
Connie: The Marvellous Life of Learie Constantine by Harry Pearson

micrummey's review

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I knew the name Learie Constantine due to his sporting triumphs in the Lancashire League playing for Nelson Cricket Club. This section of the book was well put together however where the book fell down slightly was the telling of his games in the West Indies and of test cricket which read like a list gathered from a newspaper report.
What does come across in the biography is an underlying prejudice against black players and how Constantine overcame them.
Once Constantine stopped playing cricket, his life continued to be more than interesting but I felt this part of his life didn't go into as much depth and I wanted to know more about this time.
Although Pearson rightly states his cricket averages don't look that brilliant, it is obvious from the telling of this biography Learie Constantine was more than a great player, one of whom I would loved to have seen play.