
Always by Nina Lane

jasmine105's review

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5+++ stars. What a way to end Dean and Liv's story.

anabelsbrother's review

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I hate this book kbye

nicolet2018's review against another edition

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Wow, Liv and Dean have been through so much from falling in love to marriage and babies. This is a series I enjoyed since book one. It surprised me with the areas it delved into, yes it was very steamy but it tackled the not often talked about areas of a relationship: the bad parts. There will be spoilers ahead if you have not read the previous books.

I think it is very rare to see a romance that follows a couple through stages in their relationship, most keep within the falling in love stage and perhaps show getting married eg. wedding day and even having children but do not go further into what it is like to raise children and explain how that affects a couple's dynamic but at the same time adds to their lives.

In this book, I was guessing what the "monster" was that Dean cannot fight off, they have been through so much: cheating, teacher-student sex allegations, establishing themselves as individuals, power dynamics, family drama, a long distance relationship, arguments, awkward moments such as fake orgasms, couples therapy and goes on. What more could happen to them?

I was shocked too. But in a way I was glad that the author chose cancer as a way to delve into another difficulty in a marriage and family. I could see how devastating it was for Liv and Dean to find out, their frustration. The take for granted feeling that often happens when you do not have medical issues in your life like chronic illnesses.

Liv had to go through losing part of her breasts, her hair, having a lowered libido, chemo treatments which made her sick, being unable to do the job she enjoys and volunteer. Those stress her out alot and make her feel low. It also explores how she comes to terms with the changes in her body and life. Her body and hair used to be sexual magnets for her husband, what happens when she does not have them? Can they still find love and desire?

These are all shocks for her but it is lovely that Dean accepts it all in stride, loves her and even shaves his head so she will not be alone. The frustrations and confusions shown by Nicholas and Bella over their mother's illness felt as real as can be.

I appreciated how far the author took the exploration into how being sick can have such far reaching consequences. Again, I have not seen many romances that tackle these not so nice areas. There were times where I was not even sure if Liv would live or die. It was that scary.

The author gave the reader a look into what it is like for the spouse seeing their partner so sick and how they react to it. The lost of control, that for Dean is hard as he is always in control.

Aside from the writing which is easy to read and enjoyable, the sexy scenes were hot and as the reader I can't help be jelly when Dean and Liv still are able have sexy times despite having teenage children and are in their forties. I really like that the author took us readers on the life journies of Liv and Dean. I liked that Dean and Archer became much closer in this book and we finally get Kelsey to say yes. The community of Mirrorlake is something I grew to enjoy reading about especially Wonderland Cafe.

This is a rare romantic series that I enjoy despite some cliches, the issues the characters go through are so real, not easy but the couple gets through it somehow. Yes it an be rather cheesy but balances itself out with honesty.

izziede's review

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A moving story. Definite HEA.

cocktailsandbooks1's review against another edition

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This review was originally posted on Cocktails and Books

I have loved Dean and Liv from the first moment I met them in AROUSE. I loved how author Nina Lane gave us a married couple to fall in love with and follow. What I didn't anticipate in this book, ALWAYS, was for my favorite married couple to face something that shook the very foundation of their relationship.

Dean and Liv have had to endure obstacles in their marriage, but nothing was as big as this one (sorry to be vague in this review, but I don't want to give away what happens). It didn't shake their faith in each other, but trying to figure out whether or not their family (or each other) could live without one of their foundation blocks.

There were many moments in this book where I became an emotional mess. Nina Lane always makes for a spectacular emotional read, but this one tipped me over. Given everything this couple had gone through to this point, I had to wonder why they had to deal with this new obstacle. I think I went through all the same emotional responses Dean did and kept wondering what I was going to do if the ending I was hoping for didn't come.

There were happy moments during the story, but none was happier than watching Dean and his younger brother Archer finally develop a relationship. Things have never been easy with these brothers, but it was great to see the two of them keep trying and finding support in one another.

While I loved this story and highly recommend this series to many people, I hope this was Dean and Liv's final HEA. They've been through so much and made it out the other side. Let's hope this was the last obstacle in their fantastic love story.

izziede's review against another edition

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A moving story. Definite HEA.

connyale's review against another edition

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DEAN: I love you like eggs love bacon.
LIV: I can’t wait for you to have me over-easy.
DEAN: You’d better not be yolk-ing.
LIV: Well, it’s been a while since I got laid.
DEAN: Now I’m getting hard-boiled.
LIV: You crack me up.
DEAN: You’re eggs-quisite.
LIV: You’re eggs-traordinary.
DEAN: I love you, beauty.
LIV: I love you, professor.

Me encantan sus conversaciones y sus dibujos nerds 💕

Las 5 ⭐️ van más por lo real que la misma historia. El suceso como pesadilla escrito en este último libro de la saga toca muy cerca de casa (en mi caso) siendo un poco duro leerlo, porque muchas cosas ocurrieron de dicha forma.

Mi mamá vivió esta pesadilla. Gracias a todo, la tengo aún conmigo, como Bella y Nicholas tienen a Liv.

Por lo mismo, sentí que muchas reacciones fueron verdaderas. Desconozco si la misma autora ha sufrido algún caso cercano a esto, pero acertó en muchas situaciones. La reacción de la gente que te rodea, los cambios involuntarios que suceden, la intención de querer hacerlo todo sin ayuda, la desesperación de ver cómo todo puede cambiar de un día a otro. Las conversaciones que quieres evitar, las cosas que te tocan enfrentar.

Quedé tranquila y lloré en varias partes del libro.
Gracias Liv y Dean por mostrarme y recordarme que siempre se puede salir adelante. Pensar positivo es un medicamento necesario el cual debe ser recetado de forma diaria, 24/7.

Ay, ya los extraño :(
Me gustaría leer sobre sus hijos si se puede más adelante.

fictioncourt's review against another edition

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always  stars!

Professor West and his beauty are back... again!

This is the second time this series has made a comeback with another book and I loved this because it's Dean and Liv, how can I not love them? I've said I would read tons of books about them but now that I think about it maybe 4 books and a novella were more than enough. For those of you familiar with the series you know that Dean and Liv have been through more than anyone should in a fictional lifetime and yet just when I thought they'd found their happy ending... nope, right back to the drama.

I can't review this without spoiling so I will try to be an cryptic as possible.

Dean and Liv went through a hell of a marriage, they won every single battle; but this one is a little of out of their hands and tougher to win.

I cried, I laughed, I cried, I cried some more, I sobbed a bit but I finished the book in a day; it's one of those books, the story is alive and it's developing as you read, you can't pause, you can't stop, you can't skip, you just have to reach the end and cry your way through it.


I loved them as always. Dean is such a magnificent character I will never get tired of him honestly, and Liv is so strong and stubborn, and his equal in every way, she stands her and they complete each other.


I think Adore came very close to making this story drag more than it should, I did love it nonetheless because it's them and like I said, you can never have too much Dean and Liv, but there comes a time that stories need to end while the characters are still loved, there's no need to keep throwing stuff at them to write even more books. But, I would definitely read a book about Nicholas and Bella - just let Dean and Liv go, Nina, they've more than earned a HEA!

literaturesque's review against another edition

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My enjoyment of this book was severely depleted by one thing, and one thing only.
Spoiler The fact that the nanny they hired just couldn't resist coming on to Dean. Like they already pulled the fake sexual harassment accusation thing books ago, but this was completely unnecessary to the plot considering the intense & emotional things Dean and Liv were already going through. Liv having insecurities about the girl bc of her current situation? Makes sense, but the whole fiasco was unnecessary and idk it bothered me more than it might have at any other time.
This would have been 4-4.5 otherwise.

mafer1's review against another edition

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One of my OTPs