
The Tattoo Thief by Alison Belsham

bibliophilebookclub's review against another edition

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I really enjoyed The Tattoo Thief. I wasn’t sure what to expect going into it, but I found myself getting pulled into the story really quickly. I liked the tattoo angle, not least because I have a few myself, so it was interesting to read about.

Marni Mullins is a tattoo artist, and she stumbles upon a body in a dumpster when taking a break at a tattoo show. Conflicted, she calls it in but then goes back to work at the tattoo show, not expecting anything to come of it. Until the police find her.

What follows is a twisty-turny read with lots of things going on. DI Sullivan is investigating the discovery, but he has a lot more going on than what he’s letting on. I enjoyed reading about him and his thinking processes.

I loved the interactions between Francis and Marni too, especially as the book progresses. Their back and forth banter is good fun to read. There is definitely a connection there, and I liked them both as characters.

The Tattoo Thief is a really interesting crime thriller, told from multiple viewpoints, including the killer. It is graphic, and more than a little tense at times. Hard to believe its a debut!

Recommended for sure!

danielafilipac2's review against another edition

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Escrita espetacular! Todos os atos são descritos ao pormenor e uma consegue mesmo entrar na cena através da escrita.

Recomendo a leitura!

lw_reads's review against another edition

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From the time I read the description of this book I was intrigued and once I actually started I was completely hooked. I read the entire thing in one day, though saying I read it might be an understatement, I devoured the thing. The story itself was refreshing with a few twists and turns and characters that I felt myself being drawn to. I didn't want to put it down, I had to know what was happening next, and if that isn't the hallmark of a truly enjoyable book, well, I don't know what is.

mirthedh's review against another edition

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dark mysterious tense fast-paced
  • Plot- or character-driven? Plot
  • Strong character development? No
  • Loveable characters? Yes
  • Diverse cast of characters? No
  • Flaws of characters a main focus? No


Ik vond de enemies-to-lovers tussen Marni en Francis subtiel en schattig. Jammer dat ze niet dieper zijn ingegaan op Marni haar achtergrond, wat wel een belangrijke factor leek. Goed, spannend einde, maar had nog graag de aftermath op het politiebureau meegekregen van de auteur. 

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dsesana's review against another edition

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Nice, easy read. I read this book in one day, it is that kind of book. The book is fast paced and it keeps your interest high. The kind of love drama involved in the book seemed a bit too complicated/unnecessary for me. But I was drawn by the thriller aspect of the book, so I didn’t mind just not paying attention to that part of the book and enjoy what I found out a really unique crime. If you read this book, I’m sure you get surprised by who the mastermind behind the killer is. If you say you saw it coming, I am gonna need you to prove it. Finding some tattoos beautiful and considering them a work of art worth of admiration is something many of us would understand and actually agree on. But would any of us be willing to go further and collect those beautiful tattoos?

kellylacey's review against another edition

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Sometimes a book comes along that is so clever that when you finish it you feel like you have been hit on the head with a brick, like in the cartoons you watched as a child. As you exhale a WOW and sit for a few minutes in the stunned awe. Replaying your favourite parts over and over in your head. A fantastic place to be may I say, it doesn’t happen a lot. So when it does, the book is truly magnificent.

The Tattoo Thief is a debut novel by Alison Belsham. Set in Brighton, England. We meet two key characters Marni Mullins and Di Francis Sutton. When Marni discovers a murdered victim, their life’s become entwined in a way neither could imagine.

The plot is genius and I don’t think I am giving much away, the clue is in the title. It includes a killer who is a thief of tattoos. A tattoo, something so personal and of course you would think once it was on your body, that was it a permanent addition. But this killer has other ideas.

I loved the gory gritty descriptions and the unpredictability of the storyline. I was never bored and it was an extremely enjoyable read.

Marni Mullins is my new favourite crime fiction crush. She is ballsy, tough, strong and underneath all that hard exterior has a beautiful heart of gold. It was refreshing to read about a female character who wasn’t afraid to speak her mind and who wasn’t feeble and girlie.

I was as very lucky to hear the talented Alison Belsham read from The Tatto Thief at the Noir at the Bar Edinburgh event and hearing an author read from their own book is always special. But having Alison Belshams voice bring it to life was so delicious and moreish. I wanted to read it again.

I loved The Tattoo Thief, if you are looking for something different to tantalise your crime fiction taste buds then buy it today. Let Marni Mullins into your life, you will be so glad you did.

romysvx's review against another edition

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A to niespodzianka! Ta niepozorna książka okazała się jedną z lepszych thrillerowych nowości jakie w ostatnich latach dane mi było czytać. Po paru sporych czytelniczych zawodach od dłuższego czasu unikam sięgania po nowowydawane thrillery nieznanych mi autorów. W przypadku “Łowcy tatuaży” zrobiłam jednak wyjątek - od kiedy tylko zauważyłam go w zapowiedziach bardzo przyciągało mnie do tej książki. Już sama fabuła należy do tych oryginalniejszych i niewątpliwie intrygujących. Mamy bowiem seryjnego mordercę polującego jedynie na osoby wytatuowane. Dodajmy jeszcze, że ów tajemniczy zabójca ciała swoich ofiar porzuca oskórowane. Skojarzenia z “Milczeniem Owiec” jak najbardziej słuszne. Jednak uspokajam - Alison Belsham mistrzowskim dziełem Thomasa Harrisa jedynie się delikatnie się zainspirowała, nie ma tu zrzynki na całego czy nieudanej próby splagiatowania. Tak jak “Milczenie Owiec” również i “Łowca tatuaży” może poszczycić się ciężkim i ponurym klimatem, jednak nie w aż tak dużym stopniu (i nie ukrywajmy - literacko też nie jest aż na tak wysokim poziomie). Nie jest też tak brutalnie jak u Chattama czy Cartera, ani tak mrocznie jak u Hayder. Belsham udało się uchronić od wszystkich mankamentów, na które to masowo chorują ostatnie thrillery. Nie ma w ”Łowcy” płaskich i papierowych postaci, nie ma też policjanta alkoholika z traumatyczną przeszłością, która rzutuje na obecne życie prywatne i zawodowe bohatera, a w końcu i w samej historii nie uświadczy się braku logiki ani irracjonalnych zdarzeń i zachowań bohaterów - elementów tak nieodzownych w najnowszych bestsellerowych thrillerach, że możnaby się zastanowić czy nie są to nowe wyznaczniki gatunku. Mocną stroną tej powieści, i tym co ją tak wyróżnia spośród innych tytułów, są niebanalne detale - wytatuowany kot, nawiązania do Japonii, subkultura tatuażu, żeby wymienić kilka.
Alison Belsham w swoim debiucie (!!!) wciąga czytelników w dynamiczne i trzymające w napięciu śledztwo toczące się w posępnym, klimatycznym Brighton - wraz z jego charakterystycznymi angielskimi zadymionymi pubami i przyciemnionymi studiami tatuażu. Naprawdę dobry kryminał, który w pełni spełnia wymogi literatury rozrywkowej. Należą się tym większe wyrazy uznania, że to debiut Brytyjki. Po kolejne powieści autorki na pewno i z ogromną chęcią sięgnę. Liczę, że “Łowca tatuaży” nie okaże się jedynie jednorazowym przebłyskiem talentu, a i przyszła twórczość Belsham będzie na tym samym - a nawet i wyższym - poziomie.

kellyvandamme's review against another edition

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The Tattoo Thief is a chilling thriller featuring a very likeable DI and his very annoying boss, a kick-ass (and yes, you can take that literally) female tattoo artist and her French ex-husband / womaniser / tattoo artist, Pepper the dog, a koi fish and many other tattoos, the Yakuza (if only by name), a tattoo collector AND a tattoo thief (go figure!). And how does one steal tattoos, you ask? Well, evidently by assaulting the tattooed person, flaying them and curing their tattooed skin. Yup, that doesn’t sound very appetising… And so part of this book is really rather upsetting to the stomach, but it does make for one hell of a thriller! I don’t have any tattoos (I’m notoriously indecisive, I can’t even decide what to wear or what book to read next, let alone choose an image or text to be permanently inked on my body), but I am fascinated by them. I had no idea there’s a whole tattoo community out there but I found that world, as depicted here in The Tattoo Thief, equally fascinating. Don't worry though if you're not at all interested in tattoos, this is a compelling read either way, for me it's was just a nice extra.

If you’re at all into audio books and you're interested in this novel, you should definitely listen to it: the narration is superb and the thief’s voice is utterly terrifying. I heard it first while driving. There I was, alone in a dark car on a dark road, and I absolutely had to check my rear-view mirror just to make sure no knife-wielding maniacs were hiding on my backseat!

Recommended to all you thriller fans who aren’t afraid of a gruesome crime or two

btpbookclub's review against another edition

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Oooh this book was right up my street as a tattoo fan myself with several tattoos and a killer (the tattoo thief) even better haha! This story was bloody brilliant! The story is told through each of the different characters. Written brilliantly…

I must say though that Marni should have been the bloody detective with how much help and researching she did for the police… I felt the police didn’t have a clue without Marni… I suppose that’s all part of the story. Durr.

I absolutely loved it and thrilled I got the chance to read it! I love how the tattoo ‘community’ all kind of stuck together many people still in this era see us as thugs and criminals (we’re not) and it was lovely to see the author not making us out to be the bad guys for once!

I loved the whole story behind the tattoo thief too… Clever. However, I don’t want any of my tattoos being taken thanks! Pretty grim in parts. A well deserved five stars. Highly recommend! I devoured it. Enjoy.

zooloo1983's review against another edition

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What an intro to the book! Someone having their tattoo cut off their body! Shocking! How could someone do that especially if it was an awesome tattoo! Sorry just a bit protective. lol. I love tattoos and I have two, three really but it was covered up by an awesome one and planning my next one. Anyway I digress!

The story is told from four different perspectives, Marni, the woman who found the unfortunate soul in a dumpster. Francis, the new promoted DI on his first case. Rory, the officer passed up for promotion, so only a little bit bitter and finally the unknown voice of the killer, planning their next victims. This killer was one sadistic collector of tattoos! (It has not put me off getting another one though!)

I did feel for Francis, as he is newly promoted, it felt everyone was out to get him, Rory in particular. Trying to trip him up and not trust his judgement, not really a team effort. Being the first case too, there is a lot of pressure to solve this case.

I adored Marni, flaws and all, and I was intrigued by her and her story. She is such a strong but complex character and a likeable one at that. Her interaction with Francis was fab, and how their banter and their relationship grew as we moved forward in the book.

Do not make the same mistake I did, and start reading this book when you are eating lunch! Big mistake!

This is set in Brighton and only having been there once it felt like I have been there many times with the descriptive writing used.

This is a debut book, but I feel like I have reading Alison’s books for years. Her writing is gritty, dark, disturbing, but inviting. She invites you into her world and I was a sucker for every word on the page.

And I just LOVE the cover!

(Sorry for such just a brain dump of ramblings here, but this book is awesome!)