
Divine Poison by A.B. Morgan

syren1532's review

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Really struggled with this one as it was so slow and the story didn’t really get going until about half way through. Monica is a community psychiatric nurse who has an unhealthy interest in poisons. She recently bought an antique ship doctor’s cabinet and some journals from an auction. Having just returned to work after a week’s leave she’s found one of her patients dead - it looks like a suicide but Monica isn’t so sure. More unexplained deaths occur - each involving poison and Monica soon finds herself drawn into a conspiracy involving the police and Catholic Church.

Thanks to Bloodhound Books and AB Morgan for the ARC of this book in return for an honest review.

ljwrites85's review

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The story opens with Monica Morris, a community nurse finding one of her patients dead from apparent suicide. She suspecting it could be poisoning, she has an obsession with poisons and poisoners, but can’t prove it. She finds herself drawn into a deadly mystery, putting her life on the line to solve it.

So this book was a good way to start 2018! I haven’t read the first book A Justifiable Madness featuring Monica Morris but I don’t think it really matters as this works well as a standalone.

This story was full of intrigue and mystery that kept me turning page after page.

I really liked the character of Monica, with her poorly timed jokes and the fact if she’s talking to someone with an accent she tends to try and speak in that accent (we’ve all done it I’m sure!), made her very likeable. The only thing that annoyed me about her was her attitude towards counselling as ‘rubbish’, which for a mental health nurse I found a little strange.

But goodness me this book had me a little emotional at times! Especially hearing the account from one her patients, Ben. Abused as a child by a Catholic priest, his parents didn’t believe him, which made him depressed, paranoid and turning to alcohol. It’s a shame this is probably quite an accurate tale.

I did feel however that the plot got a little sloppy in the middle, and I lost track of it a bit. Also I found it hard to keep up with the medicines/medical jargon.

But overall a good mystery with plenty of murder and mayhem.

sarahs_bookish_life's review

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Monica is one of those people who once their interest is piqued, they become like a dog with a bone and won’t let things go. This is what happens when she finds her patient, Jan, dead. Obviously over the time Monica as known Jan, she knows her better than the police ever could and in her gut she knows there is more to her death than the police realise.

The book reminded me a bit of the Jessica Fletcher, Murder She Wrote programmes. A main character taking it upon themselves to solve the crime and getting themselves into some sticky situations in the meantime, it’s ideal for people who love a good who dunnit.

I really enjoyed the whole storyline of the actual crime, of which I won’t go into so it doesn’t spoil it for other readers. Whilst not a fast paced read, this will certainly have you turning the pages to see the mystery start to unravel and it certainly didn’t disappoint.

Divine Poison is the perfect read for a well thought out and intriguing mystery that will have you on tender hooks right up until the very last page.