
Replica by Lauren Oliver

akaur_97's review against another edition

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I really enjoyed the book for the most part especially that you could choose to read either Gemma or Lara’s story first. I started the book in Lyra’s perspective but I wonder what I would have thought if I had started it in Gemma’s POV. That being said there were something’s about the book that I did not enjoy. One of these things was how negative Gemma was about her weight but I understand that she is a teenager. Also I believe if I had read this when I was to I might have connect with her character as I also felt out of place at that age. Also while it was a good twist to the story Jakes death was another part that I disliked. While I loved all the twist and turns and how all the questions that arouse were answered I still longed to know what happened in the end. I know the ended was purposefully done in that way but I was not ready for it to end.

theatretenor's review against another edition

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I'm not gonna lie, I loved this book! I thought the characters were great, I thought the twists and turns were new and exciting! I thought I had it figured out from the beginning and I was wrong! Love that. And a litmus test of mine is if I can picture the book as a movie and hell yes I could, and it's indeed a book I WANT to be turned into a movie! 5 stars and I can't wait for the sequel!! ❤👍📚

booknerd_1107's review against another edition

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Lauren Oliver's new book is a must read. It's two books in one, you can read the stories separately or alternate chapters. I did both it was good both ways. I love that she gave the reader the choice in how they read her book!

Lyra knows only a life at Haven. She can only go certain places, she cannot have anything to call her own, and she is known as 24.

Gemma has been sheltered most of her life. Her parents hardly let her do anything even with her best friend April. When Gemma is finally allowed to go to Florida for spring break her life changes forever.

Gemma and Lyra's world collide when they meet and try to figure out who or what they are. They will also find out that they are stronger than they think and will figure out what their next path will be.

pupada's review against another edition

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1st Read(11:53pm): I really was intrigued by this book and I have to say it held my attention all the way through. All the characters were awesome and the overall plot was amazing. Also the concept of having the book be told in 2 points of views and depending on which way you choose to read the book. I personally read the book alternating between chapters and I think it was the best way to take in the story. I can’t wait to see what happens in the second book Ringer.

bookcheshirecat's review against another edition

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challenging dark mysterious medium-paced


“When she was little, she'd liked to pretend that stars were really lights anchoring distant islands, as if she wasn't looking up but only out across a dark sea. She knew the truth now but still found stars comforting, especially in their sameness. A sky full of burning replicas.” 

Replica is one of those books I didn't get to when it was released and all the hype built up. I was still intrigued by the unique format, so I ended up checking out the audiobook from the library. I definitely think Replica is a unique book as it tells Lyra's and Gemma's stories, but you can read them however you like. It's possible to start with either of them or alternate chapters, which is a great concept! I didn't like the execution of this idea at times, but there was potential in both stories!

PART 1: Lyra's story feels more sci-fi! She grew up in the research institute Haven as a replica, a human clone who is constantly medically evaluated to perfect the process. Lyra doesn't know the outside world and trusts the doctors and nurses to take care of her, even when more and more replicas get sick. Her narrative was immersive at first, as we see Lyra's reality crumble around her. Now on the run, she is confronted with the real world for the first time and struggles to adjust to how normal people act. The more she finds out about Haven, the bigger her resentment grows for all those who lied to her. I think I preferred her story, but unfortunately, the insta love ruined it.

Lyra escapes with a boy called 72 and immediately obsesses over him, as she has never interacted with any boys before. The only reason they are drawn to each other is because they lack any experience and feel attraction for the first time. I still think that the romance was less about 72 and more about Lyra falling for the first boy she interacted with (and who actually knew about what life at Haven was like). Her swooning over him took away from the story at times and I didn't like how he ordered her around in the beginning.

PART 2: Gemma's story feels more contemporary, but is still mysterious. I liked that she had always been a sickly child, so her parents are overprotective. Gemma's father is away on business a lot, but she always had the feeling he didn't truly love her. When secrets come to light, Gemma is forced to question the extent of her parents' lies that lead her straight to Haven. It's a different side to the story, as Gemma's father seems to have been involved in Haven and fate brings her together with Lyra, a replica.

Gemma's story could have been great, but I was uncomfortable with the amount of fatphobia in the story. Gemma is plus-size and her weight is constantly brought up throughout the story. There is a ton of internalized fatphobia, as she resents her body and is often self-deprecating about her weight. It was so iffy as I don't think any sensitivity readers were used and the author didn't approach this topic with care. I also didn't like Gemma's love interest, mainly because the author was obsessed with calling him a 'Perv', as Gemma heard rumors about him being a creep. Why would you do that to your love interest? It was hard to root for them when Pete has such a bad reputation and Gemma disregards it, as she's 'flattered' he noticed her. 

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criddles_books's review against another edition

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I really enjoyed this book. The dual perspectives was interesting. I have to say that I enjoyed Lyra's story much better, even though there were a few errors ("Caelum's computer" instead of "Jake's computer").

blancabgz's review against another edition

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A pesar de algunas malas criticas que he leido de este libro, tengo que decir que a mi, me ha encantado! 😍

Todo el tema de las replicas, el misterio que hay detras, las dos protagonistas... todo esta construido perfectamente.

El final me ha parecido cerrado pero a la vez abierto, y he visto que hay una segunda parte y sin duda quiero leerla.

Recomiendo leer muchisimo este libro, y para hacerlo recomiendo seguir una guia de lectura como hice yo.


Gemma: 1-8
Lyra: 1-10
Gemma: 9-12
Gemma: 15-18

Espero que los disfruteis!

lorilaws's review

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I consider myself a huge Lauren Oliver fan. She is one of my favorite authors. Delirium and Before I Fall completely blew me away. I was hoping to have that much love for Replica, but unfortunately, that wasn’t the case.

Replica has a really interesting concept. It’s actually 2 books in one or 2 POVs split up, however you want to look at it. You can read it however you like, cover to cover or alternating POVs. I chose to alternate, even though I had an eARC. It wasn’t as annoying to switch as I thought it would be. I enjoyed reading it that way. I was afraid that reading some of the same scenes twice would feel a bit tedious, but it didn’t.

Although Lyra and Gemma are in similar situations, their stories were very different. I think I enjoyed Lyra’s story a bit more. She was so…innocent? She has had this unfathomable life up to this point. I was definitely more invested in her story. I wanted things to be better for her. Gemma was also likeable. I just didn’t feel a huge connection with her. I didn’t love either of the romances either and that makes me sad. They were fine, but I just didn’t feel any sparks.

There’s a lot of mystery in Replica. Everyone seems to have secrets. No one is safe. This was the best part of the story for me. Unraveling the mystery with Lyra and Gemma was fun and sometimes anxiety inducing. There was a big twist at the end that I didn’t see coming. I love when that happens. We were left with a lot of questions, but a lot were also answered before the end of the book.

Haven and the concept of the replicas was really fascinating. It was almost eerie. There were snippets of backstory about Haven. You get glimpses of what life was like in Haven from Lyra and it was depressing. Since having children I have a tendency to get emotional in regards to babies and small kids in bad situations. There’s quite a bit of that in this book. It was sad, but important to the story.

Overall, Replica was a captivating read. I wish that I could’ve connected with the characters a bit more. I also would’ve liked it if the pace would have moved faster at times. This book was no Delirium or Before I Fall, but it kept me turning pages. I plan to pick up book two and hopefully unravel more of the mystery.

sharonsm_28's review against another edition

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This was a great read. The concept really intrigued me. It reminded me of the 2005 movie, The Island with Scarlet Johansson, where clones are in a secluded island and isolated as they are insurance policies for the people who can't give birth or have diseases. This is two stories wrapped in one and I really liked the writing. Lauren Oliver really knows how to draw her audience in with her writing.

The first half of the book follows a clone named Lyra or #24. I really liked her character as she is a book reader. However, as a clone, she is used for the purpose of being a surrogate. I really enjoyed her half of the story. However, there were moments of confusion. I felt bad for her character at some points. She escapes with a boy named #72. Then they meet Gemma and Jake.

The second half of the book follows a girl named Gemma who is trying to figure out her family's past. I really enjoyed her story. There was more explanation from her story than Lyra's story. I think reading the two stories separately made it easier to follow than alternating back and forth. For the story, I liked Gemma's more as it clarified some of the confusion I had.

The ending was good, but it could have been so much better. I thought both heroines were great. The stories were interesting. Also, I thought that the concept was interesting. I really liked learning about clones and the facility known as Haven. I can't wait to see what happens next. I can't wait to read Ringer next. Overall, an enjoyable read.