't shit
*Obligatory random kid tossed in for protag to love and want to protect
*SPACE WEAPONS (a...taser-baton???) and FUTURISTIC SCHEDULE II DRUGS (because you can't just say it's an opiate)

Also, I have a lot of questions about their procedure for landing on uncharted planets. Such as: Why not send an unmanned ship down first, to avoid loss of life? Why don't the spacesuits contain some sort of flame retardant? Why do their transport ships have basically NO SHIELDING WHATSOEVER? If space agencies could bring people back safely through the atmosphere by the late sixties, without the use of modern computers, what are these people's excuse?

The Good
The book really picks up at chapter six (65% done) and I'd give that portion of it three stars, easily. The landing and ensuing situation Maeve finds herself in was genuinely entertaining and I flew through the final pages with minimal cliché detection. If the following books focused on the colonization of Soren, I'd definitely keep reading...unfortunately, they do not and I'm afraid I'd only find more clichés, so it looks like I'll be giving this series a pass for now.

kimily's review

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This book was, by no means, perfect, but I enjoyed the character development and the idea. I bought it as an ebook bundle, so was caught by surprise when the story ended, but was not disappointed at all with how it ended.

daphneereads's review

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3,5 *

But what happens with Maeve? She wasn't in Legacy Code if I remember well or was she? I am so confused. It was a good novella. Autumn really has a way with words. I would've read an entire book about Maeve's story. I enjoyed it but did not love it as much as Legacy Code, I'm not entirely sure why. It also felt incomplete. It was fast-paced and full of suspense!

silvani's review

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The world felt complete and the characters were compelling. I'd recommend this book and I'll look for more by this author. The plot is simple, but in a way that would feel age appropriate for young adults.

h3dakota's review

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Like the premise, though the execution is a little too YA for my satisfaction. Hooked me enough that I'm reading the next book in the series though.

the_reading_lobster's review

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Now don’t get me wrong I like sci fi, if I had more world building around the main character I probably would have loved it. It’s dark, it hits that perfect note of dark sci fi, end of times, why bother humanity fucked up long ago that is beautiful. But without the world building, it falls a little flat. Now if there was a full on novel in this world I’d gobble that up. I do understand the view towards the alphabet mafia, but at the same time rubs me the wrong way, so am I rolling for those lovely lady lovers? Hell yes.

gabeyourself's review

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This is the first book by Autumn Kalquist that I read, so I don't know anything about Legacy Code.

I got it for free 2 weeks ago, this is a quick read that hooked me up so I bought the "Fractured Era: Legacy Code Bundle" on Amazon. :)