
Exquisite Captive by Heather Demetrios

jennikj's review against another edition

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forsakenfates's review against another edition

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3.5 Stars
So the short part of this review is that I loved this book. Now you might be asking yourself, if you loved it why did it only get 3.5 Stars, so let me explain. This world and these characters are are so complex and flushed out and Demetrios's writing made the real to me. I was able to fully immerse myself in the world of the Jinni and the Dark Caravan. This book kept my full attention and I hated the times I had to put it down to study, sleep, or go to class. But I'm also glad I was able to take my time when reading this and have time to think about the world and characters outside of actively reading.

That being said I had a few issues with this book. The world is incredibly complex and while there was a glossary of sorts at the beginning that still was not enough to truly accustom myself to the world and the culture. The first 40-50 pages of this book were pure info dump, I love complex worlds with great world building and this world definitely needed that. Instead, I felt like all this information was being shoved down my throat and I did not retain half of it. I instead relied on the characters and the plot to help piece together what I missed in the info dump.

If I did not have such a problem with this first 50ish pages of this book, it would have been a 4.5-5 star read, but I really cannot overlook how much the beginning irritated me.

SpoilerAnother thing I want to mention is the whole slave/master thing that is going on with this. There are times were it is disturbing and I questioned where Demetrios was headed, but I was confident that everything would be handled correctly. It still was a little bothersome in some places, but overall I think we always knew that Nalia was in control and making her own decisions given her circumstances. I also am very intrigued to see how this whole working with Malek thing is going to go moving forward. Especially with Raif's presence clearly there.

I cannot wait until my copy of Blood Passages arrives so I can continue to follow these characters on their quest and see where it leads them. I'm expecting more surprising reveals and more connections being made and cannot wait to see where the story goes.

ambersquishes's review against another edition

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I really enjoyed this book. There were a ton of complicated feelings, and I dig books like that. I also really enjoy when the book doesn't just throw and entire world at you, in the first few chapters, but unfolds it, as stuff happens. This book is very well laid out, as far as the unfolding of action, and plot. Overall I really enjoyed it, and I dont want to wait for the sequal! I want it now!

reviewsfromabookworm's review against another edition

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Basically what happened with this book.

I'd been debating whether to do a mini-review for Exquisite Captive or not. It's a book that I ended up having to DNF because I just didn't care enough to continue. But I did get to 83%, which I felt was far enough to do a full review and rate it. If it had failed to impress me by that point, I'm pretty certain the last 17% wasn't going to do anything to change that.

I'd been so excited to read Exquisite Captive, I'd downloaded it the moment I saw it on Edelweiss. It not only had a beyond stunning cover, it had a premise that sounded incredible. I couldn't wait to read an Arabian Nights inspired story about jinni, because how could that not be amazing. It seemed like a recipe for awesome, but I should have prepared myself for the fact that it might not live up to my expectations.

The longer the novel went on  the more

bored I got.

Exquisite Captive seemed to fall victim to the problem that I think a lot of the first books in a series struggle to avoid. And that's the problem of spending far too much time introducing the world, the characters and the back story to both. It ends up feeling like a massive information dump and I think the story suffers for it. I was learning so much about the different types of jinni, their world and what happened to them in the past. It's important to the story, you need to know it and at the beginning I was enjoying doing it. But it meant that not enough time was spent getting to know Nalia or feeling like she was much of a character. I was mostly just being introduced to the world, but that wasn't enough to keep me invested in the story.

My biggest issue with the story is that I felt like not much of importance had really happened, and I was almost at the end of the book. Nalia's story felt like it was really only going to be about a love triangle that you see coming from a mile away. I've just become tired of reading stories that focus too much on a person spending far too much time worrying about which person they like, rather than thinking of the things that actually matter. I could see that happening in this series as it progresses and I couldn't deal with it, especially when one of the love interests is just awful.

Nalia and Malek's ship needs to sink already.

Nalia's master is Malek, who's basically just a giant dick. Sorry not sorry, there's literally no better way to describe him. He's violent, controlling and abusive towards her. So it's understandable why Nalia hates him so much. But cue him kissing her one time and her kind of enjoying it and suddenly the story turns into the Malek/Nalia romance drama. That was when my interest started to fall dramatically. I lost all respect in Nalia as a character, this is a guy that has caused her unimaginable pain. But one kiss and suddenly she forgets it all. I know they try to come up with a defense as to why he treats her so terribly, but it doesn't justify it for me. For me it was turning into some weird YA version of a sub/dom erotica and I was not a fan. It just became really strange and uncomfortable to read, I wasn't okay with their relationship at all. Especially not when Malek comes out with things like this:

'When you came here, you were wild, a feral little thing. But I saw your potential - like a stallion that needed to be broken.' 

No, thank you. Now please go away and never come back. 

2/5 Butterflies

I really wanted to enjoy this book but I just couldn't. Learning about the jinni was interesting, but it felt like it took up far too much of the book. I never felt like I came to really know Nalia, and what  did know I didn't particularly like. I can see a love triangle aspect playing a bigger role in the second book and I wouldn't be able to handle that. Malek's character and his developing relationship with Nalia is just truly disturbing and wrong for so many reasons. I didn't finish the book, which is surprising seeing as I was so close to the end, but I just could not continue reading. It had an amazing sounding premise but just didn't deliver for me. 

*I received a copy of this novel from the publisher in exchange for a free and honest review and received no monetary compensation for this review.

corkykat's review against another edition

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This book had characters with a lot of depth and some good back story. Can't wait to get my hands on the next one.

robynrussell's review against another edition

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I love anything Jinn. Using that as a lens to explore the Stockholm syndrome effect of abusive relationships and sex trafficking - very dark. I like that the fate of magical kingdoms and armies really comes second to Nali rediscovering her worth as a person.

missprint_'s review against another edition

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Nalia is a powerful jinni from the world of Arjinna. After a deadly coup killed almost everyone she cared about, Nalia was captured by a slave trader who sells jinn to humans. Since then she has been on the dark caravan of the jinni slave trade for three years.

Trapped in Hollywood and bound to a handsome master who is as ruthless as he is powerful, Nalia is desperate for the chance to return to Arjinna and rescue her captive brother. Unfortunately, that seems nearly impossible while bound to her master and the bottle that can hold her prisoner.

When Nalia agrees to a dangerous bargain with the leader of Arjinna’s revolution she will have to decide if any price can be too high for her freedom and the chance to save her brother in Exquisite Captive (2014) by Heather Demetrios.

Exquisite Captive is the first book in Demetrios’ Dark Caravan trilogy.

This gritty urban fantasy has a lot going for it. The Hollywood setting, as well as the descriptions of Arjinna, are lush and immediately evocative. Although some of the situations are stilted, most of the story here is exciting and fast-paced.

Nalia herself is a strong and capable heroine. Unfortunately she is also in the middle of an extremely lopsided (read: forced) love triangle. On one side we have Nalia’s master Malek and on the other Raf–leader of the Arjinnan revolution. Raf often feels like a one-note character with his efforts to save his people and his strong convictions. Malek is more nuanced but decidedly less sympathetic as every bit of character development is countered with a new act of villainy. The romance, such as it is, with both men seems to come out of nowhere as feelings bloom suddenly (with varying levels of returned feelings) for all of the characters.

The well-realized world of Arjinna is sadly overshadowed by stiff descriptions and numerous explanations of djinni hierarchies and Arjinnan culture. While it is all valuable information, the sheer volume can be daunting and makes an already long story feel even lengthier.

However, Demetrios does still craft a refreshingly diverse story here (albeit with some unfortunate stereotypes creeping in–most notably with Sergei). With nods to Arabian culture and tons of action, Exquisite Captive is an interesting blend of traditional jinni lore and urban fantasy elements. It is sure to appeal to readers looking for the next big thing in paranormal romances.

Possible Pairings: Cruel Beauty by Rosamund Hodge, Finnkin of the Rock by Melina Marchetta, The Art of Wishing by Lindsay Ribar, The Winner’s Curse by Marie Rutkoski, The Amulet of Samarkand by Jonathan Stroud, Daughter of Smoke and Bone by Laini Taylor, The Fire Artist by Daisy Whitney

*A more condensed version of this review appeared in the August 2014 issue of School Library Journal from which it can be seen in various sites online*

ads_bookshelf's review against another edition

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This was a boring book, the characters were flat, the plot was slow and the "love interest (s)" were awful, no wonder this took me about 2 months to read.

gelisvb's review against another edition

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Despite the title, that makes the reader think that is is going to be a particularly seedy, dark romance, this book has probably the most original plot that I've read this year.
It is complex and well thought and well written.
The story is about Nalia, a jinni enslaved by the darkly handsome and mysterious Malek .
Nalia is a jinni with secrets, lots of them. Raif is the leader of the revolution and needs Nalia help( he is the boy next door with emerald green eyes turned badass to avange is people) Nalia need Raif's help to be free of Malek. Problem: Malek is immortal and he always keeps Nalia's bottle(you remember Aladdin and the lamp? Something like that) around is neck.
I don't need to tell you that a love triangle follows(because, how is Nalia going to convice Malek to take the bottle off his neck).
The plot was intriguing enough( I know that my explanation of the plot sucks, but really it's not bad at all), so why three stars?
Because it was slow and i didn't ended up being invested in the charcters and I wasn't very interested in the love story.
That said I wish Nalia the best of luck with her quest(because there is a quest), I think that I will see her and her boys in 2017, when the third and last book comes out.
Would I recommend it? Sure, It won't change your life, but at least it's original.

danicapage's review against another edition

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A bit slow at the start, but I enjoyed this one. Very intriguing!