
Eon: Dragoneye Reborn by Alison Goodman

zuzie's review against another edition

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Na túto knihu som počula len samé chvály a tak som teda od nej automaticky aj veľa očakávala. A tá kniha, má v sebe niečo, neviem to opísať, ale pohltilo ma to od prvých stránok. Na jednej strane som chcela čítať a čítať a neprestať, na strane druhej som však nechcela prísť až na jej koniec, pretože by mi to chýbalo. V momentoch, kedy som knihu odložila som si niekedy až priala znova sa vrátiť do Eoninho sveta. Ktovie prečo, ale akoby tá kniha mala v sebe niečo magické, div, že sa mi nepriviazala perlami k ruke. Ani by som sa nečudovala.

Všetko má však svoj koniec a tak som sa aj ja chtiac-nechtiac musela dočítať až na poslednú stranu, čo mi bolo nesmierne ľúto, ale na druhej strane, mala som za sebou štyristo neskutočne úžasných strán, ktoré si raz určite prečítam znova. Ale to až keď už budem mať svoju. A to si už rovno kúpim aj pokračovanie, na ktoré som už teraz "nadržaná". Normálne je to asi prvý dôvod, prečo sa teraz neviem dočkať vianoc. Pretože Eon a Eona budú určite na zozname darčekov, ktoré si kúpim.

Nemám viac čo povedať. Mohla by som sa rozpisovať o deji, ale myslím, že najlepšie bude, ak si každý túto knihu prečíta sám a sám prežije celý príbeh bez toho aby som ja niečo prezrádzala. Ale musím priznať, že niektoré...rozuzlenia ak sa to tak dá nazvať by som veru nečakala, čakala som niečo klasické, čo už poznám z podobných kníh, ale nič také sa nedialo.

bananathemuffin's review against another edition

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This is probably my favorite book of all time, and I doubt I'll find anything to replace it anytime soon. I've read this book (and its sequal) twice now and am planning on reading it for a third time soon!
Goodman did a beautiful job fleshing out the world she created and explaining everything in detail without dragging on about it. A problem I've found in a lot of fantasy is that the world either gets very little attention, or so much that you spend the first 100 pages just tudging through lore without any plotline in sight. Eon almost starts to creep into the latter category, but depending on your preferences you'll still find the beginning highly enjoyable.

With a lot of YA novels, you usually have to choose between a good and believeable plot or deep characters that make you care about each and every one of them, no matter how small. I personally found that this book offered both. No matter how frustrating it is when the characters make the wrong choice, it's still believable. I'd much rather read about characters that I can relate to making dumb choices (because I too make a lot of dumb choices) over characters that always have the perfect solutions to their problems right away.

acg509553's review against another edition

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i don’t know how i feel

imgunnagetyou's review against another edition

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pretty good but ending was cringe 
why did ido get a redemption arc... he was like 2 seconds from raping eon and some magic makes him compassionate skull emoji what lol

i dont like eona getting healed at the end... i may have misunderstood but why did her leg heal bruh we had a good rep for disabled charas here

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tiffanynoel's review against another edition

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I've read this book multiple times. I love it!

wanderingstories's review against another edition

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“I found power in accepting the truth of who I am. It may not be a truth that others can accept, but I cannot live any other way. How would it be to live a lie every minute of your life?”

Eon had some really interesting things like the mythology, chakras and the energy dragons that Mrs Goodman is talking about but there were moments, where it just didn't catch my interest for some reason. but I'm definitely going to re-read this because I loved the sequel.

"Remember, my son, a dragon is like a tax collector; one piece of gold short, and he will hunt you for eternity."

Overall the book was entertaining from the beginning to the end and would recommend it to anyone interested in mythology and politics in fantasy.

ceceewing_'s review against another edition

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I need to read the second book like RIGHT NOW!!! I'm so mad that I don't own it because I literally want to start reading it immediately.

chumblespuzz's review against another edition

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read this since i haven’t since elementary school.. not as amazing as i remembered but i do think it was my first exposure to trans people/characters so Thanks ❤️ love u lady dela

mairelon's review against another edition

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Ho ho ho he he he I'm sensing a villain redemption arc coming

gabyijo's review

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Though the writing is somewhat abrupt and too descriptive, it was a vibrant story with lots of dynamic action and suspense. There are also a lot of names, and most of them are hard to follow, especially Kygo and Ryko, just because their names sound so similar. But after a while, you got used to it so it wasn't that much of a problem. The characters were okay, none that I really like too much because there are a lot of them that we don't really get to understand them by heart. But I like the main character, Lady Dela, Ryko and Kygo the best because they seem to be the only ones who are sincere and will accept Eon whoever he is. I didn't like Eon's master at all because he seem to be greedy of power because he used Eon and lied to everyone. Even though Ido is evil, he is always true to his words. If he doesn't like someone, he will make sure that that particular person knows his wrath. In other words, Ido is always honest, no matter how bad his decisions and words are and I like those kinds of people.

Basically, this book tells us a story of a young girl called Eona, who is disguised as a 12-year-old boy because her, ahem, how his, master wants him to be a dragoneye. There are 12 dragons, following the Chinese Horoscope, rat, horse, snake, dog, etc. Every year, a new apprentice and Dragoneye is chosen to replace the old ones. The Dragon Dragon (also called Mirror Dragon in the book), who has been lost for 500 years finally returns and chose Eon as its Dragoneye, along with the Rat Dragon. However, being a Dragoneye is not only about power, but love, friendship, trust and the most important: truth. With his crippled hip and lies that are threatened to be revealed, Eon must protect himself, his allies and those he loves to keep the Imperial throne from being in the wrong hands and therefore destroying every possible hope to improve the country.

What I found kind of a bother in this book is the descriptions and those fighting terms like Tiger kick second whatever. They're too much and it's very annoying because the name is very long. There are no real meanings towards those terms either so I feel like the book will be better without them. They just make me confused and I have no intention of knowing what kind of fighting styles or kicks or punches or sways they are. The first half of the book seem too descriptive too because even though there are a lot of action scenes, there is A LOT of information to take in, sometimes too much unimportant ones. I can still understand the story even if I skim through most parts of the book. I think the author should practice summarizing main points. Or maybe her writing style doesn't really suit me.

Don't get me wrong though, I really really like the book. Kinda obvious when you see how much stars I'm giving this book (four freaking stars!). The imaging in this book is so vivid and real that I really feel that I am inside Eon's body, feeling and seeing everything through her own eyes and skin. The author's imagination and ideas are amazing. Authentic and amazing. Two thumbs up for that. Though I am a die-hard romance/fantasy/supernatural fan, I like the book already. Which is a great thing because I rarely like books without any romance elements in it. I did hear that the second (and final book!) of the series will have lots more romance between Eona and a special someone (I hope it's the new emperor! He's a potential swoon-worthy guy) and I am really excited for that.

Overall, I think this book is great. The writing style might not be my favorite, but the whole idea and story and characterization is amazing. Can't wait to read "Eona."