sjj169's review

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I've said that I hate when comic/graphic novels throw in so many characters that I get a headache?
This series is the exception to that rule.
You have Superman off still being a turdhead. (I like him better that way so we will forgive him)..Everyone is running around trying to save the earth..blah blah blah.

Cue lots of fight scenes! I loved those!

Then the star of the whole book.

Miss Harley Quinn!
Chicago commercial photographers

Chicago commercial photographers

Chicago commercial photographers

That ending though...........

Chicago commercial photographers

There is lots of boobs in this edition and I can't believe my buddy Lono didn't just focus on that..but he actually reviewed it. I bet his copy of this book does have some slober on it though.

readerxxx's review

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alienor's review

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December 27th : Reread before giving in year 3!

Actual rating : 3.5 stars

Volume 1 : Injustice: Gods Among Us, Vol. 1 ★★★★★
Volume 2 : Injustice: Gods Among Us, Vol. 2 ★★★★★
Volume 3 : Injustice, Year 2, Vol. 1 ★★★★

There's definitely something to say about a series when you can't help binge reading volume after volume. I'm not gonna lie, every time I start a volume I'm scared that it will be the one that bore me or whatever. Well, it could have been this one, but in the end, I'm still glad to have read it. While I can't deny that I didn't like it as much as the others (especially the first two), I still was captivated from the beginning to the end - but I have issues with the plot, sadly.

Can you guess with the COLOR? WAY TOO MUCH GREEN LANTERN DRAMA. I swear, I feel like every other storyline is fading to black (or almost) and what was acceptable in Volume 3 is growing old here and played with my nerves. I mean, I reached the point that I was waiting for Hal, Kyle, and all their crew to fucking die for the story to focus differently again. But it might be me, I'm not a Green Lantern fan at all.

Apart from this green invasion, I have to admit that some of the last twists were hard to believe from me (I know, I know, we're talking about a What if story, but still, some characters *cough* HAL! *cough* act so stupidly, I can't even) and I'm really curious to see how the story will go from there because frankly? I have no clue.

Anyway, this series keeps my interest wide awake, mostly because ...

1) There's Batman in it (not near enough, though. MORE BATMAN PLEASE)

2) The women are fantastic - Black Canari, Catwoman and Harley, I love you.


In a word, despite the fact that I was a little disappointed by this one, Injustice stays an amazing series that you won't regret to try.


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standardman's review

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Carved an interesting corner of the DC universe out for itself. I can only really read this as an elseworld because the Superman goes so far beyond what feels right for him but it’s a good elseworld.

mygeekblasphemy's review

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Another great installment. Lots of hilarity, lots of death. Big things happened by the end of this one, and I can't wait to see where it goes . . . although I will say that the epilogue actually didn't do much for me. Some crazy dark stuff happens in this comic book, and normally I wouldn't mind a little happiness at the end to somewhat counterbalance that. But the execution of it here felt cheap and convenient to me, and I wasn't a fan. (Also, I could do with a few less ass shots of our heroines. Come on, people.)

Other than that, though, I was really into this volume, definitely more than Year Two, Volume 1. This is basically the definition of epic. And let it be known to any who don't already somehow know: Harley Quinn is just the BEST.

yeoldemandan's review

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Can I give this 6 stars because it was that awesome? You've got to accept that Supes would keep up the indignation of the Guardians presuming to know better, but it's just so great seeing the plan of the resistance play out. Definitely looking forward to how this continues to progress.

kvcatnip's review

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This series is one of the best I've ever read.

trike's review

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To quote the Prophet Chuck from final episode of season 5 of Supernatural, “Endings are hard. Any chapped-ass monkey with a keyboard can poop out a beginning, but endings are impossible. You try to tie up every loose end, but you never can. The fans are always gonna bitch. There's always gonna be holes. And since it's the ending, it's all supposed to add up to something. I'm telling you, they're a raging pain in the ass. So, what's it all add up to? It's hard to say. ... I think they did all right. Up against good, evil, angels, devils, destiny, and God himself, they made their own choice. They chose family. And, well... isn't that kinda the whole point?”

This book exemplifies that, and yet there’s enough of a cliffhanger and unresolved things that we can move forward with the next installment. Batman’s Resistance against Superman’s Regime has made headway. They’ve defeated major players and taken those pieces off the board, but Superman and Sinestro have also seen a victory, at the cost of the lives of many of our heroes, including some of the heaviest hitters. The Green Lantern Corps is decimated, powerful assets are gone, good guys have turned evil. It’s a mess. A glorious, entertaining mess.

Juggling so many characters is no mean feat, and nearly every superhero crossover I’ve read has fallen down in this regard. But not this book. It continues to amaze. Just super entertaining on all fronts, and amidst the giant set piece battles there is plenty of room for character moments.

My favorites include Black Canary’s pregnancy, and giving birth to her son, the father being the murdered Green Arrow.

Seven months later

Good, right? These are cute little moments in the middle of a war between intergalactic powers. And, it does double duty because it shows the passage of time without being obvious about it. This is storytelling hitting on all cylinders.

And notice the art in that third panel. Subtle yet perfect. These books are so great.

thavs's review

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This was awesome sauce

emilyyjjean's review

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So much emotion!!!

Definitely a good read.