wchappus's review

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"Pucks, Sticks, and Diapers" by Toni Aleo
"His" bonus epilogue by Brenda Rothert

mags_louise's review

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A really enjoyable selection of short stories.

My favourites were Pucks, Sticks and Diapers by Toni Aleo. Which features one of my favourite hockey families the Sinclairs and tells the story of Baylor and Jayden's upcoming arrival along with a few surprises and another favourite family of mine the Adlers who make a brief but nonetheless entertaining appearance. Also the additional bonus epilogue to Brenda Rothert & Chelle Bliss Dirty Work, which tells the story of Jude and Reagan's wedding in Hawaii and Chelle Bliss sneak peek at upcoming release Wicked Impulse, which I'm really looking forward to reading and a prequel to Enshrine which I thoroughly enjoyed and am now keen to dive into Enshrine. As it's been sitting on my kindle for a while.

There were also a few authors who were new to me, and I enjoyed the opportunity of previewing their books and I can certainly see myself buying them and reading more from these authors in the future. I especially enjoyed the preview of K Bromberg's Sweet Cheeks and Sawyer Bennett's Max.

Of the other stories there were three I didn't read only because they were an epilogue or bonus content to a story or series that I've not read but two of them are on my ever expanding to read shelf so I'm sure I'll come back to them at some point in the future.

Overall though I really did enjoy this collection and would certainly recommend it to others, as not only is it a great way to read more about your favourite couples but to find new authors too.