
The Chase by Holly Hart

kokod's review

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I will never again continue to read books that begin something like:

"It's not a situation your average thirty-year-old billionaire playboy finds himself in, I'll admit. One might well ask why a guy with more money than he could ever spend, more women than he could ever sleep with, and less body fat than most men could ever hope for, is standing here of all places."
Gross and lazy writing. Show! Don't tell!!!

lexee9's review

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This was a really fun read! I really enjoyed the characters and the plot. It was definitely different and just written well. Cassie is ex-CIA and looking to start the next portion of her life and is going to join the Chase in order to raise some capitol. Carson is bored after he has become a billionaire and retired. He needs something to stimulate his mind and he ends up joining the Chase as well. They run into each other again (used to date in high school) the day the Chase starts, having no idea that they are both participating. Forces pulled them apart back then and now they can't stay away from each other, even with the Chase in the back of their minds. I thought that the story was well written and flowed really well. It had plenty going on to keep your attention the entire time. I had to figure out what was going to happen next and how things were going to work out for Cassie and Carson. There is a lot of sexual chemistry in this story but the sex is on the low side, though explicit when it happens. I loved the characters and the action in this story. Just really well done.
I voluntarily reviewed an ARC of this book.