
Hourglass by Claudia Gray

sophilozophy's review against another edition

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The plan was to read this book as slowly possible, but I failed miserably. I was afraid that the anticipation which had been building the closer the release date approached would make it impossible for it to meet my expectations. The book surpassed them. It was a emotional roller coaster. Even though it didn't completely go the direction I would of hoped for that doesn't make me loved it any less. The end (a real cliffhanger) left me with hope for a well deserved happily ever after which will be that much greater because of all the events preceding it.

glitterbomb47's review against another edition

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This is my new House of Night series, without the trashy main character: completely unrealistic, unintentionally funny dialogue, enjoyable escapist fiction.

ellenpenleysmith's review against another edition

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So, so, so close to a five star rating. And you know what killed it?

The ending.

I'm not going to post any spoilers, but I will admit this: I thought it would happen but I didn't want it to happen. At all.

Blah. Now I really want to read the fourth (and last) evernight book, Afterlife.

P.S- You know how every cover has its very own hidden meaning? Well never fear, because you figure out the fourth title as well as this one. That may also have been a mini spoiler.

sunnydee's review against another edition

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5 von 5 Sternen
Da es sich hier um den dritten Teil einer Reihe handelt, werde ich meine Meinung kurz fassen.

Die Grundhandlung spielt sich nun nicht mehr in der Schule ab, sondern Lucas und Bianca sind unterwegs. Die WĂ€chter bekommen einen grĂ¶ĂŸeren Raum eingerĂ€umt und auch die Geister spielen wieder eine Rolle. Wer nicht weiß wovon ich hier rede, sollte unbedingt erst die VorgĂ€ngerbĂ€nde lesen! Ohne dieses Vorwissen, macht das Buch keinen Sinn. Der Einstieg nach einer Pause von ĂŒber einem Jahr, fiel mir ĂŒberraschend leicht, da immer wieder wichtige Ereignisse aus den VorgĂ€ngerbĂ€nde erklĂ€rt wurden. Das Leben bei den WĂ€chtern war ziemlich krass dargestellt, aber es passte. Die Geschichte um die Geister finde ich sehr interessant und das ganze kommt hier so richtig in Fahrt.

Der Schreibstil ist locker und konnte mich von der ersten bis zur letzten Seite voll und ganz in die Story ziehen.

Stellenweise ist es ziemlich spannend, aber im großen und ganzen wĂŒrde ich es eher als ein ruhiges Buch beschreiben. Lucas und Bianca befinden sich auf der Flucht und es kommt auch zu einigen Actionszenen mit Geistern, Vampiren und WĂ€chtern. Gerade die Szenen mit den WĂ€chtern sind ziemlich brutal und fĂŒr mich sind diese Leute echt krank.

Mich hat das Buch und die ganze Reihe emotional sehr angesprochen. Das Ende war ziemlich krass und ich konnte nicht alle Entscheidungen der Charaktere nachvollziehen. Trotzdem kann ich mir noch vorstellen, dass es wirklich Menschen gibt, die sich so entscheiden wĂŒrden wie die Charaktere in diesem Buch.

Ich mag beide Hauptcharaktere sehr. Lucas wirkt erwachsen und bodenstĂ€ndig, aber er ist nun auch schon 20. Bianca ist erst 17 und trifft daher auch noch Entscheidungen, die einem manchmal echt den Kopf schĂŒtteln lassen. In Kampfsituationen fand ich sie aber sehr mutig. Es passte einfach und ich nahm den beiden ihre Entscheidungen und Aktionen ab. Die Nebencharaktere sind sehr interessant. Die WĂ€chter sind echt eine Sache fĂŒr sich und sehr fanatisch, was ich persönlich sehr abstoßend finde. In der Story passte es aber einfach perfekt. Aber auch die Vampire und Geister, die hier auftreten fand ich genial beschrieben.

Die Liebesgeschichte ist wirklich schön und authentisch. Man merkt, dass Lucas Ă€lter ist als Bianca. Seine Entscheidungen sind viel besonnener und trotzdem nimmt man ihm seine Liebe zu Bianca ab. Auch an Biancas GefĂŒhlen ist nichts zu rĂŒtteln. Mir gefiel es, dass die beiden in diesem Teil die meiste Zeit zusammen waren.

Das Ende war der absolute Hammer. Damit hÀtte ich nicht gerechnet und ich habe null Ahnung wie das nun im vierten Band weiter gehen wird. Ich bin gespannt.

Grundidee 4,5/5
Schreibstil 5/5
Spannung 4/5
Emotionen 5/5
Charaktere 5/5
Liebesgeschichte 5/5

5 von 5 Sternen
FĂŒr mich ist dies der bisher beste Teil der Reihe gewesen – spannend, emotional und unterhaltsam. Das Ende hat mich extrem ĂŒberrascht und ich bin sehr gespannt, wie es weiter geht.

Band 1 Evernight
Band 2 Evernight - Tochter der DĂ€mmerung
Band 3 Evernight - HĂŒterin des Zwielichts
Band 4 Evernight - GefÀhrtin der Morgenröte

thecozyreaderwbo's review against another edition

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Purchased on

My Grade

Plot: 3
Setting: 4
Writing: 3
Originality: 4
Characters: 4
Passion: 5
Overall: 23/30 = 76% C
Cover/Title Bonus: 3

First Line(s)

My face felt hot, and strands of my hair stuck to the sweaty back of my neck. Every single muscle hurt.


I wasn’t a fan of the plot about half way through the book. I felt that a lot of the story was being drug out and I was ready to get to the point. Don’t get me wrong, every detail was important to the story but I wanted to go faster.

What ended up happening I still wasn’t a fan of. I honestly think what happened could have been more dramatic, it was dramatic, but not in an OMG! I’m going to bawl kind of way.

The ending is a cliffhanger but again, it’s not OMG! but more like, oh, well, awesome, not I have to wait for the next book to see how this plays out, not like I didn’t see this coming but I did and now I have to wait. So, I more annoyed than geeking out then what Claudia probably was expecting my reaction to be.

SPOILER! (skip this if you haven’t read Hourglass yet!)

The ending has NOTHING on Vampire Academy and what happens to Dimitri. I guess I just don’t feel the connection with Bianca and Lucas as I do with Rose and Dimitri.


Bianca and Lucas are on the run. They follow along with the Black Cross cell to different locations. My favorite was the subway location. They also end up in Philadelphia and that was good times. ;)

I wasn’t a fan of the pacing with the plot. This book reminded me of Evernight where it wasn’t clear what Claudia was trying to accomplish with this book.


This book picked up the originality a bit. Some things happen that I wasn’t expecting and that increased my interest a bit but as I’ve already mentioned I think it happened a little too late to keep me 100% interested.

I compare this series above in the "Spoiler” section to Vampire Academy and it is very similar but different. I don’t love this series as much as that one. :(


Lucas really steps up to the plate in this installment. I found his bravery and willingness to stand up for Bianca refreshing because I thought for sure he’d end up running away and leaving Bianca when things got rough.

Bianca has lots of changes going on. Lucas’s support is really the only thing that gets her through it all.

I wanted to see a bit more character growth with the other characters (Balthazar anyone?) but it’s minor and that made me sad. I hope we see more of him in Afterlife.


HOT. That is all.


Slow. Predictable, yet unpredictable. Lame ending but I’ll continue to see how it all ends.

Cover/Title Bonus

I’m not a fan of this series covers. They are boring. The title, however, is perfect.

katherineguild35's review against another edition

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adventurous dark emotional mysterious sad tense medium-paced
  • Plot- or character-driven? A mix
  • Strong character development? Yes
  • Loveable characters? Yes
  • Diverse cast of characters? Yes
  • Flaws of characters a main focus? Yes


seffra's review against another edition

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Really good novel in the series...I didn't expect have the stuff that happened!! It was soo good!!

jesslyntimm's review against another edition

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I can't believe I rated this 5 stars. When I first started this series, I kind of dreaded finishing it. Now I am dying to read the next book and can't due to the fact that my library is slow. . . .

To the point?

This book was phenomenal. I started reading the book early in the morning yesterday (July 28) and finished it around 5 today (July 29). I just couldn't put it down. The character development was fantastic and Gray doesn't ditch any of her characters. Even though Bianca is hiding out with the Black Cross, her old friends are still in the picture.

Raquel is now with Bianca, they joined the Black Cross after their school was destroyed. Raquel found out about the vampires and wants revenge on them and the wraiths that have been haunting her. But Bianca has to hide her secret of being a vampire and being connected to wraiths from the Black Cross. She knows they'd kill her if they found out. After Bianca sent out a email to her parents letting them know she was all right, the email was traced and Mrs. Bethany attacked the Black Cross cell. They took in a prisoner, a well known vampire that left me in tears.

Bianca had been having a hard time staying focused do to the lack of blood and Lucas went to a blood bank to get her some. Raquel and Dana, a Black Cross member, caught Bianca drinking the blood and then the beans were spilled and Lucas and Bianca ran for their lives. While a friend betrayed them and their lack of money they realized they had other choices and the story continues with action, romanceromanceromance, and a huge surprise at the end.

This book didn't have a dull moment. The romance was hiked up times 10, as well as the action. Towards the end, I started skimming through because I just had to know what happened! Vic plays a bigger role in this book than the last and he is just as amazing as ever and I wish I had a Vic!

The only thing I didn't like was when she'd refer to Balthazar or Lucas as her "lover". I mean, she's almost eighteen, yeah. But still a little young to be calling them that? I always thought "lover" should be used in a sentence like. . . . "I'm married but I have another lover". Ya know? Kind of like a way of saying you have another man in your life?

Now, I must sit here and wait until the library brings me my next book. In the mean time, I have other books to read.

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goaskalix's review against another edition

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Loved it.

That's really all I can say. I love this series and, while it's a little bit predictable, I can't help myself.

briannarengland's review against another edition

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Personally, I believe this one was WAY better than the last two.