
Batman: Turning Points by Greg Rucka

dili's review

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For shippers of Batman and Gordon, this is the bomb.

rashthedoctor's review

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Look the general consensus about this book is that it's really a mediocre book , however against the majority i hold this book in high regard as i absolutely enjoyed this book .

The book narrates the various turning points in the relationship Jim Gordon and Batman , Namely 5 big incidents , the first one was in Year one when Batman first appeared and tried to win faith of Jim , the next was when Bats took his first Robin who was a kid and Jim was not having a kid in the middle of the mess known as Gotham , the third incident arrived after incident of Knightfall when Jim didnt know it but Azarael took on the mantle briefly , and finally the Follow up after death of Jason and Barbara being shot by Joker .

The book portrays all these incidents in distinct art styles similar to that of the era they were first published in , the dialogues the bat suits all similar to that age of comic book . Meanwhile the story really drills home how the bond of friendship has formed and retained between the two crime fighters . The final story arc really bought the story to a satisfying conclusion and really made me well off .

In the end , for me a critically acclaimed book/show/series may fail , but every tale that draws emotions from me , be it sorrow or laughs or excitement , i dub those books fantastic and ergo this was ... Fantastic

stilldirty's review

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Not bad. Better stories than art. I prefer the first story, with Steve Leiber's art. But this is because it plays to my bias — Batman: Year One is my favorite Batman book. I got this at Comic Con for $5, I don't feel my money was wasted.

gothiebiovenom's review

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Really wanting to read more Batman. Each lot are different, this one was pretty dark too.

tabman678's review

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So Batman: Turning Points is a really touching read. As someone who's familiar with all the beats of Batman's history this was a really good read for me. The stories individually are all well written. They're penned by Greg Rucka, Chuck Dixon, and Ed Brubaker. All of which are very accomplished and capable writers. But what they do is they take something that could be mediocre and make it better with the sum of it's parts. Rucka's stories tie together in a really touching way.

Overall I enjoyed this and think anyone who likes the Batman-Gordon dynamic will like this.

4 stars.

thirty37seven's review

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... Grief is driving him... it's stolen his reason... life robbed him of his family... he's lashing out... the irony hasn't escaped me...

Two months ago a monster took the legs of Jim Gordon's daughter, and tried to take his sanity with them... All to prove a point... That the only proper response to the chaos and cruelty around us was to go crazy. To cross the line. But, of course, Jim Gordon is still here, doing his job... persevering. And even in those hellish hours he clung to his principles... It awed me that there was no bloodlust in him.
"I want him brought in... and I want him brought in by the book! We have to show him that our way works!"
His words overpowered my own anger, and echoed inside as I did as he asked. But once that night was over, there were other words that echoed...
"You had a bad day, and it drove you as crazy as everybody else... Only you won't admit it! You have to keep pretending that life makes sense..."
Some of them even my own...
"Maybe ordinary people don't always crack... maybe it was just you, all the time..."
We're we both right? Do my words reflect back on me? The events of the past year have shown me that if nothing else, the world does not make sense. But haven't I known that all along? And if so, why do I consider Jim Gordon to be the better man? Better than both me and the Joker, because he perseveres? What is it that I do, exactly, if not that?

"You're a good friend, Jim... I'm sorry... about your daughter."
"Yeah, I'm sorry, too... about your son..."
"He wasn't my son... not really."
"The hell he wasn't..."

"The bat's a time bomb. I mean, his eyes... Like there was nothing there. Not hate. Nothing. He doesn't care who lives or dies. Not even himself."

"It never stops, does it? It's like our lives are marked by tragedies."
"It's the price of the war, Jim."
"It's too high a price. We mark our lives by tragedy, you and I, nothing else. Divorce. Death. Mutilation. Maiming. More death. Both of us."
"I feel old... old like the stars."